Re: Cost for Re-designing & Redevelopments
from: <>
reply-to: "" <>
date: 26 Sept 2023, 07:43
subject: Re: Cost for Re-designing & Redevelopments
Dear Amarjeet
I have been victimised by intensive Judicial and Law Enforcement conspiracy and need your help in creating a Truth- Social website of my own just like former President Donald Trump of America has in order to withstand political persecution in the United Kingdom.
I look forward to your scheme in this regard.
Thank you.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, 25 Sept 2023 at 21:33, Amarjeet
<> wrote:
I hope you are doing well!
Hope my last email was received (Trail Below), any update, please?
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2023, 8:41 PM
Subject: Re: Cost for Re-designing & Redevelopments
Greeting of the day!
Have you been planning to New Website/Mobile App Design and Development, re-design/add features to existing website/mobile app and Digital Marketing Services (SEO/SMO/PPC/ASO/FB Ads /Google Ads…etc.
If you are interested, then please share your requirement overview we can send you our portfolio, company profile, and an affordable quotation with the best Prices.
Waiting for your reply!
Thanks & Regards,