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Shantanu Panigrahii's Daily Bulletin

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Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi



from:     Shantanu Panigrahi <>


date:      17 Dec 2023, 13:56




Dear Yashika


I have not heard from you so am very concerned as attached: ToKentPoliceccJillJessonKMPTPALSGPSurgerySamaritams(Zoom Meeting for psychotherapy of Paranoia or Paranoid Schizophrenia, Delusions, Depression andMoodInstability)17Dec2023.docx


Yours sincerely


Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Director, The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom


Tel: 07967789619.


Re: Adding a new payee just got even safer



15:26 (4 hours ago)

Hi Shantanu, I'm Yashika from the Tide Support team. Thanks for reaching out. Could you please elaborate on your query regarding the compensation so I can check


Shantanu Panigrahi

Attachments18:19 (1 hour ago)

Dear Yashika I am very grateful to accept your offer to assist mw with financial compensation from Kent Police for police brutality, victimisation, persecution (see:


from:     Yashika <>



date:      9 Dec 2023, 20:13

subject: Re: Adding a new payee just got even safer


Signed by: 

security:               Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

:               Important mainly because you often read messages with this label.


Hi Shantanu,


Thanks for replying.

I've forwarded this to the relevant team and they'd get back to you and will assist you further.

Thank you.

Best Regards,


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One attachment

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: ToKentPoliceccJillJessonKMPTPALSGPSurgerySamaritams(Zoom Meeting for psychotherapy of Paranoia or Paranoid Schizophrenia, Delusions, Depression andMoodInstability)17Dec2023.docx:

Zoom Meeting for Psychotherapy of Paranoia or Paranoid Schizophrenia, Delusions, Depression and Mood Instability



from:     Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to:          Force Control Kent <>

cc: ,


Sheffield Road <>

date:      17 Dec 2023, 13:07

subject: Zoom Meeting for Psychotherapy of Paranoia or Paranoid Schizophrenia, Delusions, Depression and Mood Instability




Kent Police


Dear Sirs


I had requested you for dates to avoid in relation to the attached Bail appointment (Kent Police OFFICIAL Generated Date 25 Sep and checked with my psychotherapist Jill Jesson of Vitali Chi as follows:


So at 10.39 am today: I texted Jill on WhatsApp: 'Jill, if you do not check your emails you will never know what I am going through. I have been exonerated so our Zoom Session of the 21st can go ahead now. It is for Kent Police to prove that this is untrue.'


Jill Jesson did not I waited until 12.10 am, then at 12.23 pm: I texted Jill Jesson again as follows: As I said if fresh evidence comes their way to Kent Police Sent, it may charge me for stalking and malicious communications. Once they have arrested a person they keep this option open so that the bastards do not have to pay compensation for false arrests and especially if the police have targeted a person to terrorise him as a Hate Crime. I have studied the documents. They can keep property seized for 100 years. This is why I said that Big Brother wants a nation of morons in a Police State to my Consultant Psychiatrist over 20 years ago. Capiche?


Jill Jesson would still not reply if the Zoom appointment below is on or not?


Please clarify when I can have my Psychiatric and Psychotherapy Sessions next as I feel very depressed now to the point of being suicidal. So I need emotional support from the Samaritans or NHS 111/Crisis Service.


Yours sincerely


Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619



On Saturday, 16 December 2023 at 12:35:21 GMT, Jill Jesson <> wrote:


One attachment

  • Scanned by Gmail

Kent Police OFFICIAL Generated Date 25 Sep

Kent Police OFFICIAL Generated Date: 25/09/2023

Mr Shantanu Panigrahi




Bail to Police Station – Variation of Date/Location

Custody Record Number 46XA/1546/23

Custody Station Medway

cer in Case PC 46 14767 Corbishley


On 25/09/2023 16.06, you were granted bail, following your arrest on reasonable suspicion that you had committed an offence/s namely

Offence Committed                                                         Arrest Date/Time

 Malicious Communications                                         28/03/2023 09.32

Malicious Communications                                          28/03/2023 09.32

Malicious Communications                                          28/03/2023 09.32


I write to advise you that your bailed to time or Police Station has been changed.


You must now attend Medway, Medway Police Station, Purser Way, Gillingham, Kent on 21/12/2023 20.00.


The reason for this re-bail is: SUPT Extension.


Please note:

If your bail has conditions attached, these bail conditions will still apply.


It is your responsibility to notify your legal representative of the change of your bail details.


Det Ch Insp 46 12013 Thompson


Custody Record No: - 46XA/1546/23


Kent Police           OFFICIAL              Date generated: 25/09/2023

Information to suspects released on bail

Bail legislation is contained with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, as amended in 2017 & 2022.

If released on bail the following is applicable:-

. You must surrender to custody at the date and time as specified above

. You will be subject to an Applicable Bail Period (ABP). The ABP covers a period that you can be bailed within by the Custody Officer before it is reviewed to ensure the investigation is being dealt with diligently and expeditiously and to ensure that bail is still necessary and proportionate.

. If initially you were released on bail before 28/10/2022 the ABP was authorised by a Police Inspector for 28 days. The ABP can be reviewed, and an extension for another three calendar months may be authorised on or before 28 days, by a Police Superintendent. Further extensions can be authorised at 3 calendar month intervals thereafter.

. If initially you wre released on bail after 28/10/2022 the ABP was authorised by the Custody Officer for 3 calendar months. The ABP can be reviewed, and an extension for another 3 calendar months

may be authorised, on or before 3 calendar months, by a Police Inspector. Further extensions can be authorised at 3 calendar months intervals thereafter.

. If your case is being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office, or the Financial Conduct Authority, or HM Revenue and Customs, or National Crime Agency, the initial ABP for these dases is six months authorised by the Custody Officer. However, the police do not authorise extensions for these cases.

This must be done by a designated officer for those agencies.

. If your case has been immediately referred to the Crown Prosecution Service the ABP will not start unless they require the investigators to carry out further work.

. You or your legal representative= will be informed of theintention to apply for an extension to the ABP either in person if at the police station or by your preferred means of contact. You will be asked if you want to make any representations either immediately if in person by return of post/email etc.

. Early reviews will be conducted by relevant decision makers and later ones will be conducted by the Courts.

. The ABP will be suspended for the time that the cas3e is sent back to the Crown Prosecution Service.

. You will be informed of the decision and the relevant time and date of the end of your ABP.

. You will also be informed of the actual date and time you are due to answer bail. This may be the same or a different time to the end of an ABP.

. The consequence of all the above is that your bail date can be subject to several amendments.

However a reasonable attempt will always be made to notify you of any changes, in writing to the address that you have provided to the police (or the preferred method of contact), and/or via your legal representative if you have one.

It is important that you notify OIC of any change of your address, your legal representative, or other point of contact, and that you provide us with any current phone numbers and email contact details.

By doing so, we may be able to prevent you having to attend needlessly at a custody suite if we know (especially at short notice) that you have a new, later bail date or other information change (such as ‘No Further Action’.


Custody Record No: - 46XA/1546/23


Kent Police           OFFICIAL               Date generated: 25/09/2023


Police Advisory Notice to Suspects

If you are involved in criminal proceedings, the following summary of potential offences is included for your information and awareness. The same offences will also be brought to the attention of any relevant victim or witness for their information. The list of offences is NOT exhaustive.

The purpose of this is to make clear to all involved parties that any unlawful, unnecessary or inappropriate contact between the suspect in a case (either directly or through a third party), and the victim or witness may constitute a criminal offence.

Any unlawful, unnecessary or inappropriate contact reported to the police, including any perception that this is the case, may result in arrests and prosecution of parties for any of the following offences


Intimidation of witnesses, jurors & others

Under 5.51 of the Criminal Justice & Public Order Act 1994 it is an offence to intimidate or threaten by any means any person involved in the investigation of an offence relating to criminal matters.


In summary proceedings A fine and/or maximum six months imprisonment

On indictment A fine and/or maximum five years imprisonment



Under S.2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, it is an offence for a person to pursue a course of conduct which amounts to harassment of another, and which he/she knows or ought to know amounts to harassment of the other, or to persuade any person not to do something that they are entitled or required to do, or to do something that they are not under any obligation to do.


In summary proceedings A fine and/or maximum six months imprisonment

On indictment: A fine and/or maximum two years imprisonment

Please note that other, more serious, offences are also provided for under the Protection from

Harassment Act 1997


Perverting the Course of Justice

Under Common Law, it is an offence to conspire, act or embark upon a course of conduct which has a tendency to, and is intended to pervert, the course of public justice.

Some of the ways where conduct is capable of amounting to this offence is by making false allegations, perjury, concealing offences, obstructing the police, assisting others to evade arrest, failing to prosecute, interfering with witnesses/evidence/jurors, and publication of matters caluculate to prejudice a fair trial.


On indictment: Maximum LIFE imprisonment


Custody Record No: - 46XA/1546/23



Kent Police           OFFICIAL               Date generated: 25/09/2023

Postal Charging

This leaflet explains Postal Charging and answers some questions you may have.

What is Postal Charging?

This is a method of bringing an offender before a court for prosecution.

It means that you could be charged and required to attend court by post without returning to a police station.

Can I be charged by post?

If you have been in police custody and you are granted unconditional police bail to return to a police station at a later date you may be charged by means of a ‘postal charge’ if a decision is made to charge you.

How does it work?

If a decision is made to charge you at least 14 days before you are due to answer your bail you may receive a ‘charge’ and a ‘requisition’ to attend court through the post.

Will I still be on Police bail?

Once a postal charge and requisition has been issued you will no longer be on police bail for that offence.

What do I do if I receive a Postal Charge?

You will receive a charge/requisition form (MG4D). This will state the offence(s) with which you are charged. This will require you to attend court at a specified date and time.


If you fail to attend court when required a warrant will be issued for your arrest. If this happens, If

this happens you may be held in custody until the next available date


If you do not receive a postal charge or a bail cancellation notice you must answer your police bail at

the date and time shown on your bail form.



Custody Record No: - 46XA/1546/23


Automatic reply: Zoom Meeting for Psychotherapy of Paranoia or Paranoid Schizophrenia, Delusions, Depression and Mood Instability



to:          Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date:      17 Dec 2023, 13:08

subject: Automatic reply: Zoom Meeting for Psychotherapy of Paranoia or Paranoid Schizophrenia, Delusions, Depression and Mood Instability

Signed by: 

security:                Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

:               Important according to Google magic.


Thank you for your e-mail which has been received by the PALS & Complaints Department and will be responded to within 72 hours.  If you need to speak with one of the team to discuss your concerns we can be contacted on the following Freephone numbers (Complaints Office West - 0800 587 6757) or (Complaints Office East - 0800 783 9972).  Our working hours are Monday to Friday (West Office 08:00 - 16:00) (East Office 09:00 - 17:00).   


For residents of Kent and Medway in need of urgent mental health support, advice and guidance please contact our Single Point of Access Team on the following 24 hour (Freephone) number: 0800 783 9111.

Kind Regards

PALS & Complaints Team

Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust


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