Discontinuance of J00ME572
Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Enquiries Medway County
Orla Scanlan, Civil Appeals - Registry, South East VRR and Complaints, Enquiries Kent Police
Tue, 2 Aug at 19:50
The Court Manager
Medway County Court
Dear Sir
Since I informed the court that my decision to discontinue with Claim J00ME572 as attached: n279-eng Discontinuance of Injunction Claim and Money ClaimsKentPolice.pdf, was final, the Court issued a direction from an unknown Judge fixing a Listing date for Directions to be issued. This is most unfortunate.
I should make it clear to the Medway County Court that my decision remains final and should Kent Police have any allegations of stalking or harassing Katrina Sale, BP and BLM Law for which it has evidence that I have not seen, I am willing to face prosecution in a criminal court as Kent Police in conjunction with the Crown Prosecution Service decides. I will therefore have no part to play in any J00ME572 proceedings at Medway County Court as the Claimant. In regard to this request had already asked the Court for permission for discontinuance of the Injunction and Money Claims Application but the Court has not informed me of the outcome, and instead sent me a Notice of Directions Hearing for 27 October 2022 at 10.00 am.
Accordingly, the Defendant is hereby required to send me its Costs for the proceedings to date which I will duly consider now.
In case the Medway County Court refuses to grant me Permission to Discontinue the Claim immediately on receipt oI this email I am appealing the decision of the Court at the Court of Appeal herewith.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
n279-eng Discontinuance of Injunction Claim and Money ClaimsKentPolice:.pdf76.5kB: