Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Enquiries Medway County
Orla Scanlan,
Sat, 11 Jun at 13:03
The Court Manager
Dear Sirs
1. Over the past few days events took place with yet another criminal anonymous email that I received as attached: FrShanPanigrahi(CAE)Orla9Jun2022.docx that you would also have received. This has been done to reactivate the Claim Number J00ME372 that I felt I should draw a line under and move on to higher things like pursuing my political career in The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom. But this email has made me think twice. Please also take note that Kent Police or BLM Law has refused to comment on the following submission that I made last evening:
Running Commentary on Legalities (J00ME372) 17.40 pm (UK-Time) 10 June 2022 (
Running Commentary on Legalities (J00ME372) 17.40 pm (UK-Time) 10 June 2022
CLAIM NO J00ME372: CLAIMANT'S DEADLINE ON PROCEEDINGS2 Yahoo / Sent Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo....
2. I therefore simply must proceed further with my Claim for an Injunction against Kent Police and the Money Claims associated with the Injunction application as attached ( Document_2022-05-13_152026.pdf; n16a-enginjunctionagainstKentPolice20Apr2022.pdf; Particulars of Damages and Compensation Claim (J00ME372).pdf) to secure a Hearing or a Summary Judgment as the Judge deems appropriate in his/her own time, and in accordance with the revised particulars in Claim Form as attached: n1-engKentPolice UpdateJune2022.pdf.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Download all attachments as a zip file
FrShanPanigrahi(CAE)Orla911un2022.docx 16kB
n1-eng KentPolice UpdateJune2022.pdf 208.7kB
Document_2022-05-13_152026.pdf 5.9MB
n16a-engInjuctionagainstKentPolice20Apr2022.pdf 432.5kB
Particulars of Damages and Compensation (Claim J00ME372).pdf 119.8kB: