Shantanu Panigrahi <>
CATLIS Long (LONG CATLIS ROAD SURGERY), Northkent Magistrates Court,,
Sheffield Road (Samaritans), Adhdasdadmin (Maudsley Hospital)
Sat, 13 May at 10:55
Long Catlis Road Surgery
North Kent Magistrates Court
Dear Sirs/Madams
It must be about 4 months ago that the GP Surgery had asked Britton House for a medication review as the doctor was very concerned about the high prolactin levels from a blood test. Since then I have been arrested twice on 28 March 2023 and on 20 April 2023 at Medway Police Station on false allegations of malicious emails that were sent out from my email address as you will note from the linked proceedings that Kent Police has intiated on me.
Application that summons to court is invalid (
Application that summons to court is invalid
Application that summons to court is invalid Inbox from: Shantanu Panigrahi <> to...
On both the arrest occasions, nurse at the custody interrogated me about my mental health status and contacted Britton House for urgent medical intervention. The nurse's name was Eito Satio. I had a telephone call from a lady at Britton House on following this referral and she investigated the matter more fully over the telephone. Then later Issac of Britton House telephoned me twice and conducted his own investigations over the telephone. I have yet to receive an official document on my diagnosis as it presently stands and nor have I received a CARE PLAN from Britton House following these three assessments to determine if I am still suffering from what has previously been defined as persistent delusional disorder, paranoid schizophrenia, severe depression, autism and bipolar with delusions.
I was hoping that this would come out at the appointment of 26 May 2023 at 10 am with Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Okofur so I was waiting for him to contact me then in preparation for my deposition to the Magistrates at North Kent Magistrates Court ahead of 1 June 2023 10.00 am when my application would be considered.
This cancellation letter that I have just received as attached: FrBrittonHouse (Appointment Cancellation)13 May 2023.docx, is a further sinister move from the State authorities to prevent me from submitting my medical evidence that I need to explain to the Magistrates in terms that is medical in that I am a mentally-reduced person and a Consultant Psychiatrist is needed to determine this officially.
I have a psychotherapist Jill Jesson of Vitali Chi with whom I have had around 6 sessions of treatment using her techniques including hypnotherapy, for what she terms is a 'split-mind' but I need to pay her £60 per session for this course of action that I can ill-afford.
The Samaritans, after providing me with emotional support over 5-6 years have discontinued their counselling so I am facing severe problems this morning exacerbated by the uncertainty arising from the letter from Britton House.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
FrBrittonHouse(Appointment Cancellation)13May2023.docx 14.6kB:
At 11.25 am, I texted Jill Jesson on WhatsApp: 'Hello Jill, Britton House has cancelled my appointment of 26 May so I have no idea what to do now'
The message was read but no response came from Jill Jesson:
Several hours later the following Failure to Deliver email was received by me:
Failure Notice
Sat, 13 May at 13:55
Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.
Unable to deliver message after multiple retries, giving up.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Hide original message
Long Catlis Road Surgery
North Kent Magistrates Court
Dear Sirs/Madams
It must be about 4 months ago that the GP Surgery had asked Britton House for a medication review as the doctor was very concerned about the high prolactin levels from a blood test. Since then I have been arrested twice on 28 March 2023 and on 20 April 2023 at Medway Police Station on false allegations of malicious emails that were sent out from my email address as you will note from the linked proceedings that Kent Police has intiated on me.
Application that summons to court is invalid (
Application that summons to court is invalid
Application that summons to court is invalid Inbox from: Shantanu Panigrahi <> to...
On both the arrest occasions, nurse at the custody interrogated me about my mental health status and contacted Britton House for urgent medical intervention. The nurse's name was Eito Satio. I had a telephone call from a lady at Britton House on following this referral and she investigated the matter more fully over the telephone. Then later Issac of Britton House telephoned me twice and conducted his own investigations over the telephone. I have yet to receive an official document on my diagnosis as it presently stands and nor have I received a CARE PLAN from Britton House following these three assessments to determine if I am still suffering from what has previously been defined as persistent delusional disorder, paranoid schizophrenia, severe depression, autism and bipolar with delusions.
I was hoping that this would come out at the appointment of 26 May 2023 at 10 am with Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Okofur so I was waiting for him to contact me then in preparation for my deposition to the Magistrates at North Kent Magistrates Court ahead of 1 June 2023 10.00 am when my application would be considered.
This cancellation letter that I have just received as attached: FrBrittonHouse (Appointment Cancellation)13 May 2023.docx, is a further sinister move from the State authorities to prevent me from submitting my medical evidence that I need to explain to the Magistrates in terms that is medical in that I am a mentally-reduced person and a Consultant Psychiatrist is needed to determine this officially.
I have a psychotherapist Jill Jesson of Vitali Chi with whom I have had around 6 sessions of treatment using her techniques including hypnotherapy, for what she terms is a 'split-mind' but I need to pay her £60 per session for this course of action that I can ill-afford.
The Samaritans, after providing me with emotional support over 5-6 years have discontinued their counselling so I am facing severe problems this morning exacerbated by the uncertainty arising from the letter from Britton House.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
FrBrittonHouse(Appointment Cancellation)13May2023.docx 10.7kB: