Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Central London DJSKEL County Court,
Tue, 10 Jan at 08:07
Circuit Judge, Central London County Court
Omar Sagher, Government Legal Department
Your Honour
Please take note of the following deliberations that outline my circumstances this morning, and let me know how you wish to proceed.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi (Claimant)
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
----- Forwarded message -----Fw: POINSONED CHALICE
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, 10 January 2023 at 06:58:47 GMT
Dear Jo
Jill Jesson is a lovely lady, very patient with me and has already pointed me in the direction that I should be going forwards. I am expecting a Zoom link from her today for another Session of psychotherapy tomorrow 11 January 2023 at 1230 pm and hopefully the full diagnosis and recommended therapy will emerge from that. I am very hopeful, especially since my pleas to the GP Surgery that I had been suicidal from paranoia and anxieties such that I felt like there was no hope for me did not fall on deaf ears and the Surgery has made the referral back to NHS secondary services. I had a telephone call from NHS Referral yesterday afternoon and the lady has further endorsed the referral to Britton House so that I expect Britton House to contact me today at some time or I will telephone Britton House.
I feel that what I always lacked was the Psychiatry and the medications for mental disorders should be combined with counselling from a Care Coordinator at Britton House but when I was discharged from secondary care I became very wayward again and ended up in a lot of trouble with my correspondence with the State authorities including the Court of Central London viz a viz the Hearing of 20 January 2023.
With the pending deliberations of the Mental Health authorities in the NHS and Jill Jesson, some solution will be forthcoming and I can look forward to a normal life from the 20 of January 2023 when the Circuit Judge makes his or her final decisions on the Claim. All the materials that I had have been submitted to the Court and it remains to be seen what the Consultant Psychiatrist recommends on the question of whether I am mentally fit to attend the Hearing on that date. If he decides that all my troubles of the mind have been due to the pressures and stresses of coping with modern life in the United Kingdom and not due to some congenital paranoid schizophrenia then of course I will attend the Hearing but it is unlikely in view of the fact that I have a great responsibility in the home with caring for my wife and taking my daughter to her workplace and bringing her home. I had asked my daughter if she could take the day off on the 20th of January 2023 to leave me free to attend the Court but she is saying that she cannot do that as she being on flexi working has to make up her time at the work place being behind schedule.
It is difficult to do self-diagnosis because one is biased in looking at oneself in the mirror and one therefore does need to get other professional views to enable one to get to understand who a person is and what motivates him or her. This I found out from bitter experience. I still do not have any objectives, plans, aims, aspirations, ambitions, hopes, wishes, anticipations and expectations in life and nor do I suffer from desires or have an ego that holds me back from living calmly with serenity of the mind. Unless I act spontaneously, nonchalantly and unpremeditatedly, my mind is in turmoil. This is why I reply to each and every email that I receive, and I now always answer the phone or return phone calls even spam ones sometimes. All sources of information are valuable to me in building up my knowledge of the world and having prejudices or harbouring grievances retards the process of gyan yoga that I practice.
With your support I feel calmer now and do not feel abandoned to the wolves of trolls who have terrorised me over the years without understanding that I have never once done anything other than try to get my £55,000 severance pay from the University of Greenwich and for the University to withdraw the label that I had been blameworthy of gross misconduct in the workplace. For one thing or the other this struggle has lasted 25 years. The issue that sparked the determination that I had to seek justice was that one of the senior managements had given me in writing that I had been applying for project funds under false pretences, which shocked me and it all snowballed from those simple words.
The Judicial and Law Enforcement processes of the United Kingdom were in a state of confusion, and I had no lawyers who would understand that this was a case of resisting Defamation so to highlight my case the litigations were entered into. I hope to convince the Circuit Judge of my good intentions to the State of the United Kingdom in due course. I do not know who the parties would be that attend the Hearing on the 20 January 2023 'IN PERSON' because the government lawyer is nor replying to my skeleton arguments and bundle for the Judge's directions, so it may well be that the Hearing is organised as a Poisoned Chalice to get me in front of the Judge for a Pre-Trial Hearing, such is my paranoid schizophrenic mind with persistent delusions.
Hope to hear from you again today.
On Monday, 9 January 2023 at 19:51:21 GMT, <> wrote:
Hi Shantanu
Thank you for sharing with us in such detail about your first session of psychotherapy and we are glad to hear that it seems as though your session went well, and you have said that you feel Jill "is a well qualified to do the work of psychotherapy that she does in a holistic manner". Now you feel like this, how do you feel about your further sessions going forward?
We are sorry to hear that trolls have raised their heads again, especially when you were feeling so calm, has this changed your feelings at all?
We hope the GP surgery goes well, we are here to listen if you need us.
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Central London DJSKEL <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Tue, 10 Jan at 08:07
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