The Whole World is Against Me
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
cc: Phso Enquiries <>
date: 5 Dec 2023, 16:02
subject: The Whole World is Against Me
Jil Jesson
I know I said that you mean well when you refuted my suggestion that I was feeling like the world is against me including the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, I did appreciate your consoling voice, but things are still the same.
I updated my book attached (REST ASSURED.pdf) up to this 15.20 pm point in Libertarian Democracy and in The Allurement of Reality Shop, for the State Authorities still have time for Dr Mwanche or the receptionist at the GP Surgery to telephone me before 6.00 pm to let me know if a face-to-face appointment will be granted, so that I can explain to Dr Mwanche what State-organised conspiracy to terrorise, persecute, victimise, obstruct justice and pervert the course of justice is when the Central London County Court will not provide Full Written Reasons for his/her continued adjournment of my Claim against the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak now for £18.4 million in damages and compensation for the 26 years of suffering that I have endured without my £55,000 severance payment from the University of Greenwich since 1998, and the refund of totally unjust costs of £4170 that I had to pay the Cabinet Office under duress from the District Judge Lightman’s Order of 21 June 2021. This does not even begin to take into consideration the humiliation of being forced into incarceration into mental hospitals in 2004 and 2008 and the seven false arrests by Kent Police of myself since 15 September 2021 with seizure of one desktop computer, 3 laptop computers, 2 Mobile Phones, 2 Amazon Pads, 4 USB Memory Sticks and a dozen correspondence files under false pretences of investigating me on ‘reasonable’ suspicion of perpetrating Stalking on Katrina Sale and sending malicious communications to various people and institutions of the State such as British Petroleum (bp), staff of BLM Law, the Independent Office for Police Conduct, Solicitors Regulation Authority and educational establishments.
I would welcome a call from the GP Surgery to discuss my physical and mental disturbances as to how these were related to the injustices that I have faced here in the United Kingdom.
Sorry to send you this email but I urgently need a psychotherapy Session with you on Zoom. Please send me a Zoom link for it. It is not Sunday evening any more.
Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel 07967789619
One attachment
• Scanned by Gmail
REST ASSURED.pdf (up to 15.44 pm of this book): see
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date: 5 Dec 2023, 16:08
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