Urgent – Please Read – Personal notification - Change to Challenge-trg Recruitment Limited 3
Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Fri, 11 Nov at 16:25
Dear Sir
As far as I know I am still an employee of TrgChallenge from November 2021, when I started my induction at Tesco Snodland Distribution Centre, but during that induction, Kent Police invaded the premises and arrested me without any due reason and took me into Custody for 5 hours.
Since then I tried to contact Trg but could not get any response from the Company.
Your email indicates that I am still on your books but without the completion of my Induction period and the continuation of that employment with Trg Challenge.
I am not charged by Kent Police with any offences and as far as I am concerned, the matter is closed in the legal arena.
Soi please let me know by return, if I can resume my employment with Trg Challenge now.
Yours sincerely
Mr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
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From: Challenge-trg <noreply@challengetrg.co.uk>
To: PANIGRAHI SHANTANU <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, 11 November 2022 at 15:01:01 GMT
Subject: Urgent – Please Read – Personal notification - Change to Challenge-trg Recruitment Limited
Good afternoon,
Please find attached important documents. Please ensure you read and understand their contents.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at HR@challengetrg.co.uk
Kind regards,
T: 03332 420 420
Group Head Office 1 Smithy Court, Smithy Brook Road, Wigan, WN3 6PS
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Colleague Notification
Common Notification
One Team, One Brand, One Vision
4th November 2022
Ref: JAD04112201
Dear Colleague
RE: Final Step in our Corporate Simplification Exercise.
I am writing to advise that the Group is intending to further simplify its
corporate structure. As you may be aware, we have already undertaken
extensive work simplifying the group, with the last step bringing PMP
Recruitment Limited into Challenge-trg Recruitment Limited from
13/11/2022 in order to continue to make our business even more efficient
and to make it easier for accounting/payroll purposes. It is also sending a
very positive message to our Clients.
This part applies to you if you are engaged on a Flex Employment
This proposal means that your Employer will change from PMP
Recruitment Limited (part of the Challenge-trg Group) to Challengetrg Recruitment Limited (part of the Challenge-trg Group) effective
from 13/11/2022.
This means that the Transfer of Undertaking (Protection of Employment)
Regulations – (TUPE) will apply to you. As part of the group
standardisation, we are advising of no proposed measures (no changes)
This part applies to you if you are engaged on a Contract For
This proposal means that your Employment Business will change from
PMP Recruitment Limited (part of the Challenge-trg Group) to Challengetrg Recruitment Limited (part of the Challenge-trg Group) effective from
What does this mean for me?
In its simplest terms, the only change you will see from 13/11/2022 is the
company name on your payslip (for work undertaken on or after
13/11/2022) will now come from Challenge-trg Recruitment limited.
Your pension provider will continue to be Nest - if you are enrolled,
deductions will continue as normal, if you have previously opted out, you
will be re-enrolled (adhering to the 12 week deferment period) during
which time you will have an opportunity to opt out should you wish to do
so. You will receive an updated letter from your pension provider.
There are no other changes, it is very much business as usual.
Any Questions/Concerns?
Should you have any questions or concerns relating to this change, please
address them with HR (hr@challenge-trg.co.uk) or alternatively speak to
your line manager.
May I personally thank you for your continued dedication and hard work
and be the first to welcome you to Challenge-trg Recruitment Limited.
Yours sincerely
J A Davies
James Davies
Group Director of HR
One Team, One Brand, One Vision
Q. Due to this change, is my job at risk?
A. Absolutely not
Q. When am I going to be paid?
A. We will pay your wages in the same way we currently pay you.
Q. I have pre-arranged holidays booked, can I still take these?
A. Yes, of course
Applicable to Flex Employment Contracts
Q. Will this affect any mortgage or loan applications I have going through?
A. Absolutely not as your employment start date is preserved from your current
employer, PMP Recruitment Limited.
Applicable to Contract For Service
Q. Will this affect any mortgage or loan applications I have going through?
A. Absolutely not as your assignment start date is preserved from your current
employment business, PMP Recruitment Limited.
Q. What changes am I likely to experience?
A. There will be a different name on your payslip (Challenge-trg Recruitment),
your work remains the same.
Q. Will I receive a P45 from PMP?
A. You will not, these will be transferred straight to Challenge-trg Recruitment
(known as a silent P45).
Q. If I have any questions, who should I speak with/send them to?
A. You should speak with any member of our HR Team, alternatively email