CLAIMS E35YM660 & J00ME5725
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Central London DJSKEL County Court, Enquiries Medway County Court
Force Control Kent Police,,
AGO Correspondence
Thu, 10 Nov at 12:16
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
To: Enquiries Medway County <>; Central London DJSKEL <>
Cc: <>; Force Control Kent <>
Sent: Thursday, 10 November 2022 at 12:12:21 GMT
Subject: CLAIMS E35YM660 & J00ME572
Central London County Court
Medway County Court
Attorney General
Dear Sirs
I had asked the local Police Force and associated authorities whether Kent Police was aware that I had booked the Speed Awareness Course on Wednesday 26 October 2022 before it decided to issue me with a deceitful email for a second time in two weeks (the first I had brought to the notice of the Court): Speeding Offence: Options of Speed Awareness Course or Payment of Fine (
Speeding Offence: Options of Speed Awareness Course or Payment of FineSpeeding Offence: Options of Speed Awareness Course or Payment of Fine3 Yahoo / Inbox Shantanu Panigrahi <shanta...
Instead of answering the most important question, it has sent me the following email this morning to separate out the wider Hate Crime that I have accused it of from this Hate Crime so that the two matters are not considered in the Single Hearing of the Courts concerned:
Notice of Intended Prosecution Number: 0463140442065920 (
Notice of Intended Prosecution Number: 0463140442065920Notice of Intended Prosecution Number: 0463140442065920 Yahoo / Inbox CPU Driver Diversion External Use Only Ken...
Meanwhile the CCMCC sent me an equally deceitful email as shown in the link here in order to protect the Attorney General who deceitfully intervened in my quite legitimate legal proceedings as Claimant in E35YM660 and J00ME572. RE: DEPUTY DISTRICT JUDGE HARVEY'S CCCMCC COURT ORDER AND DIRECTIONS UPDATE (
This is just for the record.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
ToAishaGadaffi(ccmembersLibDemKentPolice(Reply Urgently)6Nov2022.docx14kB
L 021122 - Complaint Outcome.pdf 97.7kB:
Reply Urgently For More details
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi
09:51 (7 hours ago)
Reply Urgently For More details Dear I Need An Investment Partner Dear Friend, In the name of Allah the Merciful Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 6 Nov 2022, 17:01
subject: Re: Reply Urgently For More details
Dear Aisha
You have come to the wrong person for business arrangements: I am retired from active life having been rendered so by the British State here in the United Kingdom whose Attorney General has intervened to seclude me into the confines of my home: see FrAnnaTarrant(LiberalDemocrats SE Region) Conference and AGM6Nov2022.docx. I have had to cancel my Participation in this Conference in SE Region to comply with the Attorney General's presumed directions. I do not publish anything more in my websites either under Daily Bulletin of on wider issues to stay within the law.
Thus, if I participate in any of your schemes, I must first take clearance from the Attorney General before doing so in order that I do not fall foul of the law of the United Kingdom as this correspondence endorsed by the Liberal Democrats certifies. So I am copying this email to the Attorney General, and Kent Police for appropriate disposal.
Kindly do not send me any further emails for business transitions. May God be with you.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Sun, 6 Nov 2022 at 09:51, Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi <> wrote:
Reply Urgently For More details
Dear I Need An Investment Partner
Dear Friend,
In the name of Allah the Merciful Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you. I am sending this message to you from Oman, In the city of Muscat.
Aisha Gaddafi is my name, I am presently living in Oman, I am a Widow and single Mother with three Children, the only biological Daughter of late Libyan President (Late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi) and presently I am under political asylum protection by the Omani Government. I have funds worth Thirty Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars" which I want to entrust to you for investment project assistance in your country.
Kindly reply urgently for more details.
Yours Truly Aisha Gaddafi
One attachment
• Scanned by Gmail
FrAnnaTarrant(LiberalDemocrats SE Region) Conference and AGM6Nov2022.docx
L 021122 - Complaint Outcome.pdf 97.7kB
Protecting and serving the people of Kent
Professional Standards Department
For the attention of the addressee only
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
Via Email:
Date: 2nd November 2022
Reference: CO/01211/22
Dear Dr Panigrahi,
Following receipt of your email correspondence with the Professional Standards Department, we are writing to confirm that your complaint has been recorded under the above reference number as:
1. Complainant is unhappy that he is required to pay a fine for speeding and has not been offered to attend a Speed Awareness Course.
The complaint has been reviewed and the Appropriate Authority has made a decision that no further action will take place.
The rationale for this decision is as follows:
The complaints legislation states in some circumstances it may not be reasonable and proportionate to take complaint allegations any further and they will become subject of no further action. An example of this is where the complaint would be better handled by another process.
Having reviewed the complaint, I am satisfied the allegation relates to action taken in respect to an offence of excess speed. There is a legal process which has to be followed in respect to such offences.
Further, as you have pointed out that you are dissatisfied with this procedure, there is an appeals process to follow. This would be the most appropriate avenue rather than using the police complaints
process, as you are not making any complaint in respect to the prosecution, but instead you are making a complaint about the outcome.
In relation to the document attached to your email, I note there is no separate complaint linked to this. The document of a Defence Case Statement produced by you is in respect to ongoing criminal matters and as such, should be relied upon during the criminal justice process rather than the police complaints process. I can see no complaint in respect to this in the attached correspondence.
You have a ‘Right of Review’ if you remain dissatisfied with the decision made to take no further action in relation to Allegation 1. Any appeal must be directed to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC), who will have the responsibility for making a determination on your review application.
Should you decide to submit an appeal, please be aware that it is not the role of the OPCC to reinvestigate your complaint, make a judgement on legal issues, or operational matters such as on going or concluded criminal cases. It is solely their role to determine whether Kent Police have acted reasonably and proportionately in response to your complaint.
An appeal can be requested online:
By email:
Or in writing to:
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
South Block
Kent Police
Sutton Road
ME15 9BZ.
You have 28 days, starting the day after this letter is dated, to submit an application for review.
Yours sincerely,
N Gossett
Operational Complaints Manager
Professional Standards Departmen
 16 Edinburgh Square, Kent Police, Sutton Road, Maidstone, ME15 9BZ
This is available in
large print on request
Thank you for contacting the Attorney General’s Office
Correspondence (AGO) <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Thu, 10 Nov at 12:19
Thank you for contacting the Attorney General’s Office (AGO).
Please note the Attorney General provides legal advice to the government and is unable to give legal advice, assistance or support to individuals. The Attorney General does not have investigatory powers.
We strive to answer all correspondence that falls within the remit of the AGO within 20 days. However, we are unable to reply to matters that do not fall within the responsibility of the department.
Please note that, although the Attorney General superintends the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), Serious Fraud Office (SFO), and Government Legal Department (GLD), these departments are operationally independent and the Attorney General’s Office is unable to intervene in individual cases or comment on any active proceedings.
Unduly Lenient Sentence Referrals
If you have contacted our office regarding a sentence you feel is too low, please ensure you have provided us with all the information we require. Full details can be found at the following link:
If you are the victim in the case in question, or a close family member of the victim, you can expect to be informed of the outcome of your referral. Due to the large number of referrals we receive, we unfortunately cannot guarantee a response to referrals made by those without such a connection to the case.
Other Matters
If your correspondence is in relation to:
Coronavirus / COVID-19 issues – please refer to the regularly updated guidance at
Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) matters or complaints – please contact the CPS: or refer to the CPS complaints procedure:
Serious Fraud Office (SFO) matters or complaints – please contact the SFO: or refer to the SFO complaints procedure:
Government Legal Department (GLD) matters or complaints – please contact the GLD: or refer to the GLD complaints procedure:
Courts, judges or sentencing policy – please contact the Ministry of Justice:
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Central London DJSKEL <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Thu, 10 Nov at 12:16
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ccmcce-filing <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Thu, 10 Nov at 12:16
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The information will be updated every Monday.
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Download all attachments as a zip file
Advice Agencies.pdf 269.3kB
Sources of support.pdf 729.6kB
Request to Stop Issue - Customer Guidance.pdf 400.3kB
Email Guidance v6..pdf 510.3kB
Top tips for customers 2022 .docx 37.9kB