Warning to Jacqui Lalley,Emma Harrison,Lois Derham
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com> via dizum.com
to: KentCPO@justice.gov.uk,
date: 24 Oct 2023, 09:55
subject: Warning to Jacqui Lalley,Emma Harrison,Lois Derham
mailed-by: dizum.com
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: Important according to Google magic.
Your References:
Court Date: 10 November 2023, 2.00 pm
Case number: 0462300074226
URN: 46SJ1327123
Prosecutor Reference: 2300XX0000000004742D
Claimed DOB: 8 August 1957
Now that the North Kent Court has seemingly ruled there is no case to answer, unless I get confirmation in writing from your terrorist gang that the case has been disposed of, I intend to attend court and then make my way immediately to Invicta House. In both locations I will distribute suitable amounts of a refined powder I have prepared for such an eventuality. Not there is the remotest of connections, but I happen to be the Expert Extraordinaire at certain strains of topical tropical toxins, such as Alternaria, which I have desiccated in my kitchen. What follows thereafter is up to you.
Any proceedings you intend to continue with are wholly invalid in any circumstance, because my birthday is January 15, 1957 and not August 8, which, even if the result of a clerical administrative error made many years ago which I have failed to correct, I am evidently not the person named in the summons.
Is that understood? Now bugger off, and take your Samaritans with you because they are nothing more than spies for the state and I will resume including every other party in the correspondence together with themselves.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619