Legal Ombudsman File Reference: F155593 ERef:000218047904
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Force Control Kent
Wed, 13 Sept at 11:13
Dear Sirs
Whilst I am away on holiday from 14 September 2023 till 23 September 2023, Olives Solicitor will deal with all matters as brought to your attention below.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
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----- Forwarded message -----
From: Ravina Karir <>
To: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sent: Wednesday, 13 September 2023 at 09:39:50 BST
Subject: RE: Legal Ombudsman File Reference: F155593 ERef:00021804790
Please send all further enquires and emails to
From: Shantanu Panigrahi []
Sent: 12 September 2023 21:15
To: Enquiries <>
Cc: Northkent <>; Force Control Kent <>; Ravina Karir <>
Subject: Re: Legal Ombudsman File Reference: F155593 ERef:00021804790
Dear Legal Ombudsman
I have not formalised any complaint against Olives Solicitors Limited to the Legal Ombudsman. There were some misunderstandings in communications between us but these have now been resolved. The main question that arose is whether Olives Solicitors would represent me on both matters of (a) stalking offence, and (b) malicious communications offence as it was minded to only deal with the latter as set out in our contractual agreement attached: FrOlivesSolicitorsletter19April2023.docx.
Whichever aspect of the two separated proceedings Olives Solicitors is representing me on, they are doing a fine job now and I am more than satisfied that it should continue with its good work. It would rather depend on what I am charged with by Kent Police, whether on stalking, or on malicious communications, or both these offences. So far I have not been charged with any offences whatsoever for which I have been bailed to appear in Medway Police Station on 28 September 2023, 1600 hours and on 10 October 2023, 1600 hours. There are no criminal proceedings on these matters for which I have been served with court-summons to a criminal court. When I do get court-summons at my home address, I will arrange a meeting with Olives Solicitors to see what it can do for me, if anything.
The Trial of 10 November 2023 2 pm is specifically for the Speeding Offence as attached:LetterfromNKMCHearingTrial10Nov2023.pdf. Since I have given all my defence in written form with over 50 emails to the North Keng Magistrates Court since May 2023, I shall not be attending the Court on this day being paranoid schizophrenic (see attached FrBrittonHouse (CAREPLAN_DrEmmanuelOranusi3July2023)12Jul2023.docx) and let the Court decide the matter as appropriate by listening to the Case for the Prosecution from Kent Police. The document states clearly that if in case of non-attendance that Court may take the action as it considers appropriate. I am happy with that.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
On Tuesday, 12 September 2023 at 20:36:25 BST, Enquiries <> wrote:
File Reference: F155593
Dear Dr. Panigrahi
Your complaint about Olives Solicitors Limited
Thank you for your emails of 15 July 2023 regarding your complaint. We apologise for the delay in responding to you, this is due to the current demand for our service.
Having reviewed the documentation you have provided to us, it is not clear whether you have complained to your service provider. You will need to do this first and allow them up to eight weeks to respond. We have a template complaint letter available on our website. If you have already complained and either received a final response that you are not happy with or have waited eight weeks from the date of your complaint, we may be able to help.
Please complete our online complaint checker. You will need to provide personal information and documents such as:
· A copy of your formal complaint, and the service provider’s responses including any final response.
· If the service provider did not respond to your complaint within eight weeks: Proof of delivery, e.g., a recorded delivery receipt or confirmation that your complaint was sent to a valid email address for the service provider. If you did not send your complaint recorded delivery, please confirm the date you sent the complaint, and we will contact the Service Provider to confirm receipt of your complaint. If the Service Provider says they did not receive your letter of complaint, you may be asked to resend your letter of complaint.
Do not delay, we cannot progress without this information and you have a maximum of six months after you receive their final response to bring your complaint to us.
For complaints referred to us after 1 April 2023, the matter complained about must have taken place in the previous year or, if it happened more than a year ago, you must have become aware of it in the past year. Come to us as soon as you can after trying to resolve your complaint with your service provider – don’t delay. You have a maximum of six months after you receive their final response to bring your complaint to us.
When responding, please tell us your file reference which is shown at the top of this email. Do not send any original documents by post as we scan all our incoming mail to make computer copies and then destroy the originals. Please send any information requested to our email address:
If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you do not wish to continue with your complaint and will close our file. We will not try to contact you again.
Kind Regards
General Enquiries Team
Legal Ombudsman
Telephone: 0300 555 0333
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