Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Force Control Kent Police
Sat, 25 Feb at 08:42
Force Control
Kent Police
Dear Sirs
1. During my consultation with my psychotherapist yesterday, I wrote to her the following:
'I have not been charged with any offences officially for there are legal procedures that Kent Police has to follow and it has not followed them. I am still waiting for my Freedom of Information internal review report from Kent Police that it has to comply with the Freedom of Information Act on. The Police cannot piggyback on my litigations and private prosecution to submit its considerations to the courts any more on any offence or offences that it alleges that I have been arrested for twice in relation to the continuing seizure and retention of our desktop computer, USB stick, mobile phone and Amazon Fire. All my litigations and private prosecutions civil and criminal were terminated by me as Claimant in Medway County Court, East Kent Magistrates Court and the Central London County Court this morning when I did not receive a reply from Sandra Taylor of Kent Police to the email I sent you at 6.22 am today copied to her and Force Control.’
2. Please let me have your comments in light with the updated dossier that I have attached for your kind consideration: HOW LONG WILL THIS GO ON FOR-digital.pdf; noting in particular that just because I am consulting a psychotherapist does not mean that I consider myself to be mentally sick or disordered in any way shape of form and am therefore prepared to face the consequences of my actions in a criminal court if I am found to have committed any offences in Kent Police's estimation.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
HOW LONG WILL THIS GO ON FOR-digital.pdf 594.1kB: