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FW: Your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (our ref C-2114484)

FW: Your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (our ref C-2114484)


from: Phso Enquiries <>

to: "" <>

date: 27 Sept 2023, 14:36

subject: FW: Your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (our ref C-2114484)


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: Important according to Google magic.

Dear Dr Panigrahi

Thank you for your recent emails where you have requested an acknowledgement and response on the submissions of complaints.

I would like to clarify that we have provided you with a response on a complaint that you raised regarding The Charity Commission and I have included a copy of this response below, for your convenience.

If you would like to discuss the status of any previous NHS complaints that you have asked us to consider, please provide the case reference number in question (if this is available to you) and contact us on 0345 015 4033 or by emailing us at

Yours sincerely

Delyth Jones

Intake Caseworker

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

' 0345 015 4033



From: Phso Enquiries

Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 12:24 PM


Subject: Your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (our ref C-2114484)

Dear Dr Panigrahi

Your complaint about the Charity Commission

Thank you for providing us with details of your complaint about the Charity Commission. Please find the attached letter in response to this complaint.

Within your correspondence to us, you have also referred to an NHS complaint that you have previously asked us to consider. Whilst we cannot be sure which complaint you are referring to, our records suggest that you do not have any active NHS complaints with us at this time.

If you would like to discuss the status of any previous NHS complaints that you have asked us to consider, please provide the case reference number in question (if this is available to you) and contact us on 0345 015 4033 or by emailing us at

One attachment

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Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

In Confidence

Dr Panigrahi

Sent via email

13 September 2023

Dear Dr Panigrahi

Your complaint about the Charity Commission

Thank you for giving us information on your complaint about the Charity Commission.

Our role

We make final decisions on complaints that the NHS in England, UK government departments and other UK public organisations have not resolved. Before we look at a complaint, we usually expect that you have complained in full to the organisation and you have received a final response from it.

We recognise that everyone has different needs and circumstances, and these are likely to influence the way you access our service. If you need this letter in a different format or a reasonable adjustment in how we communicate with you, please contact me to discuss your accessibility needs. You can use the details listed above or our Sign Video service to contact me.

Our decision

We have looked at everything you sent us and we consider your complaint is not yet ready for us. We need to give you some further advice about how to get a response to your complaint before we can give it a more detailed consideration.

This is because it appears you have not yet completed the organisation’s complaints process.

It is important that the Charity Commission has the chance to look at your complaint, give you a response, and put right any mistakes. Often this is the quickest way to resolve complaints. Therefore, your complaint is not yet ready for us and we cannot take any further action at this time.

What you can do next

To complete the complaints process, you may find it useful to visit their website for further information:

Complaints procedure - The Charity Commission - GOV.UK (

If you are unhappy with the response you get from the Charity Commission, you should then make a complaint to their Customer Service Manager, which is the next step in the complaints process. If, following this further response, you are still unhappy about the way they have dealt with your complaint, you can ask your MP to refer your complaint to us.

Getting help to make your complaint

If you have not already complained, you can find some tips on our website:

If you need help putting your complaint together, you can speak to the Citizens Advice Bureau. You can find your local branch at

What you can do after you get a response

If you are still unhappy after you receive a final response from the Charity Commission which directs you to our service to take the matter further, you should then ask your local MP to send the complaint to us. By law you must refer your complaint to an MP within one year of becoming aware of the issues you complain about.

We can extend this time limit if we think it is reasonable to do this. The things we consider include your reasons for not complaining earlier and how long the local complaints process took. We will also look at why you did not make the complaint to the MP within a year.

Please note there are some important details about how we use your information at the bottom of this email.

Yours sincerely

Delyth Jones

Intake Caseworker

Important details about how we use your information

You can read more about how we use your information in our privacy notice. The notice explains how we use and look after information about you, or that could identify you, and how long we keep it. It also explains your rights and how to request your information. You can find the privacy notice online at If you would like a copy in a printed or other format, please contact or call the number at the top of this email.

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