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What do they know Update on Home Office Freedom of Information

What do they know Update on Home Office Freedom of Information

Your internal review request has been sent on its way.

Request made through my MP Rehman Chishti for information on Legal Police amendments on Policing Guidelines

Shantanu Panigrahi made this Freedom of Information request to Home Office


Waiting for an internal review by Home Office of their handling of this request.

Shantanu Panigrahi 30 October 2022Delivered

Dear Home Office,

I need an up-to-date report on the following application that I submitted:





Shantanu Panigrahi <[email address]>


[email address]

Sat, 29 Oct at 10:35


Rehman Chisthi MP

Member of Parliament for Gillingham and Rainham

Dear Rehman

1. Thank you for your letter (typed out as attached: Letter from Rehman_Chishti_21Oct_received29Oct2022.docx) that I have just now received in the post.

2. I fully appreciate the points you are making on not being able to comment on the specifics of the legal aspects of my dispute with Kent Police that is updated as attached: ToKentPoliceForce&Enquiries(RETURN OF OUR PROPERTY)28Oct2022.docx for information only but which may be used as evidence in the formulation of legal policy at the Home Office.

3. I need you to make a representation to the Minister at the Home Office immediately on a revision of legal policy on three-associated issues of how the Police Forces operate under the Home Office guidelines as follows:

(a) a time limit must be imposed on the Professional Standards Department of Police Forces of a maximum of 28 days for providing a written reply to a complaint that has been made on false arrest and seizure of personal property and misconduct by a Police Constable.

(b) there must be full supervision of the Professional Standards Association by the Independent Office for Police Conduct when the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of a complaint to the local Professional Standards Department: this is very poor at the moment.

(c) The Police and Crime Commissioner locally must produce a report on the adequacy of a Chief Constable to hold the office when a complaint on his conduct of misfeasance in public office has been referred to the Commissioner.

4. If you agree that these changes in legal policy issues are within the remit of the Minister at the Home Office to review, on the basis that much of the delays in bringing matters to a court of law and the costs involved in civil and criminal prosecutions by a victim of Hate Crime would then disappear along with the misfeasance in public office of the Chief Constable to supervise adequately his junior staff, than kindly reply to this email as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

Download all attachments as a zip file

Letter from Rehman Chisthi MP_21Oct_received29Oct2022.docx 13.1kB

ToKentPoliceForce&Enquiries(RETURN OF OUR PROPERTY)28Oct2022.docx 334.6kB

Yours faithfully,

Shantanu Panigrahi


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FOI Requests, Home Office 30 October 2022

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FOI Requests, Home Office 31 October 2022

Dear Shantanu Panigrahi,

Thank you for contacting the Home Office.

After searching our records, I am unable to locate your request. Could you please provide the 5 digit FOI reference number for your request.

Please resend your request for an update in full, with the 5 digit FOI request reference.

Kind Regards,

M Ennis

Home Office

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Shantanu Panigrahi 31 October 2022Delivered

Dear FOI Requests,

I am very sorry, I do not know what the meaning of the 5 digit FOI request reference is. No one has given it to me at 'What do they know uk'. If you can provide me with clarification of where to find this 5 digit request reference, then I will obtain it and resend my Freedom of Information request accordingly.

If on the other hand the following communication is useful for you to look into the matter, please let me know:





Shantanu Panigrahi <[email address]>


Enquiries Medway County Court,

Central London DJSKEL County Court,

[email address]

Mon, 31 Oct at 07:44


Medway County Court

Central London County Court

The Attorney General

Dear Sirs

I am not able to understand what is going on with respect to my Claims J00ME572 & E35YM660.

The State authorities first indicated that the Attorney General had intervened in this matter and I took it up with Kent Police to try and ascertain whether it was a genuine communication to me from the Attorney General that caused me much distress or whether it was yet another criminal anonymous email that I had received to torture me - please see the attached email that I sent to Kent Police on the 29th of October 2022 to which there has been no reply: ToKentPoliceForce&Enquiries(RETURN OF OUR PROPERY)28Oct2022.docx.

Then on Saturday the 29th October 2022 I received a letter in the post dated 21 October 2022 from my MP Mr Rehman Chishti which set out the grounds upon which he would assist me in taking this matter up with the Ministry of Justice or the Home Office, and I opted for the Home Office Minister, Suella Braverman to be right authority to deal with this Case being a Crime and Law Enforcement Matter; as follows:

Policy Changes by the Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom (TCLP-UK) | The Conservative Lib ( https://www.theconservativelibertarianso...

I have yet to hear from Mr Rehman Chishti or the Home Office concerning this and I am still without my £55,000 severance payment from 1998 from the University of Greenwich and the £4170 refund from the Cabinet Office in respect of the costs to the defendant that I had to pay within a short time frame as set out in District Judge' Lightman's Order that is under appeal to have it set aside along with the previous Court Order of HHJ Parfitt, both attached: CentralLondonCountyCourtOrderonE35YM660dated19January2021_receivedbyClaimantfirstat9.27amon22March2021.pdf; CentralLondonCountyCourtOrder 21 June 2021 (District Judge Lightman).pdf.

Please confirm to me that there are proceedings outstanding at these Courts or with the Attorney General for or against me as the litigant: I do not have the money to pay any further Court Fees or solicitor's expenses to access justice, if it is decided that legal proceedings have to continue in a Court of Law and not in the Attorney General's Office.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane





Tel: 07967789619

Download all attachments as a zip file

ToKentPoliceForce&Enquiries(RETURN OF OUR PROPERTY)28Oct2022.docx 334.6kB

CentralLondonCountyCourtOrderonE35YM660dated19January2021_receivedbyClaimantfirstat9.27amon22March2021-1.pdf 54.7kB

CentralLondonCountyCourtOrder 21 June 2021 (District Judge Lightman).pdf 783.5kB

Yours sincerely,

Shantanu Panigrahi


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FOI Requests, Home Office 31 October 2022

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FOI Requests, Home Office 31 October 2022

Dear Shantanu Panigrahi,

I note that the [Home Office request email] address is not listed in your prior email below.

Is this the first time you have contacted [Home Office request email] with this query? If so please resend your FOI request stating clearly what recorded information you are requesting(General Queries are for [email address]). We will then register as a new FOI and provide you with a reference and a time frame.

If you have previously contacted [Home Office request email] can you please forward any correspondence you have received from [Home Office request email] so we can locate.

Kind Regards,

M Ennis

Home Office

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Shantanu Panigrahi 31 October 2022Delivered

Dear FOI Requests,

I have just in the past half an hour received an acknowledgement of Freedom of Information Request from Kent Police which has grave shortcomings. I have elaborated on what those shortcomings are in my reply to Kent Police concerning this particular Freedom of Information matter. As soon as I receive a considered response from Kent Police to the legal proceedings underway I may be able to return back to the Home Office to see if there are any reviews that Suella Brarverman the current Home Secretary needs to consider based on the information that I have provided thus far above.

If I receive any written responses from Mr Rehamn Chishti my MP in the meantime, I will know whether there is any point in furthering this particular Freedom of Information Request through 'What do the know'.

I trust this will meet with your requirements for now.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi


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FOI Requests, Home Office 31 October 2022

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Shantanu Panigrahi 1 November 2022Unknown

Dear Home Office,

1. I am not sure what you make of this 01299 (of 2022) FOI Case Reference Number - I have been receiving lots of criminal anonymous emails over the past 5 years so this Cherie may be one such character interfering in the proceedings.

2. Notwithstanding: I have asked for clarification from the email address of the FO! Request at the Home Office as follows:





Shantanu Panigrahi <[email address]>


[email address]


[email address], Ray Coker, PSD Complaints Kent, [email address],

PCC Correspondence Kent

Tue, 1 Nov at 06:57


The Home Office

Dear Sirs

With reference to the contents of the attached link Request made through my MP Rehman Chishti for information on Legal Police amendments on Policing Gui ( https://www.knowledgeassessmentanddissem...

Request made through my MP Rehman Chishti for information on Legal Polic...

Your internal review request has been sent on its way. Request made through my MP Rehman Chishti for information...


Kent Police: Freedom of Information Request FOI/01299/222 ( https://www.knowledgeassessmentanddissem...

Kent Police: Freedom of Information Request FOI/01299/222

Kent Police: Freedom of Information Request FOI/01299/222 Yahoo / Sent Mon, 31 Oct at 09:28 Shantanu Panigrahi <...

on Freedom of Information Request submitted through 'What do they know', a well wisher of mine who wishes to remain anonymous (Cherie) has sent me

the following email this morning with a '01299 (of 2022) Reference Number.

Kindly provide me with the fullest and comprehensive Report on what the Home Secretary Suella Braverman has done on the recommendations made to changes in legal policy on policiing guidelines.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

----- Forwarded message ----- Fw: Panigrahi/Tiwana FOI Request Number

From: EM <[email address]>

To: "[email address]" <[email address]>; "[email address]" <[email address]>; "[email address]" <[email address]>; "[email address]" <[email address]>; "[email address]" <[email address]>

Sent: Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 04:32:35 GMT

Subject: Panigrahi/Tiwana FOI Request Number

Dear Shan,

The required FOI number is, from the records of which EM managed to have sight, "01299" (of 2022). You must provide this to progress the request with Mr Ennis.

I don't understand what is the involvement of Mr Tiwana or Mr Coker in this matter or in the original complaint itself. They may resent their personal information now being findable on the website which is regularly "indexed by Google".

But I am confident that, like always, you know best!



Home Office Freedom of Information Requests




FOI Requests <[email address]>


Shantanu Panigrahi

Tue, 1 Nov at 06:58

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3. I would be grateful if you would attend to this matter with the utmost urgency and let me know where I stand.

Yours faithfully,

Shantanu Panigrahi


FOI Requests, Home Office 1 November 2022

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