111 Health Advisor Interview - Ashford - Shantanu Panigrahi
from: Shirley Pennucci <Shirley.Pennucci@secamb.nhs.uk>
to: "shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com" <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>,
Lauren Hills <Lauren.Hills@secamb.nhs.uk>,
Megan Gildon <megan.gildon@secamb.nhs.uk>
cc: Shirley Pennucci <Shirley.Pennucci@secamb.nhs.uk>
date: 31 May 2023, 12:57
subject: 111 Health Advisor Interview - Ashford - Shantanu Panigrahi
mailed-by: secamb.nhs.uk
Signed by: secamb.nhs.uk
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111 Health Advisor Interview - Ashfo…
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When Sun 4 Jun 2023 10:15am – 11am (BST)
Where Microsoft Teams Meeting
Who Megan Gildon, Lauren Hills, Shirley Pennucci*
Sun 4 Jun 2023
No earlier events
10:15am 111 Health Advisor Interview - Ashfo…
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Invite to Interview
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
to: Shirley Pennucci on Trac application 148605369 <reply-354743715-12@recruit.trac.jobs>
date: 31 May 2023, 14:32
subject: Re: Invite to Interview
mailed-by: gmail.com
Dear Shirley Pennucci
I have received the Microsoft Teams Interview details and am looking forward to seeing you at the appointment time.
I do have a query in that I am currently on bail until the 18 June 2023 that I am challenging at Medway Magistrates Court as attached: TokenPolice(PublicDisclosureRevisit)31May2023.docx.
Hope my DBS Check comes out clean if I am successful at the interview.
If you have any questions arising, please do not hesitate to write back to me.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
On Wed, 31 May 2023 at 13:34, Shirley Pennucci on Trac application 148605369 <reply-354743715-12@recruit.trac.jobs> wrote:
Just a quick message to let you know you should've received your Microsoft Teams interview invite.
Please do check you junk/spam folder if you can't see it in your inbox, as the Teams invite does have a tendency to go in there.
Look forward to seeing you for your interview! :-)
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Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Public Disclosure Kent Police
Wed, 31 May at 11:30
Dear Sirs
I do wish to proceed with this request in light of the fact that the Court Manager at North Kent Magistrates Court/Medway Magistrates Court has not replied to my submission for how this matter should proceed, as attached: to North Kent Magistrates Court(proceedings Pending)31May2023.docx, and neither has Mr Rehman Chishti replied to the need for a Public Enquiry. I am therefore unable to defend myself of all allegations when information is systematically withheld from me in an all-round conspiracy within the State of the United Kingdom; with excuses made for rejecting me the opportunity of a Hearing in a Court of Law for my proactive litigations and private prosecutions and holding me on bail by Kent Police until 18 June 2023 5 pm for no legal reason whatsoever and for which I have been demanding £10 million in damages and compensation from the UK Treasury.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
Hide original message
On Wednesday, 31 May 2023 at 09:28:48 BST, Public Disclosure Kent <public.disclosure@kent.police.uk> wrote:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your recent request for access to personal data being processed by Kent Police. Your request has not yet been accepted, as we reasonably require some further information/action from you. Please read the below carefully and reply to this email with the information/action requested if you wish to proceed with your request:
What is a right of access/subject access request (‘SAR’)?
Individuals have the right to be aware of, and verify the lawfulness of, the processing of personal data being carried out by a controller, in accordance with Article 15 of the UK’s General Data Protection Regulation (the ‘UK GDPR’) and Part 3 Section 45 of the Data Protection Act 2018 (the ‘DPA 18’).
Is this the right disclosure pathway for you?
Right of access/subject access is not the process for gathering information or material to assist with legal proceedings (including Family Court/Employment Tribunal matters), housing applications, vetting or job applications, or any matter other than for you to verify the lawfulness of our processing of your personal data.
If you require disclosure of information or material that is the same or similar to the examples above, it may be more appropriate for your request to be processed under another legislative pathway. Please let us know if this is the case and we can help to assess it correctly.
What should I expect to receive?
Right of access/subject access only entitles you to disclosure of personal data held within material, and not necessarily to copies of any material or documents; the right of access/subject access pathway is not intended to assist individuals in obtaining discovery of documents that may assist in litigation, or complaints against third parties.
Your entitlement is only to your personal data, and therefore if you think that information might be held about you that may identify or have been provided by another person(s), you may wish to obtain their written consent for the information to be provided to you. They will also need to provide satisfactory proof of identity.
Various restrictions/exemptions can apply under data protection legislation, and in some circumstances, we may be unable to provide you with access to the personal data you have requested, either in full, or in part. If a restriction/exemption is applied in the case of your request, this will be fully explained to you in our response, unless to do so would undermine the purpose of the restriction/exemption being applied.
Solicitors or representatives making a request on behalf of someone else
We reasonably require copy identification documents that provide sufficient information regarding your client’s identity, and explicit consent of your client to authorise the disclosure of their personal data to you. We require copies of two different official documents which between them clearly show your client’s legal name, date of birth, current address, and photograph. Examples may include a driving licence, passport, birth certificate or a utility bill.
The consent may be provided through a form of authority, which must include the full details of the data subject providing consent, and should refer to the data subject authorising the Chief Constable of Kent to disclose the personal data as requested to you as their representative. This must be signed and dated by the data subject.
PNC/Criminal Record
Please be aware that a right of access/subject access request with Kent Police will not provide data held on the Police National Computer (the ‘PNC’), or a ‘criminal record’. If you require disclosure of this information, or if you are applying for a police certificate for visa or emigration purposes for specific countries, please refer your request to ACRO on their website https://www.acro.police.uk who will be able to assist.
If you require disclosure for employment purposes and you live in England, Scotland, or Wales, please contact the Disclosure and Barring Service (the ‘DBS’) for assistance. If you have been asked to obtain a copy of criminal convictions (or evidence that nothing is held) as part of a recruitment or employment process, this is known as ‘enforced subject access’ and in some circumstances it is a criminal offence for a current or prospective employer or recruiter to require an individual to make a right of access/subject access request as a condition of employment, or for the provision of goods and services.
What we need from you to accept your request
Copy ID documents
In order for us to accept this request for access to personal data, we reasonably require you to provide copies of two official documents which between them provide sufficient information to confirm your identity. The documents should confirm your legal name, date of birth, current address, signature, and photograph. Examples may include a driving licence, passport, birth certificate or a utility bill.
Confirmation of the personal data that you require access to
Please review your request and ensure that you have clearly specified the personal data that you require access to, for example, ‘details of the report I made in January 2022’, rather than ‘all personal data held’. This allows us to process your request most efficiently, as we can identify where the personal data requested is likely to be held, and can make any necessary enquiries with other departments promptly.
If your request is already specific, you do not need to take action to refine it.
X If your request is not specific and is for ‘all personal data held’, please take action to refine it.
Where a right of access/subject access request is assessed by our team as likely to take more than one working day for a Public Disclosure Officer to process, please be aware that you may receive a list of material likely to contain your personal data, as opposed to access to the personal data itself. You will then be given further opportunity to narrow the scope of your request from the list we will provide, if necessary.
If you are unable or unwilling to identify the specific personal data that you require access to initially, or following the provision of a list, consideration may be given to refusing your request in part or in full on the grounds of it being indicative of a ‘manifestly excessive’ request. An example of this would be a request that is assessed to take a Public Disclosure Officer in excess of 30 hours to process.
It is important to note that our team processes a high volume of right of access/subject access requests. We take a structured approach to ensure that we appropriately balance our legislative, operational, and organisational responsibilities. We therefore make you aware that a delay in processing your request is likely. We will endeavour to communicate any delay to you within the one calendar month response period.
Please reply to this email with the information/action requested, or if you have any questions a member of our team will be happy to assist you. If we do not hear back from you within 30 days, your request will be closed with no further action.
Kind regards,
Subject Access (JF)
Public Disclosure Team
Kent Police
London Road
ME20 7SL
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Sent: 30 May 2023 20:21
To: Public Disclosure Kent <public.disclosure@Kent.police.uk>
Kent Police Public Disclosure Team
Old London Road,
Kent ME20 7SL
Email public.disclosure@kent.police.uk
Dear Sirs
I am in urgent need of all documents relating to my Driving Speeding Offence of 5 October 2022 and the harassment/malicious communications/wrongful blogging and the writing of my autobiography online that Kent Police alleges me to have been a prime suspect of for offences committed. The full chargesheet that has been submitted to the North Kent Magistrates Court in this regard, as it relates to the Notice of New Date of Hearing NKMC.docs attached as the original documents from the complainants to the offences are required by me as are the transcripts of the interviews conducted on me while I was on voluntary interview and arrest interviews together with the arguments that Kent Police has submitted to the Court for which I have been summoned
The materials are especially important for me to receive on time so that I can formulate my Defence when the Medway Magistrates Court decides on the date of adjournment of the 1 June 2023 Hearing of the matter in hand that I shall attend in person that the court has approved..
I have been directed as shown below by Force Control at Kent Police to write to you in view of the urgency.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Force Control Kent <force.control@kent.police.uk>
To: Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 30 May 2023 at 18:39:48 BST
Dear Sir
If you are after a subject access request for information held on Kent Police systems you will need to contact either of the following
email public.disclosure@kent.police.uk or write to Kent Police Public Disclosure Team, Old London Road, Aylesford, Maidstone, Kent ME20 7SL
kind regards
Victoria 58733
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Sent: 30 May 2023 18:28
To: Force Control Kent <force.control@kent.police.uk>
Dear Sir
I found the website but do not wish to spend £88 to obtain the DBS Check Certificate.
Secondly, it may not be relevant but I had asked for a Public Enquiry on this matter as attached: ToRehmanChishti(PUBLICENQUIRY)30May2023 that I had informed Kent Police about from what I can remember of our communications this weekend.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
On Tuesday, 30 May 2023 at 14:39:15 BST, Force Control Kent <force.control@kent.police.uk> wrote:
Good afternoon
Regarding the below, you can apply for DBS checks online, these checks can only requested this way, and cannot be done by email. You can find the appropriate website to complete these by googling DBS checks.
Kind regards
Digital Desk
Kent Police
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Sent: 27 May 2023 07:28
To: Enquiries Kent <enquiries@kent.police.uk>; Force Control Kent <force.control@kent.police.uk>
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organisation. DO NOT CLICK LINKS or OPEN ATTACHMENTS unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.
It is not unusual to receive an email from someone for the first time but this can be a sign of phishing, so do please be vigilant.
Kent Police
Dear Sir
1. I am in the process of having an interview for employment with 111 NHS Ambulance Service on 4 June 2023, and in view of the arrests of myself on 16 September 2021, 24 November 2021, 23 November 2022, 28 March 2023 and 20 April 2023 at various Police Stations in the Medway towns area, require an updated certificate from Kent Police to the one you issued on 23 March 2023, as attached: CHARGE REFUSED CERTIFICATE FROM KENT POLICE.pdf.
2. I would be grateful for your kind consideration for the Security checks that potential employers will carry out on my job applications.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
This email and any other accompanying document(s) contain information from Kent Police and/or Essex Police, which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual(s) or bodies to whom it is addressed. The content, including any subsequent replies, could be disclosable if relating to a criminal investigation or civil proceedings. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or other use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by contacting the sender or telephoning Kent Police on 01622 690690 or Essex Police on 01245 491491, as appropriate. For further information regarding Kent Police’s or Essex Police’s use of personal data please go to https://www.kent.police.uk/hyg/privacy/ or https://www.essex.police.uk/hyg/privacy/. Additionally for our Terms and Conditions please go to https://www.kent.police.uk/hyg/terms-conditions/ or https://www.essex.police.uk/hyg/terms-conditions/
This email and any other accompanying document(s) contain information from Kent Police and/or Essex Police, which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual(s) or bodies to whom it is addressed. The content, including any subsequent replies, could be disclosable if relating to a criminal investigation or civil proceedings. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or other use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by contacting the sender or telephoning Kent Police on 01622 690690 or Essex Police on 01245 491491, as appropriate. For further information regarding Kent Police’s or Essex Police’s use of personal data please go to https://www.kent.police.uk/hyg/privacy/ or https://www.essex.police.uk/hyg/privacy/. Additionally for our Terms and Conditions please go to https://www.kent.police.uk/hyg/terms-conditions/ or https://www.essex.police.uk/hyg/terms-conditions/
This email and any other accompanying document(s) contain information from Kent Police and/or Essex Police, which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual(s) or bodies to whom it is addressed. The content, including any subsequent replies, could be disclosable if relating to a criminal investigation or civil proceedings. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or other use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by contacting the sender or telephoning Kent Police on 01622 690690 or Essex Police on 01245 491491, as appropriate. For further information regarding Kent Police’s or Essex Police’s use of personal data please go to https://www.kent.police.uk/hyg/privacy/ or https://www.essex.police.uk/hyg/privacy/. Additionally for our Terms and Conditions please go to https://www.kent.police.uk/hyg/terms-conditions/ or https://www.essex.police.uk/hyg/terms-conditions/
ToNorthKentMagistratesCourt(Proceedings Pending)31May2023.docx 14.2kB: