pricing list.?.
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 27 May 2024, 13:03
subject: Re: pricing list.?.
Dear Satyam
Could you prepare a website for this: ToCenLonCtyCrt&PSDKentPolice(CLAIM E35YM660&CO/999/23)27May2024.docx?
Can you do it soon?
Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Mon, 27 May 2024 at 11:49, <> wrote:
Are you looking to create a new website in Word Press, Simple HTML or E-commerce etc ?
If you are interested, I will send you our pricing list.?.
Kind Regards,
One attachment • Scanned by Gmail
ToCenLonCtyCrt&PSDKentPolice(CLAIM E35YM660&CO/999/23)27May2024.docx
Shantanu Panigrahi
To:Central London DJSKEL,PSD Complaints Kent
Mon, 27 May at 12:47
The Judiciary at the Central London County Court
Professional Standards Kent Police
Dear Sir/Madam
Please let me know the present state of your deliberations on Claim E35YM660&CO/999/23, so that I may need to revise the Policy of The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom (TCLP-UK); with due regard to my demand for £100 million in damages and compensation from the Treasury of the United Kingdom: THE CONSTITUTION OF TCLP-UK.pdf.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
(Working Draft: 12.38 am 27 May 2024)
People need to know where they stand in relation to the government under which they live.
The ethos and principles of the Conservative Libertarian Society (
The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom (TCLP-UK) situated at is the political offshoot of the Movement ‘The Conservative Libertarian Society’ (TCLS) situated at TCLP-UK is currently not an accredited political party registered with the Electoral Commission and has no members or officials apart from the Founder and Leader of the TCLS and the Party, Dr Shantanu Panigrahi.
The philosophy of TCLS and hence TCLP-UK is security for liberty and liberty for security. This is the essence of living. We need to be very careful indeed in making our decision on actions that we should take every moment of life by a thorough understanding of the laws of Nature, and taking opportunities to better ourselves materially and spiritually through the passage of time in a risk-averse attitude that conserves and builds the material and spiritual 'house' that we live in. This is the meaning of Environmental Sustainability. One step at a time and see which way the wind blows before jumping on to the next step to try and enhance one's prospects for self-preservation and the appropriate development of the family and the wider society that we are governed by to regulate and control our human activities. Being libertarian per se is not the objective of the personal or communal struggle. One cannot isolate oneself from wider humanity, for we cannot each individually do all of the things that we need to feed, clothe, house, study and develop our knowledge which is the fundamental basis of actions individually and collectively. We need like-minded people according to the saying birds of a feather flock together to create a Party of political activists who would argue their case and take part in democracy to influence changes to the society in a peaceful and totally non-violent manner; by persuasion of ones principles and belief-led mission to better ourselves in our mental development and better our chances of survival in a tough Nature that restricts our abilities to act selfishly and in greed for gathering in the natural resources for our own consumption from the Planet that we inhabit. This is the ethos of Conservative Libertarianism, and it is a secular conception, notwithstanding that on the balance of probability God is the Creator of the universe and Nature has a built-in Gaia mechanism of checks and balances that carves the path to the emergence of new races and species of life forms on Earth. It is therefore imperative that we focus only on taking the right decisions ourselves without resort to a higher authority, be that human or spiritual in being a Conservative Libertarian.
TCLP-UK believes that of paramount importance, the United Kingdom must have a Written Constitution on the structures of democratic and law enforcement institutions and a declaration on human rights.
TCLP-UK has learnt a lot through the Founder’s travel journey that ideals of Truth, Justice and Democracy is not possible without structural changes to the Constitution of the United Kingdom or on how the present Constitution is interpreted by vested interests for corrupt purposes. The Party has experienced shortcomings in this regard and so campaigns for an amended Constitution through due process in the Houses of Parliament, primarily by instituting a Select Committee specially convened for the purpose because the Party had gone through all other processes of Parliament and Courts and it has not received a positive response for a change. The objective is to have a Constitution that keep people better informed on who is in charge of procedures of the House of Commons and of the House of Lords, what the functions of the Consultant Psychiatrists, Chief Constables of Police Forces are and who are the officials of the State against whom a citizen can successfully prosecute in civil and criminal courts; amendment to make people and institutions across the board accountable to the public to the fundamental principles of Truth, Justice and Democracy.
For these objectives of Society to be met TCLS and hence TCLP-UK foster a State composed of a Monarchical Ceremonial Presidency over the House of Lords, the Revision Chamber of Parliament that functions as in the traditional democratic institutions of the United Kingdom with the House of Commons elected by an electorate of 18-aged plus citizens to the 85 years of age, this upper age limit being set by the determination that the productive capacity of individuals to contribute to society should be limited to a time when their judgments become haphazard from senile day, dementia and Alzheimer’s disorders of the physical and mental attributes of people. This would apply also to the Monarchical Ceremonial President as the figure-head Head of State, who should also only remain in that position for a fixed reign of 15 years at a single stint following which his or her continuation in the role must be put to the electorate in a referendum when people have the opportunity to judge whether he or she has discharged his duties to the State to an acceptable standard. Within this ethos, Parliamentary decisions on enactment of laws are to be revised by the traditional process of peers in the House of Lords as currently in place with the scrutiny guided by assent of the Ceremonial President Royalty for which the Privy Council will be renamed as Royal Board as an institutional chambers to direct the democratic processes of the House of Lords by the Ceremonial President who will sign on the dotted line for final endorsement. By making the House of Lords an elected chamber, it would be the second chamber whose decisions are final on Bills.
Thus, the House of Lords will be an elected Chamber and can override the decisions of the Prime Minister in the House of Commons after the usual 3 revisions of legislation voted on in Lower Chamber goes to and fro until agreement is reached between the Prime Minister and the House of Lords.
The House of Commons will be political according to party-politics but the House of Lords will be apolitical. Being the Administration of Parliament all government Ministers will be appointed by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons and the Civil Service will be attached to this Executive.
The present Privy Council with intersections with different elements of the State will therefore be abolished and replaced with the Royal Board as an independent body attached interfaced between the House of Lords and the Monarchical Ceremonial President; to the latter as an advisory institution. The Royal Board will be responsible for the selection of candidates applying to stand independently in elections to the higher Chamber of Parliament.
Legislation in the House of Commons will therefore not be subjected to Royal Ceremonial scrutiny in Monarchical speeches which will be replaced at both Houses with the respective Speaker setting out the Bills for debating in the next Session of Parliament; the Speakers thereby giving ceremonial assent to the Bills from the Executive first presented by the Prime Minister in the Lower Chamber implementing the policies of the Party that he or she represents following general elections.
TCLP-UK will therefore reform of the House of Commons and the House of Lords as elected Chambers of Parliament. The Executive will be appointed as Prime Minister by the elected political parties with the Executive having no Royal prerogative powers as Bills have to be agreed with the House of Lords the second elected chamber of Parliament. The Commons will remain the administration of government without being subjected to the oversight of the House of Lords and Royal Board headed by the Ceremonial Monarchical President except for the enactment of Bills. The Ceremonial President will solely appoint the members of the Royal Board.
The House of Commons will have flexible 5-year terms and will continue to write the Speaker’s Speech from the Executive for Assent. The Commons will therefore not take directives of the Ceremonial Royal President. The House Lords who would be elected every 10 years.
There will be devolution of political administration to local elected Councils and regional States under Federation as Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England Overseas Dependencies and Territories such as the Falkland Islands.
Rationale for Amendment to a Written Republican Constitution
TCLP-UK has on 17 May 2024 became a Republican Party, for reasons set out here: .
The government must serve the people, not the people serve the government.
The reason that there is no written Constitution in the United Kingdom is that Monarchists facilitate the Monarch to become Dictatorial from time to time in the course of history which will be fine if that is what the majority of the population actually wish but it should be explicitly written into a Written Constitution. People are then fully informed on what to expect from their government.
The change from unwritten to a written Constitution will not enable the Head of State to discharge his or her duties secretively from behind the scenes away from the public eye. The role of the Constitutional Head of State which would be hereditary from the existing Royal Family but Parliament’s Select Committee for Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs (PACAS) will decide what it should be whether limited (Ceremonial) or unlimited powers. The composition of this Select Committee will be 24 members, 12 each from the House of Commons and House of Lords. Each Chamber must have a Vote on the individuals who are selected to represent the Select Committee.
The Constitution must clearly outline the relationship between the Ceremonial Head of State and the Parliament at both House of Commons and the House of Lords.
The Written Constitution should be put to a Yes/No referendum of the population initially; and if there is a Yes decision from the electorate to have a Written Constitution all subsequent Amendments to the Constitution when these take place through Parliamentary approval first must go to another referendum.
The Written Constitution should be prepared by the Select Committee who will be charged with this role, and document prepared must be subjected to a vote in the Chambers and then in the House of Lords before going to referendum.
The Head of State should be known as the ‘Lord/Lady President’.
The Speaker of the House of Commons will be solely responsible for all the technical proceedings of the Chamber, not the Lord/Lady President who will never enter this Chambers for ceremonial functions. The Royal Assent to the current outline of the Executive's work to the Lord/Lady President in the House of Chambers will therefore be abolished.
The amendment to the present unwritten Constitution of the United Kingdom will therefore obtain clarity on the functionality of the State so that government officials are made accountable to the public at large, as these will be available to Courts in a written Constitution. Right now the Security Services can perpetrate tyranny on the people and the citizen has no chance of success in attempting to litigate and prosecute the police in the courts. Similarly one cannot litigate or prosecute the Prime Minister for causing untold misery to individuals because he or she is protected by the force of a dictatorial Constitutional monarchy secretively operating through preventing people knowing the relationships between the Monarch and the Prime Minister, the Security Services incorporating the Police, the Civil and Criminal Courts of the State, and the regulatory authorities at the Legal Ombudsman, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman the Solicitors Regulation Authority, the Bar Standards Board and the Financial Services Ombudsman. These inter-relationships need to be identified and set in stone through a Written Constitution for which the PACA Select Committee will have responsibility to undertake the task outlined through this parliamentary petition from the public.
Composition of the Houses of Commons and Lords
Thus, whereas the House of Commons would be a political chamber involving political parties, the House of Lords will be apolitical comprising of independent peers only and no hereditary peers.
The Royal Board will sift through applicants wishing to be Members of the Revision chamber on their qualifications which must be a minimum of Upper Second-Class Undergraduate degree in any Discipline and 15 years of work experience. Thus the peers would be a minimum of 45 years of age and all-inclusive otherwise of differences in gender, race, religion, sexual orientation and marital status.
Mental Health
The Mental Health Institution should be incorporated within the Law Enforcement Process and subject to explicit and reformed basis upon which the Mental Health Act is operated without recourse to the Law that is presently constituted and operates on the basis of. Every decision of Consultant Psychiatrists and Mental Health professionals should be subjected to the Mental Health Tribunal before Sectioning of an individual takes place in the committal of the person to a mental hospital.
Department of Justice
The Civil and Criminal Courts will remain as the currently operate with the Crown Prosecution Service under a Department of Justice with the Supreme Court being solely the third level of civil and criminal proceedings under Appeal through the Court of Appeal brought to it by litigants and private prosecutions against all including the institutions of the State such as the Police and the rest of the Security Services such as M15/M16. The Courts must not interfere in the democratic process of the government in terms of day-to-day decisions and the enactment of laws.
Declaration of Human Rights
TCLP-UK will not join the European Union and will withdraw from the European Court of Human Rights. Instead the Constitution will include a Declaration on fundamental human rights of all citizens which will guide the House of Lords to scrutinise Bills of the Lower House that violate the principles of this Declaration.
Approved ePetition at the Parliament Website
In the absence of any of the current four political parties submitting these proposals to the due process of the House of Commons and the House of Lords despite detailed consultations, the only route identified by TCLP-UK is to submit an ePetition to the government and parliament for due consideration. TCLP-UK has implemented the following petition.
What do you want the government to do:
Have an amended Constitution.
Institute a Select Committee Specially convened for the purpose as I have gone through all other processes of Parliament and it has not received a positive response.
To keep people better informed on who is in charge of procedures of the House of Commons and of the House of Lords, what the functions of the Consultant Psychiatrists, Chief Constables of Police Forces are and who are the officials against whom a citizen can successfully prosecute in civil and criminal courts of the United Kingdom.
Click this link to sign the petition:
If I get 5 signatures, Parliament would have to consider making the petition go live, and if it gets past this hurdle following which 21 signatures are required for an interim decision by Parliament to TCLP-UK on the Petition and 10,000 signatures would get a reply to TCLP-UK from Parliament expected to be the present PACAS.
TCLP-UK believes that think young people especially should sign the petition. Politics will always be in total shambles in the United Kingdom unless the Constitution is Amended.
Parliamentary Authorities for Queries from the Public
Update on Proceedings
____________________________________________________________________CLAIM E35YM660&CO/999/23 PROGRESSIONS
Central London DJSKEL
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