Voluntary Interview
Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Force Control Kent
ravina@olivessolicitors.com, Rashmipanigrahi2000@yahoo.co.uk, kmpt.pals.kmpt@nhs.net
Thu, 18 May at 20:35
Kent Police
Dear Sirs
I was seeking clarification from DC Field on what was on the agenda for the Voluntary interview on Monday the 22 May 2023 11 am that DC Fields sought as shown in the correspondence below and so left the following message on her answerphone as a Voicemail:at 4.15pm. I had dialled DC Katie Fields earlier but it was not answered. This time I left a Voicemail on her answerphone to have the complaint registered: I said in ‘Hello DC Katie Fields I tried to ring you earlier. I had enquired from Medway Magistrates Court whether these offences that I am suspected of committing is part of the considerations for the 1 June 2023 Hearing but did not get a reply. I got your complaint email but not sure what this complaint issue is all about. Could you ring me back to let me know what I need to prepare for at the interview on Monday. Thank you’. DC Field did not reply.
Sirs, please take note that as I informed Medway Magistrates Court (see attached: ToMedwayMagistratesCourt(Voluntary Interview(Medway Police Station)18May2023.docx that until the agenda for the pending interview is clearly outlined to me point by point in writing sent to me by DC Fields by email that is not from a no-reply email account, I will not be attending the interview that is currently scheduled and it will have to be postponed until after 2 June 2023 once my mental health has recovered sufficiently, the evidence for which was sent to you earlier today as the communication this morning with Issac of Britton House..
I am letting you know this cancellation of the appointment at an early stage so as not to waste the time of police officers, Duty Solicitors, and appropriate adult unduly.
Please acknowledge receipt of this email immediately.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
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----- Forwarded message -----
From: complaints NOREPLY Kent <complaints.noreply@kent.police.uk>
To: shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, 18 May 2023 at 12:44:43 BST
Subject: Voluntary Interview
I can confirm I have arranged a Voluntary Interview for you to attend on Monday 22nd May 2023 at 11am at Medway Police Station. I have arranged a solicitor for you who will meet us there. Please walk round to the bail door which is to the right of the reception, follow the path and I will meet you there.
Kind Regards
DC Katie Field
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ToMedwayMagistratesCourt(Voluntary InterviewMedwayPoliceStation)18May2023.docx 14.6kB: