Criminal anonymous kind of email received just now
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Force Control Kent Police
Mon, 27 Nov at 14:57
Dear Sirs
The following email came into my Yahoo Spam folder. It was curious as on the top there was no sender details and on the bottom there are words in Arabic so I got worried if a Islamic Jihadist is targeting me for being a Hindu.
I had corresponded with this name copied to the PA Group so it could be a trap set by the madarchods to get me to reply or publish, which I will not do. I will not publish any further updates in Libertarian Democracy or in The Allurement of Reality Shop until after the Bail dates of appointment ends on 18/21 December 2023. There are no proceedings other than this Police investigation of myself on allegations of stalking Katrina Sale and sending malicious communications:
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
Good day , May every single day in this month will bring Joy, happiness, Peace and Prosperity to you and your family. My name is Linda Culbert , please reply to me back ,I'm sorry if I embarrassed you but I have one purpose of contacting you, and I will explain everything about me, my intention to write to you, when I got your reply. Am anxiously waiting to receive your mail.
Linda Culbert <>
Mon, 27 Nov at 14:00
Buen día, que todos los días de este mes traigan alegría, felicidad, paz y prosperidad para usted y su familia. Mi nombre es Linda Culbert, por favor respóndeme. Lo siento si te avergoncé, pero tengo un propósito: comunicarme contigo y te explicaré todo sobre mí y mi intención de escribirte cuando reciba tu respuesta. Estoy esperando ansiosamente recibir su correo. يوم جيد، أتمنى أن يجلب كل يوم في هذا الشهر الفرح والسعادة والسلام والازدهار لك ولعائلتك. اسمي ليندا كولبيرت، يرجى الرد عليّ، آسف إذا أحرجتك ولكن لدي غرض واحد وهو الاتصال بك، وسأشرح كل شيء عني، ونيتي أن أكتب إليك، عندما أتلقى ردك. أنتظر بفارغ الصبر لتلقي البريد الخاص بك.