Visit to the International Criminal Court to monitor Review Letter - OTP-CR-76/22
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
cc: OTP InformationDesk <>
date: 13 Jun 2023, 17:23
subject: Visit to the International Criminal Court to monitor Review Letter - OTP-CR-76/22
International Criminal Court
Po Box 19519
2500 CM, The Hague
The Netherlands
Dear Sir
I need to make an urgent visit to the International Criminal Court to check on the progress of the proceedings relating to the Review Letter - OTP-CR-76/22 received by me as linked here: Information Received - Review Letter - OTP-CR-76/22 ( Information Received - Review Letter - OTP-CR-76/22 ( in light of the response of the UK State in the two Spamming phone calls made to me to further terrorise me this afternoon as follows:
0121 667 8265 at 13.34 pm (UK-Time)
0121 667 8265 at 15.06 pm (UK Time
The relevant communications are attached: ToSivajiPanesar13Jun2023.docx; FrPublicResponseUnitHighcommindia(DrSivajiPanesar)13Jun2023.docx; ToHighCommindia&CourtLegalbodies(Dr Sivaji Panesar)13Jun2023.docx.
An arrest warrant on Dr Sivaji Panesar is applied for immediately through the Office of the Prosecutor for being the aggressor in the initial instance.
Please let me have permission to come to the International Criminal Court.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
• Scanned by Gmai
ToSivajiPanesar13Jun2023.docx; FrPublicResponseUnitHighcommindia(DrSivajiPanesar)13Jun2023.docx; ToHighCommindia&CourtLegalbodies(Dr Sivaji Panesar)13Jun2023.docx: