Appeal at the Court of Appeal
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: Jessica Da Costa <>,,,,,
Civil Appeals - Registry <>
date: 19 Apr 2023, 08:03
subject: Appeal at the Court of Appeal
Government Legal Department
Chief Constable of Kent Police
Dear Sir/Madam
Please see the tentative Appellant's Notice that has been assigned a Case Reference Number by the Court of Appeal as linked here: RE: CA-2023-000750 - Panigrahi v Prime Minister of UK - Appeal at the Court of Appeal (E35YM660 & J0 (
Secondly, it is my understanding that given the nature of the unusual Appeal in that it combines Claim E35YM660 of the Central London County Court and Claim J00ME572 of Medway County Court, the Court of Appeal has sole powers to declare on jurisdiction unless there are objections raised by the Defendants to this process. Kindly let me have your reaction to this suggestion today as I need to comply with the necessary provisions of the Judicial system to ensure that the due process is completed prior to any decision entered on the matter by the Court of Appeal.
Kindly also let me have the telephone number, full postal address, and the email addresses of the two Defendants in order to make further progress in the processing of this Appeal.
The email is copied to the Medway County Court to obtain clearance that what is stated in the tentative Appellant's Notice is a statement of facts, particularly as it related to the implicit 'Order' of this Court dated 15 April 2023 that I deduced from email correspondence.
If there are any further Court Orders in sealed formats from the Central London County Court or Medway County Court in light of the outstanding uncertainties in the tentative Appellant's Notice, kindly email these to me today so that I can incorporate them in the final submissions to the Court of Appeal.
Please note that the Court of Appeal has issued a deadline of 7 days from yesterday for the completion of these Appeal formalities.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
Central London DJSKEL
08:04 (7 minutes ago)
to me
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