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Shantanu Panigrahii's Daily Bulletin

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Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi


from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to: Enquiries Medway County <>

date: 18 Jan 2025, 23:47




District Judge

Medway County Court

Your Honour

Further to the email that I sent Kent Police copied to the Court earlier this evening, there has been no reply from Kent Police: see link:

Additionally, HMRC and Ford Motor Company need to be added to the (a-z) as separate items that Kent Police should have to investigate as attached:

ToHMRC(Anomaly in Tax_The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited)17Jan2025.docx


The evidence of the Financial Ombudsman's involvement in the systematic obstruction of justice is already under the Court's jurisdiction in this Case as referred to below.

Your sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi (Claimant)

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619



from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to: Enquiries Medway County <>

date: 17 Jan 2025, 14:18

subject: J00ME572



District Judge

Medway County Court

Your Honour

The Financial Ombudsman is acting most deceitfully and duplicitously as you will note from the correspondence I just received to protect the Bank (I have no idea which Bank is being referred to).

Accordingly, please reject this prevarication that smacks of conspiracy against me as set out in my Particulars of Damages and Compensation dated 17 December 2024.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME80SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

---------- Forwarded message ---------Fwd: Your complaint (Our ref:PNX-5411763-M1P7)

Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 at 13:54

Subject: Your complaint (Our ref:PNX-5411763-M1P7)

Our ref


Your ref

Dear Dr Panigrahi

Your complaint

Thank for you response and for confirming that you no longer wish to pursue this complaint.

We’ve now closed this case as requested.

Kind regards

Ryan Legge | Customer Help | 0800 023 4567

Financial Ombudsman Service | Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR

This email has been sent securely using TLS encryption.

This email is covered by our email disclaimer.

This email was sent from Financial Ombudsman Service Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number: 3725015. Registered Office: Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR, United Kingdom.

2 attachments • Scanned by Gmail

(a) ToHMRC(Anomaly in Tax_The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited)17Jan2025.docx

(b) ToUKCR1Ford(Do not Appreciate it _REFERRAL FROM ALLEN MOTORS GROUP DEALERSHIP)14Jan2025.docx


Anomaly in Tax: The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited


Shantanu Panigrahi

To:HMRC Online Support

Fri 17 Jan at 12:02

Dear Sirs

A year or so ago we had arranged for the £400 Fine to be abolished from the explanation that I had provided HMRC; yet it seems to me to have reemerged in my Account as shown in the screenshot spread over two years. Or why else would HMRC determine that my company did not require to pay any taxes from 2023 to 2025 but during 2022 it was required to pay.

It seems to me that some error was made during my submission of Company Tax Returns for 2022 which led to the £200 x 2 tax being imposed.

Please clarify.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619




HMRC online support

To:Shantanu Panigrahi

Fri 17 Jan at 12:04

HMRC Tudor Crest HM Revenue & Customs

Hello Shantanu Panigrahi

This is an automated response.

Thank you for contacting HMRC.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties, are unable to complete what you need to do online or have been unable to move to the next page, please log back in to your HMRC online account with your User ID and Password and try again. If you still experience the same problem, please use the ‘help’ link at the bottom of the page you are on to report the issue.

If you need any advice regarding your tax affairs, please contact the appropriate team Contact HMRC - GOV.UK (

Kind regards,


if you're unsure an email comes from HMRC:

do not reply to it or click any links

forward it to



Shantanu Panigrahi

To:GBR - CRC EmailBox

Tue 14 Jan at 11:54

Dear Sirs

I do not appreciate it when Warren Hornigold passes the buck for what is clearly a

Dealership issue to do with the marketing of a dodgy car in 2023 to my wife who is not a motor mechanic.

On top of that why did Mr Hornigold send me a ford focus information when the matter reported to UK Ford referred to Ford Fiesta purchased in the summer of 2023. If the Service Plan did not include servicing of the state of the battery that should have been made clear.

As already mentioned to you we have had Fords cars for 40 years and never has the

treatment been so poor.

The email that I sent you clearly referred the Model Number of Ford Fiesta as EN69HNV registered in my wife&#39;s name as she is the main bread earner of the family.

The £230 demand that I made to Ford is non-negotiable and Slater and Gordon solicitors are well versed in car affairs. They should have taken this case over.

All in all although my knowledge of cars is poor, it is possible that the State authorities who have terrorised me for the past 26 years have tampered with the car during the process of trying to repair the car that this Ford Fiesta replaced in 2023 with excuses that they could not get parts after 4-5 weeks in order to force us to buy a new car. The correspondence that I have had with Slater and Gordon proves what I am alleging as attached: FrSlater&amp;Gordon(NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS_FordKentPoliceMedCtyCrt.docx.

I have waited and waited for my apology and £300 million in damages and compensation from the United Kingdom Treasury and still no Court under J00ME572 or E35YM660 is budging. All I get from every institution of the State is prevarication and terrorism of annoyance.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME80SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

On Tuesday, 14 January 2025 at 11:27:08 GMT, GBR - CRC EmailBox &lt;;


Good morning Shantanu,

I am very sorry to hear of the experience you&#39;ve reported to us. In order for me to assist further, can you please provide the following information and images of the first two pages of your V5 document so I can comply with GDPR practices?

Kindly be advised that by supplying us with your contact details, further communication from us may be generated.

Are you the registered owner and is the V5 in your name?

Full name and postal address:



What is the best number to contact you on to progress your case?

Can we leave a detailed messages regarding this case on their answer phone(s).

If we can’t get hold of you on the phone, we also have email and a two way SMS, can we contact you via these?

When did you purchase the vehicle?

Where was the vehicle purchased from?

What is the current mileage on the vehicle?

Can I please have details of your service history including dates, mileages and where it took place?

Do you have a Service plan?

Do you have the ford pass app?

Have you owned Ford vehicles before?

If so, how many?

Were these purchased new or used?

Is your vehicle used for business purposes?

Is your vehicle leased or owned?

a. Are you responsible for your own servicing?

b. Can you confirm that your name appears on the V5 document?

Has it been into a dealership for diagnosis?

If so, what date and which dealership &amp; who did you speak with?

Is the vehicle off the road?

Can you advise what the concern is with your vehicle?

What assistance are you looking for from the CRC?

I have organised an appointment for the 15th between 12 and 5 pm to check for a response from you.

If you have any questions or concerns before we contact, you can email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible on referencing your case number that is stated in the title of this email. Alternatively, you can also call us on 0203 564 4444 (option 4)

and state the case reference. Or you are welcome to leave a voicemail on my extension number which is (6848) and I will get back to you ASAP.

Kindest regards,

Katie Rackham| Digital, CX Specialist, Ford of Britain and Ireland

Ford Motor Company Limited. Registered in England. No 235446 Registered Office, Ford Motor Company Limited, Arterial Road, Laindon, Essex, SS15 6EE

Henry Ford &amp; Son Limited. Registered in Ireland: No 4441. Registered Office: Elm Court, Breneman Road, Cork

Confidentiality Note: This electronic message contains information which may be

confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure. This information is intended for the use of the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, printing or any other use of, or any action in reliance on, the contents of this electronic message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender by telephone at the number

noted above and destroy the original message.


FrSlater&amp;Gordon(No NEWS IS GOOD

NEWS_FordKentPoliceMedCtyCrt)14Jan2025.docx 50.2kB:



To:Shantanu Panigrahi

Tue 14 Jan at 09:29

Good morning,

Our records do not show that you have ever clicked the unsubscribe option but I have

notified the respective team asking that you be removed from their mailing list. Please be

advised, however, that our records also show that you did make an initial enquiry and so this

contact was not unsolicited.

Kind regards

Lee Jones

Complaints Analyst

Slater and Gordon

The Plaza, 100 Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L3 9QJ

DX : 14189 Liverpool

Tel : 0800 740 8596 | Fax :

From: Shantanu Panigrahi &lt;;

Sent: 14 January 2025 08:40

Subject: Re: No NEWS IS GOOD NEWS?

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Slater and Gordon

Just to clarify: I had specifically asked you not to send me any of the Car Finance type

emails and you agreed to it but I found the attached correspondence

FrSlaterGordon&amp;LockedoutofOurCar)11Jan2025.docx relating to an incident that should be self-explanatory: ToUKCRCFord(REFERRAL FROM ALLEN MOTORS GROUP


In the end as the documents show I had to unsubscribe from the offending emails from Slater and Gordon.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

On Monday, 13 January 2025 at 09:14:18 GMT, SGL.Client.Care

Good morning,

As previously and repeatedly advised, you are not one of our clients and we do not

represent you. As such, any future emails will not be responded to.

Kind regards,

Lee Jones

Complaints Analyst

Slater and Gordon

The Plaza, 100 Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L3 9QJ

DX : 14189 Liverpool

Tel : 0800 740 8596 | Fax :

From: Shantanu Panigrahi &lt;;

Sent: 11 January 2025 19:57


CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open

attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.


Slater and Gordon

Please advise me on the progress as attached:

(a) ToKentPoliceForcControl&amp;MedwayCountyCourt(J00ME572 CASE


(b) FrSlaterGordon&amp;LockedoutofOurCar)11Jan2025.docx

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619


This e-mail is from Slater and Gordon UK Limited. The information in this e-mail and any files transmitted with it is confidential and is intended solely for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. It may be subject to legal privilege. Any unauthorised dissemination or copying of this e-mail and any use or disclosure of any attachments contained in it, is strictly prohibited and may be illegal. Unauthorised recipients are requested to preserve the confidentiality of this e-mail and to advise the sender immediately of any error in transmission and delete it from their system. Any views expressed by an individual within this e-mail which do not constitute or record legal advice do not necessarily reflect the views of the firm. This e-mail (whether you are the sender or the recipient) may be monitored, recorded and retained by Slater and Gordon UK Limited for the purpose of ascertaining whether the communication complies with the law and internal policies. E-mail monitoring/blocking software may be used and e-mail content may be read at any time.

Slater and Gordon UK Limited is a company registered in England &amp; Wales with registration number 07931918, VAT 125 446 327, registered office First Floor Lee House 90 Great Bridgewater Street 14189 Liverpool Manchester M1 5JW and is an approved Alternative Business Structure authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA Authorisation Number: 591058) and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for insurance mediation activity.

If you need to contact Slater and Gordon go to


This e-mail is from Slater and Gordon UK Limited. The information in this e-mail and any files transmitted with it is confidential and is intended solely for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. It may be subject to legal privilege. Any unauthorised dissemination or copying of this e-mail and any use or disclosure of any attachments contained in it, is strictly prohibited and may be illegal. Unauthorised recipients are requested to preserve the confidentiality of this e-mail and to advise the sender immediately of any error in transmission and delete it from their system. Any views expressed by an individual within this e-mail which do not constitute or record legal advice do not necessarily reflect the views of the firm. This e-mail (whether you are the sender or the recipient) may be monitored, recorded and retained by Slater and Gordon UK Limited for the purpose of ascertaining whether the communication complies with the law and internal policies. E-mail

monitoring/blocking software may be used and e-mail content may be read at any time. Slater and Gordon UK Limited is a company registered in England &amp; Wales with registration number 07931918, VAT 125 446 327, registered office First Floor Lee House 90 Great Bridgewater Street 14189 Liverpool Manchester M1 5JW and is an approved Alternative Business Structure authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA Authorisation Number: 591058) and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for insurance mediation activity. If you need to contact Slater and Gordon go to




Kcrc, U (U.)

To:Shantanu Panigrahi

Tue 14 Jan at 11:58



Dear Sir / Madam

Thank you for submitting your request

We will handle your query with the upmost care and aim to contact you within 24 working

hours with a response

If your request is urgent, then please use the links above or use our Live Chat function found

on our Ford website to contact the team

Please quote your case reference number if you have one

Best regards

Ford Customer Relationship Centre, UK

Phone: 0203 5644444 (option 4)

Opening hours:

Relationship Centre

Monday–Friday 8:00 AM – 20:00PM

Saturday 9:00 AM – 17:00PM

Live Chat

Monday to Friday: 8.30 AM - 21.00PM

Saturday: 9.00 AM - 19.30PM


This email may contain privileged and confidential information. It is intended for the named recipients only. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify us immediately (by reply email) and delete this email from your system. Any use or retransmission without proper authorization is prohibited.

Please be informed that your email address will be stored in our system for contacting you in conjunction to the handling of your case(s). You can object to receiving emails from the Ford CRC by sending a request to


oledata.mso 77kB


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