The Worst of Uncertainties are Over
from: <>
reply-to: "" <>
date: 6 Sept 2023, 17:03
subject: Re: The Worst of Uncertainties are Over
Hello Jo
Thanks for your response.
As you know I am entangled still in legal problems but do have a Duty Solicitor in Olives Solicitors who will now take care of things. I have to see if Kent Police charge me with the offences allegedly of stalking and sending malicious communications to various people and institutions. I have no idea what they are talking is all too complex for my paranoid schizophrenic mind as the KMPTPALS report that came in the post today confirms. So I did not need to see the GP in person after all. I booked my prescription medications online through the my GP App.
Don't know when the Legal issues wiill be resolved finally.
Sent from Yahoo Magil on Android
On Wed, 6 Sept 2023 at 14:42,
<> wrote:
Hello Shantanu,
It's good to hear that you do not feel depressed and have your mental faculties around you.
I hope that your doctor's appointment yesterday went well and you got some advance medication to allow you to go on holiday.
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