from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: Civil Appeals - Registry <>
date: 13 Jan 2024, 20:03
subject: CA-2023-000750
Court of Appeal
Your Honour
Further to my email today:13 Jan 2024, 08:40, as expected I did not receive any communication from Kent Police to the following referral proving what I alleged of a conspiracy against me that deprived me of £25 million in damages and compensation from the Treasury of the United Kingdom.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message ---------Fwd: Proposal & Audit Report
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2024 at 15:03
Subject: Fwd: Proposal & Audit Report
Civil Claims
Kent Police
Dear Sir/Madam
With regard to the attached communication: Dates to Avoid)13Jan2024.docx; I would like to take up this offer below to develop my websites further as the Director of The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited to sell my 167 eBooks through my website that needs to be promoted at but as always I am hereby:
(a) checking with Kent Police if this means of doing my publishing business continues to be lawful; and
(b) checking to see if there is any scope for an out of court settlement incorporating a letter of apology from the Chief Constable of Kent Police to me and the payment of a nominal sum as damages and compensation at the same time.
Your immediate reply will be greatly appreciated, or I will go my own way for time is of the essence for me being 66 years of age.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ethan Astor <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2024 at 14:23
Subject: Proposal & Audit Report
> I was going through your website & I personally see a lot of potential in your website & business.
> I would like to send you a Portfolio of your website. It will show you exactly what needs to be done to Move you up in the rankings dramatically.
> May I send you an Audit and Cost? If you are interested.
Best Regards,
Ethan Astor
One attachment
• Scanned by Gmail Dates to Avoid)13Jan2024.docx
Fw: Automatic Response
11:32 (2 hours ago)
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android ----- Forwarded message ----- From: "Civil Appeals - Registry" <> To: "Shantanu Panigrahi" <
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: KentCPO <>,
date: 13 Jan 2024, 14:19
subject: Fwd: Fw: Automatic Response
Dear Sir/Madam
I have been investigating where I stand in relation to the attached Bail conditions: Kent Police OFFICIAL Generated Date21Dec2023.docx, because we are going on holiday to India between 18 January 2024 and returning on 19 February 2024 thereby being dates to be avoided for a Hearing if you would please ensure.
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2024 at 11:32
Subject: Fw: Automatic Response
To: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
----- Forwarded message -----
From: "Civil Appeals - Registry" <>
To: "Shantanu Panigrahi" <>
Sent: Sat, 13 Jan 2024 at 8:42
Subject: Automatic Response
Thank you for your email.
Legal Representatives
Please note that from Monday 14th February 2022 it is now mandatory for professional users to submit all documents (e.g. bundles, skeleton arguments, application notices etc.) via E-Filing. General correspondence may be sent by email.
CE-File Information & Support
This is pursuant to Practice Direction 51O of the CPR and the Practice Note which supplements it.
For Unrepresented Parties only
URGENT applications should be submitted to the court via email to this address: between 9am and 4.15 pm
What may be deemed as urgent:
Cases where in the interests of justice a substantive decision is required within 7 days. The types of work listed below fall into this category
• Child cases
• Committal appeals
• Applications for stay of removal
• Evictions
• Cases (including ancillary applications) with a hearing listed in the Court of Appeal within the next month
• Applications for an urgent stay of execution
• Covid-19 related cases e.g., medical guidance regarding priority patients
NON-URGENT applications should be emailed to:
This auto response is confirmation that your email has been received and you will not receive a separate acknowledgement. Staff will follow the internal processes that have been established to process your application as quickly as possible.
All appellant’s notices will be accepted in the first instance on the basis that they may be rejected at a later date for want of jurisdiction.
Fresh applications for permission to appeal must include:
• a completed appellant’s notice (form N161)
• grounds of appeal on a separate sheet
• The appropriate court fee via your PBA account, a completed Help with Fees form (EX160) or by contacting the RCJ Fees Office on 0203 936 8957 or by emailing between the hours of 10:00am and 16:00pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)
• a copy of the sealed order being appealed.
• A transcript of judgment should also be provided if available (or should be ordered immediately)
The public counter at E307 (Registry) remains closed, however a drop box facility is available at the main entrance into the Royal Courts of Justice.
Once the appellant’s notice is issued, all queries should be emailed to the appropriate following addresses:
The court will issue orders electronically in the first instance.
You can find contact details for other courts in other jurisdictions at the Courts & Tribunals Finder.
For information on how HMCTS uses personal data about you please see:
Customer feedback
The Court of Appeal – Civil Division accepts online complaints through the HMCTS online complaint form:
The online customer feedback system has been designed to help customers make an administrative complaint through the HM Courts & Tribunals Service process. It will also help us to learn from customer feedback to feed into possible improvements to the way we work.
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Kent Police OFFICIAL Generated Date21Dec2023.docx
Kent Police OFFICIAL Generated Date: 21/12/2023
Bail to Police Station – (with or without conditions)
Custody Record Number 46XA/1546/23
Custody Station Medway
AS Number 23/0000/00/362656Q
Name(s) Shantanu Panigrahi
Date of Birth: 08/08/1957
DYO or PPO? -
Self Defined Ethnicity
Comms Email Personal
Home Phone 01634379604
Mobile Phone 07967789619
First Language
Bail Details
Officer in Case PC 46 14767 Corbishley
Alleged Offence(s) Malicious Communications
Malicious Communications
Malicious Communications
Bailed to Medway
(Police Station Address) Medway Police Station, Purser Way, Gillingham, Kent
Bailed to date/time 16/03/2024 17:00
. I understand that I have been released on bail and must surrender to the police station as specified above, at the time and date as specified above.
. I have been informed that if I fail to surrender to custody I may commit an offence and be fined, imprisoned or both, and that if I fail to comply with any bail conditions that have been imposed, I may be arrested.
. I have been informed that if I wish to vary any of the bail conditions, I may apply to do so at the police station specified above, stating my reasons.
. I also understand that should a disposal decision be reached whilst I am on bail, I may be contacted by post.
. Unless such a written notice is received cancelling my attendance as specified above, I understand that if I fail to surrender into the custody of the police station as specified above, at the time and date as specified above, I may be fined, imprisoned, or both.
. I have been given a copy of this form.
Defendant/Bailee Signature
Was an Appropriate adult needed for bail Yes
Appropriate Adult Signature
Appropriate Adult
Comms Work: 03000 411111
Interpreter Present No
Interpreter Signature
Custody Officer Granting Bail PS JONES
Ground for Imposing Conditions
The above named person has been granted bail subject to the following conditions. These conditions are imposed because they appear necessary to prevent that person from:-
Committing an Offence Whilst on Bail
Condition Number
Reason for Condition
Commit further offences on bail
Condition Type
Not to contact any educational establishment and Not to contact any person/persons who is employed/attends/any links to an educational establishment. This is directly or indirectly for any reason.
Condition Status
Custody Record No: - 46XA/1546/23
Amount liability to pay the Court :
Person standing as Surety – Name:
Person standing as Surety – Address (incl Postcode):
Person standing as Surety – Signature:
Recognisance taken by
Officer taking Recognisance (Name/Rank/No)
Officer taking Recognisance Signature
Date/Time taken
Security – Description of Security taken
Person providing Security – Home address:
Person providing Security – Signature:
Security taken by
Officer taking Security (Name/Rank/No)
Officer taking Security Signature
Date/Time taken
Information to suspects released on bail
Bail legislation is contained with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, as amended in 2017 & 2022.
If released on bail the following is applicable:-
. You must surrender to custody at the date and time as specified above
. You will be subject to an Applicable Bail Period (ABP). The ABP covers a period that you can be bailed within by the Custody Officer before it is reviewed to ensure the investigation is being dealt with diligently and expeditiously and to ensure that bail is still necessary and proportionate.
. If initially you were released on bail before 28/10/2022 the ABP was authorised by a Police Inspector for 28 days. The ABP can be reviewed, and an extension for another three calendar months may be authorised on or before 28 days, by a Police Superintendent. Further extensions can be authorised at 3 calendar month intervals thereafter.
. If initially you wre released on bail after 28/10/2022 the ABP was authorised by the Custody Officer for 3 calendar months. The ABP can be reviewed, and an extension for another 3 calendar months may be authorised, on or before 3 calendar months, by a Police Inspector. Further extensions can be authorised at 3 calendar months intervals thereafter.
. If your case is being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office, or the Financial Conduct Authority, or HM Revenue and Customs, or National Crime Agency, the initial ABP for these dases is six months authorised by the Custody Officer. However, the police do not authorise extensions for these cases.
This must be done by a designated officer for those agencies.
. If your case has been immediately referred to the Crown Prosecution Service the ABP will not start unless they require the investigators to carry out further work.
. You or your legal representative= will be informed of theintention to apply for an extension to the ABP either in person if at the police station or by your preferred means of contact. You will be asked if you want to make any representations either immediately if in person by return of post/email etc.
. Early reviews will be conducted by relevant decision makers and later ones will be conducted by the Courts.
. The ABP will be suspended for the time that the cas3e is sent back to the Crown Prosecution Service.
. You will be informed of the decision and the relevant time and date of the end of your ABP.
. You will also be informed of the actual date and time you are due to answer bail. This may be the same or a different time to the end of an ABP.
. The consequence of all the above is that your bail date can be subject to several amendments.
However a reasonable attempt will always be made to notify you of any changes, in writing to the address that you have provided to the police (or the preferred method of contact), and/or via your legal representative if you have one.
It is important that you notify OIC of any change of your address, your legal representative, or other point of contact, and that you provide us with any current phone numbers and email contact details.
By doing so, we may be able to prevent you having to attend needlessly at a custody suite if we
know (especially at short notice) that you have a new, later bail date or other information change
(such as ‘No Further Action’.
Police Advisory Notice to Suspects
If you are involved in criminal proceedings, the following summary of potential offences is included for your information and awareness. The same offences will also be brought to the attention of any relevant victim or witness for their information. The list of offences is NOT exhaustive.
The purpose of this is to make clear to all involved parties that any unlawful, unnecessary or
inappropriate contact between the suspect in a case (either directly or through a third party), and the victim or witness may constitute a criminal offence.
Any unlawful, unnecessary or inappropriate contact reported to the police, including any perception that this is the case, may result in arrests and prosecution of parties for any of the following offences
Intimidation of witnesses, jurors & others
Under S.51 of the Criminal Justice & Public Order Act 1994 it is an offence to intimidate or threaten by any means any person involved in the investigation of an offence relating to criminal matters.
In summary proceedings A fine and/or maximum six months imprisonment
On indictment A fine and/or maximum five years imprisonment
Under S.2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, it is an offence for a person to pursue a
course of conduct which amounts to harassment of another, and which he/she knows or ought to know amounts to harassment of the other, or to persuade any person not to do something that they are entitled or required to do, or to do something that they are not under any obligation to do.
In summary proceedings A fine and/or maximum six months imprisonment
On indictment: A fine and/or maximum two years imprisonment
Please note that other, more serious, offences are also provided for under the Protection from
Harassment Act 1997
Perverting the Course of Justice
Under Common Law, it is an offence to conspire, act or embark upon a course of conduct which has a tendency to, and is intended to pervert, the course of public justice.
Some of the ways where conduct is capable of amounting to this offence is by making false
allegations, perjury, concealing offences, obstructing the police, assisting others to evade arrest, failing to prosecute, interfering with witnesses/evidence/jurors, and publication of matters calculate to prejudice a fair trial.
On indictment: Maximum LIFE imprisonment
Postal Charging
This leaflet explains Postal Charging and answers some questions you may have.
What is Postal Charging?
This is a method of bringing an offender before a court for prosecution.
It means that you could be charged and required to attend court by post without returning to a
police station.
Can I be charged by post?
If you have been in police custody and you are granted unconditional police bail to return to a police station at a later date you may be charged by means of a ‘postal charge’ if a decision is made to charge you.
How does it work?
If a decision is made to charge you at least 14 days before you are due to answer your bail you may receive a ‘charge’ and a ‘requisition’ to attend court through the post.
Will I still be on Police bail?
Once a postal charge and requisition has been issued you will no longer be on police bail for that offence.
What do I do if I receive a Postal Charge?
You will recxeive a charge/requisition form (MG4D). This will state the offence(s) with which you are charged. This will require you to attend court at a specified date and time.
If you fail to attend court when required a warrant will be issued for your arrest. If this happens, If this happens you may be held in custody until the next available court
If you do not receive a postal charge or a bail cancellation notice you must answer your police bail at the date and time shown on your bail form.