Re: Re: The Worst of Uncertainties are Over
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: Ravina Karir <>,
David Foreman <>
cc: Northkent <>,
Force Control Kent <>
date: 10 Sept 2023, 06:28
subject: Fwd: Re: The Worst of Uncertainties are Over
Dear Sir/Madam
Please note and advise by email if either of you is taking on this Case before Monday 12 noon 11 September 2023.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Date: Sun, 10 Sept 2023 at 05:49
Subject: Re: Re: The Worst of Uncertainties are Over
To: <>
Dear Jo
Thank you for your email.
I have reached the point in the uncovering of truths that knows that I cannot trust any Solicitor to represent me in Court. They do not commit themselves to taking specific instructions in a timely manner from me.
Since I have not knowingly done anything wrong I am ready to face the Magistrates at North Kent Magistrates Court on 10 November 2023 2 pm unless the Court adjourns or reschedules the summons with additional matters that Kent Police is trying to insert into the proceedings.
As a Vishista Advaitist I face Reality each day as it comes without fear of the repercussions. I will not 'hide' under cover of my mental states of mind as being paranoid schizophrenic or anything else that the Britton House conjures up now. As you are aware I have challenged them into a fresh diagnosis of my mental faculties through my GP Surgery.
As I have said in my last email to you, I intend to seek damages and compensation for the suffering that I have endured, no matter how long that takes. For I cannot let truth get covered over by the powers of the State whatever means they adopt to doing so.
No one can take away my Hearing date with the Magistrates on the Trial: and the Court has been informed of all material facts that represent my Defence and other considerations of the unlawfulness of Bail and now the deliberate attempt to manipulate the proceedings yet again by Kent Police yesterday.I will go directly to the Court on the Trial Date and find out from the Magistrates what their decision is.
In the meantime, I am going on holiday and the Court knows that: no Solicitor or lawyer will represent me in front of the Magistrate or a Judge for they have all been manipulated against me by the State as time has shown. I do not wish to risk the Court pulling off a fast one on me through Olives Solicitors or some other Solicitor when I am out of this country. I will make sure that the Court is aware of this before we go to Turkey shortly.
Truth uncovering makes one strong and attains a position that convinces even the most diehard ignoramus to change their ways, would you not agree?
On Sat, 9 Sept 2023 at 23:40, <> wrote:
Dear Shantanu,
Even though you have employed a firm of Solicitors - it sounds as though you are having to deal with a lot of very complex and difficult situations.
We hope that these matters are resolved in a satisfactory way for you and that the upcoming trips with your wife give you the opportunity for some mental release.
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