Caller Support
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 11 Oct 2023, 06:04
subject: Re: Caller Support
Hello Jo
I am sorry that I could not reply yesterday, as I was busy examining where I stood on the legalities of my involvements, especially on the judgment of Lady Justice Andrews on my proceedings that she entitled 'CA-2023-000750 S Panigrahi v Prime Minister of UK'.
It has been very difficult to ascertain the provisions of the Constitution of the United Kingdom in this regard, but I am sure some good will come out of it in the end.
It is good to know that Samaritans have continued its emotional support to me through the past half a dozen years since I first contacted you by email and once or twice on the telephone. Without that support I do not know where I would be today.
It is not clear to me what Kent Police and the Magistrates Courts at North Kent Magistrates Court or Folkestone Magistrates Court are doing in relation to the Trial Hearing of myself for a Speeding Offence and possibly other offences that may follow in due course, so I look forward to any clarifications that I receive in the meantime. I am still on Bail until 18/21 December 2023, so we wait and see. They could make a decision on the 17 October at Folkestone Magistrates Court in my absence or wait until 10 November 2023, 2.00 pm if the Kings Bench Division of the High Court does not list the Hearing on my Application in following my application yesterday.
I did not get the Christmas Job at Sainsburys that I attended an interview for on the 4 of October 2023. Ah well, at least I tried to seek employment offering my services in the Retail area.
I have not received any criminal anonymous emails since the last one that I dealt with, and I am sorry for having forwarded one of these to you to show you just what I have been up against in terrorism, persecution, victimisation, obstruction of justice and perverting the course of justice in a State-organised criminal conspiracy against me involving nearly all the institutions that I have had to correspond with to protect myself and my family here in the United Kingdom.
So any emotional support you can offer me in my hour of need would be most gratefully received.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Pangirahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
On Tue, 10 Oct 2023 at 09:26, <> wrote:
Hello Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
I am emailing you from the Caller Support team with Samaritans regarding the use of our email service. Whilst it is great that you are no longer copying Samaritans into joint emails with others, I can see that you are sending us copies of emails that you are sending/receiving from other organisations. Samaritans are here to offer emotional support only, we can support people regarding their current thoughts and feelings, rather than the situation they are in or their involvement with other organisations.
To see if Samaritans can provide you with emotional support, we are offering you a short period of assigned support, where your emails will be responded to from a smaller group of volunteers, who will already have an understanding of your situation from information taken from the emails you have already sent. The volunteers will respond to one email in every 48 hours and will offer emotional support. We would ask that you remain within the following guidelines:
-To wait for a response from volunteers before sending another email
-To focus on current thoughts and feelings not describe the situation itself
-Not to copy Samaritans into joint emails with other organisations
-Not to send Samaritans copies of emails that they have sent/received from other organisations
-Not to discuss complaints about Samaritans as you are aware how to action if necessary
We would like to continue to offer you emotional support via email but you must follow the above guidelines to stay within the boundaries of the service that Samaritans can provide. If you cannot follow these guidelines then Samaritans cannot provide the service you require and we will withdraw service provision.
If you would like to continue receiving emotional support from Samaritans then please simply respond to this email following the guidelines above and volunteers will check and respond within 48 hours.
If you would like a copy of the assigned support plan then please email the team at
With Best Wishes
Caller Support Team
You can call Samaritans free on 116 123 day or night, 365 days a year, from any phone in the UK or Republic of Ireland. A trained volunteer will answer the phone as soon as they can.
When you email us, we aim to respond within 24 hours. This means it will usually be several hours before someone reads your email. If you need urgent support, we can respond more quickly if you call.
You can find more information about Samaritans, including other ways to contact, online self-help and more about the email service at Our privacy statement is here:
Samaritans registered Charity Number 219432 (England & Wales) and SC040604 in Scotland.