Shantanu Panigrahi
To:Forz Khan Khan
Tue, 21 May at 11:50
Dear Forz
Thank you for your email this morning: I have done what you asked me to do: https://www.knowledgeassessmentanddissemination.com/post/automatic-reply-valid-case. I do not think Jason Chapman has the necessary knowledge and experience to provide us with the technical advice on the proceedings below.
Have you still got big cases to be able to get involved in a new arrangement?
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
To: Forz Khan Khan <fk@thechambersoffkhan.co.uk>
Cc: Jill Jesson <jill@jilljesson.com>; Phso Enquiries <phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>; KMPTPALS (KENT AND MEDWAY NHS AND SOCIAL CARE PARTNERSHIP TRUST) <kmpt.pals.kmpt@nhs.net>; Force Control Kent <force.control@kent.police.uk>; Enquiries <enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk>
Sent: Tuesday, 21 May 2024 at 09:50:16 BST
Subject: Fw: zoom
Mr Forz Khan
Chambers of F Khan
Dear Forz
Kindly note the communication below and advise.
I have started an ePetition that you might consider signing now that the realities have surfaced if you are a British citizen or resident in Britain:
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
I’ve made a petition – will you sign it?
Click this link to sign the petition:
My petition:
Have an amended Constitution.
Institute a Select Committee Specially convened for the purpose as I have gone through all other processes of Parliament and it has not received a positive response.
To keep people better informed on who is in charge of procedures of the House of Commons and of the House of Lords, what the functions of the Consultant Psychiatrists, Chief Constables of Police Forces are and who are the officials against whom a citizen can successfully prosecute in civil and criminal courts of the United Kingdom.
Click this link to sign the petition:
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Jill Jesson <jill@jilljesson.com>
To: Shantanu Panigrahi (Bark) <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 21 May 2024 at 09:16:32 BST
Subject: zoom