Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Mon, 23 Jan at 18:33
Dear Jo
Truth has already prevailed as you will note from the silence from the Court and Police authorities following my 6th and final Session of psychotherapy with Jill Jesson this morning at 10.30. I have nothing to fear now. You have acknowledged the 'Poisoned Chalice' description of the proceedings relating to E35YM660 and the two arrest matters of 23 November 2021 and November 2022 together with the farce inflicted on me both as Hate Crimes from the State authorities persecuting a practicing Hindu living in this country in time-honoured way that his cultural traditions had brought him up to believe. The State authorities had miscalculated my aim in that they thought that the financial compensation and damages in millions of pounds or even the £55,000 that I was deprived of by the University of Greenwich will lead me to continue to fight the criminal in the British Justice System.
Those in government one can see from weekly news on the television are widely believed to be corrupt and that corruption when led by the Head of Government spreads through the rest of the population at every nook and cranny of the State; which leaves honest and decent people into marginalised lives unable to make ends meet, as I had experienced during the times that I was surviving on Disability Living Allowance and working as a Cleaner in a petrol station and then in warehouses and as shop assistant with my PhD and distinction level Post-Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Development.
They do not want knowledgeable people to be in high places or those people will change society with the power of their minds that freedom and libertarian spirit engenders.
Jill today told me towards the end of the session of consultation that I did not need any further Sessions with her because I was not a mental just an angry man; angry with the State of the country that I live in not by choice but by the force of circumstances. I was not going to return to India with my tail in between my legs as a disgraced person with the Defamation dished out to me by the University of Greenwich that was compounded with the description of me as being paranoid schizophrenic, persistently delusional, depressed, bipolar with changeable mood and what they called Personality Disorder. The State went all out to discredit me, but I survived despite all efforts to boot me out of the country, lock me up in a mental hospital for a third most likely irreversible time or put me into prison with its Police actions on me.
As I said even the Samaritans were State-manipulated to disrupt the legal proceedings as the timing of your intervention this afternoon proves finally. But I am so free and honest which is my dharma that I ensure that all my correspondence is complete.
When will you write to me next Jo?
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On Monday, 23 January 2023 at 15:59:02 GMT, <> wrote:
Hello, Shantanu
Thank you for telling us about the latest developments in your case and about your belief that truth will prevail. I do hope everything goes well for you.
As you know, we can't offer advice or comment on this but we're here to listen all the time it helps you to tell us how you're feeling.
Take care.
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