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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

FW: Online form submission: COM-44949-22-0100-C6

FW: Online form submission: COM-44949-22-0100-C6




Shantanu Panigrahi <>



Enquiries Medway County Court,, PSD Complaints Kent

Fri, 12 Aug at 17:00


The Metropolitan Police

Dear Debbie Arnold

Thank you for your decision. I will leave the matter for the time being with the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) to conduct its operations based on this judgment of the Constitution of England, Wales and Northern Ireland as to the due process of the law enforcement in relation to the Policing of Police.

Based on the findings of the IOPC I may continue with Claim J00ME572 Injunction and Money Claims Application at Medway County Court which I am requesting the Court for an appropriate adjournment accordingly.

Should there continue to be prevarications by the IOPC, I reserve the right to change course in seeking justice.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

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On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 16:25:27 BST, <> wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

Thank you for your response, I hope that you understand that we cannot act on a word document produced by yourself.

If the IOPC are referring a case to another force for investigation they will communicate that to the relevant force and they will also write to you to confirm this, we will act upon their instruction once received.


Debbie Arnold

Police Sergeant – Debbie Arnold – Complaints Resolution Unit

Directorate of Professional Standards – Metropolitan Police Service


Address: Metropolitan Police, 40-42 Newlands Park, Sydenham SE26 5NF

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: 12 August 2022 14:38

To: DPS Mailbox - CRU <>

Subject: Re: Online form submission: COM-44949-22-0100-C

Dear Sir

Kent Police, by asking me to Appeal its PSD's decision on my complaint to the Metropolitan Police as an independent Police Force that determines criminal conduct, the Chief Constable of Kent Police had referred itself to the Metropolitan Police of its own reeckoning to begin your investigation. This has been confirmed to me this morning from the correspondence that I have had with Medway County Court and the Independent Office for Police Conduct subsequent to the receipt of your email as contained in the attached document that summarises the victimisation and persecutory harassment inflicted over 24 years on me and therefore my family here in the United Kingdom: REFORMING THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM..pdf.

Kindly reconsider.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 09:56:09 BST, <> wrote:

Dr Panigrahi,

Thank you for contacting the Metropolitan Police Service, unfortunately your complaint is regarding Kent Police and under legislation governing police complaints we cannot deal with matters relating to another force.

I have forwarded your complaint to the Professional Standards Department at Kent Police who will contact you in due course.


Debbie Arnold

Police Sergeant – Debbie Arnold – Complaints Resolution Unit

Directorate of Professional Standards – Metropolitan Police Service


Address: Metropolitan Police, 40-42 Newlands Park, Sydenham SE26 5NF

-----Original Message-----

From: <>

Sent: 12 August 2022 07:17

To: DPS Mailbox - CRU <>

Subject: Online form submission: COM-44949-22-0100-C







Please tick to confirm that the information you’re abo----ut to give is truthful and accurate to the best of your knowledge.: Confirmation given that the user agrees to the information they’ve provided in the form being used by public bodies involved in the police complaints system including other police forces and the IOPC.




Title: Dr


First name(s): Shantanu


Surname: Panigrahi


Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY): 08/08/1957









Origin: Form


Email address:


Phone number: +447967789619


Is there anything we need to know which can help us to support you making this complaint?: I was interrogated at Pursers Way Police Station on 16 September 2021 for alleged harassment involving malicious email that I was supposed to have sent out from our home computer, and arrested for unknown allegations on 24 November 2021 when out desk-top computer and associated materials were seized by Kent Police without a search warrant.

Since then I and my wife have complaint repeatedly to both the Professional Standards Department of Kent Police and the independent Office for police conduct, most recently last evening and no reply has come from the Police Force.

So I am held in limbo not knowing what the Police Force is up to. I started an injunction at Medway County Court but when I saw that the Court officials were intent on discounting the evidence that I had submitted the proceedings were discontinued under Claim J00ME572.

Sir I have been harassed and persecuted by Kent Police for over a decade and am appealing to the Metropolitan Police to look into the matter and resolve this crisis that has damaged my reputation as an honest law-abiding citizen of the United Kingdom.

Thank you.

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi




Please tell us what happened: Events of 24 November 2021

I went for my first day of Induction at Tesco Distribution Centre Agency Challengetrgn at 7.30 am arrival and the Induction was going well with tuition on all aspects of the work, with my safety shoes given to me, I completed the Test forms when all of a sudden out of the blue 3 Policemen including Paul Nichols of Kent Police walked in towards me and said that I was under arrest for stalking. I got up and left my safety shoes there with the forms on the table but took my ruck sack with me and followed them out of the Training Room, hearing someone say that ;you won’t be back here again;.

I was aside to leave my car at the Tesco Distribution Centre and get into the back of a Police car which droved med with a back seat police passenger to North Kent Police Station. I kept quiet the whole time, not answering any questions to get myself registered on the police computer system as a record of my acceptance that I was under arrest. The took my rucksack containing sandwiches and my Mobile Phone and wallet with coin holder and put these in a plastic bag and sealed the bag. They then put me in a Police cell where I had the chance to reflect over what was going on. They had offered my a Duty Solicitor and an associated adult but I rejected them as being their Solicitors fulfilling their work. I asked for Mr Forz Khan the barrister to be contacted to stand in for the interview. These conversations were taking place through the intercom from the front desk to the cell.. Mr Forz Khan was declined to me as they said they could not find him, and I was left languishing in the cell At first I thought this was the better option to have me charged with non-cooperation, but it turned out that they were clearly going to keep me in the cell for a very long time. I asked how long you can keep me here without charge or release without charge. They said up to 24 hours. I slept in tne cell, asked for my food and my cigarettes but my sandwiches were not provided to me and cigarettes were not permitted. They said if you do not cooperate with us there is not going to be any progress.

At this point I asked when is my interview going to take place? I had clearly rejected their Duty Solicitor but they needed an associated adult tagging along but I told him to stay out of the way and a new one came one the scene with a dog. I told them that Paul Nichols is a crook. He appointed a Duty Solicitor for me two months ago and then stopped her from contacting me about this matter. I told them that the only person I trust to be a witness and help me at this interview was my wife.

At the cell a man came around at about 3.50 pm saying that he was a mental health professional attached to the Police station and wanted a chat. I chatted freely saying that I have been a mental patient for 20 years with paranoid schizo[hernia and persistent delusions , had been to mental hospitals twice, and then in the Care in the Community treatment Centre, but was recently discharge d back to my General Practice Services, still taking risperidone, sertraline and Depakote medications. Last Friday it got so bad that I had phoned the Single Point of Access and was told that on Monday my GP will speak to a psychiatrist to see my need to increase my risperidone from 4 mg daily to 6 mg, but no phone calls had come. He left from the cell door.

They kept me in the police cell until 4.00 pm roughly and finally the door opened, and they said they were ready for the interview. I decided to cooperate with the process if only because I did not wish Rashmi and Rupa to suffer at home not knowing what is happening to me. The interview was audi0 I saajd video recorded. Two further emails to Katrina Sale were discussed since the 25 emails previously brought to me attention. I gave the best answers that I could. They examined email records from my Shanpanigrahi3000@gmail account over a few months and we noted some anomalies. I denied having sent any of those emails and my email accounts had been highjacked by criminals who wanted to make trouble for me with the law PC Nichols said that they had been to our house in the morning and taken away our Computer for examination of its records to see how this could have happened and he produced sheets of documents of emails from this location.

So the interview ended with not a word coming from the associated adult with a dog. I said I will say the same to the Magistrate. The transcript of the audio was sealed, and I was asked to sign it. I was not allowed a copy of it on the spot. I asked if I can remail Katrina Sale to find out the details and was told that I must not do so. Another lady PC was sitting in the interview room and asked the question: if someone tells you to stop sending them emails, will you stop doing so? I said ‘Yes, but sometimes it is part of the legal proceedings allowed by Court. I had it recorded during the interview that I knew Katrina Sale 8 months ago when I joined the Conservative and Unionist Party, but complained to them about Rehman Chishti, the MP for Gillingham and Kent for not dealing with my representations to Parliament, so to have him deselected as an candidate in elections. This they refused to do so I terminated my relationship with the Party and never since sent them emails.

PC Nicols took down the email addresses of four of my email accounts including the password to Shanpanigrahi3000@gmail Account during the interview. I asked when will the computer be returned and was told that it would be returned in a weeks’ time. I said I have work to do on the computer. He replied to you can go to the library and use the public computers. I asked Kent Police could give me another computer until you return the one you have taken. He refused.

After the interview, my fingerprints and palm prints were taken on a computerised system and DNA sample taken from my mouth too.

This was now 5.15 pm. My Mobile Phone was also retained by the Police Station for checks.

As I left the front desk I was asked if I would sign an statement to the effect that I am on bail, and I thought this was yet another attempt to get me to incriminate myself so refused. My wallet, coin holder were given back with the ruck sack, and four sheets of printed material were handed to me.

That was the end in North Kent Police Station. I was driven back to the Tesco Distribution Centre from where I picked up our family care=r and drove home. I was told to turn up for work the next day at Challengetrg.

I told my wife of what happened, and she said that the Police had come at around 8.20 am to arrest me but took away the desk-top computer. She had told PC Nichols that you are inhumane and heartless. I then found that the Police had also taken my USB Memory Stick.

By the end of the evening, I decided not to continue with Challengtrg job for the time being while these allegations were being addressed.


Is this complaint about something which happened on a specific day or over many days?: Yes - it happened over several days


Dates of incident(s): 16/09/2021 - 11/08/2022


Tell us where this happened: Kent Police Station and North Kent Police Station


Are there any reference numbers associated with this complaint?: No Incident or Crime Reference Number has been provided to me despite requests.


Do you have any physical or digital material to support your complaint?: Yes


Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about what happened or about yourself which you think we need to know?: No




Are you complaining about an officer or someone who works for the police?: Yes


Rank (if an officer): PC


Shoulder or collar number (if an officer): not given


First name: not given


Surname: Nichols


Do you know where this person works?: Kent Police


Description or any information about them you have which might help to identify them: not given



Are there any witnesses to what happened you would like to tell us about?: Yes


Title: Mrs


First name: Rashmi


Surname: Panigrahi







Origin: Form


Email address:


Phone number: 07854984538





What would you like to see happen as a result of this complaint? Please select all that apply. (Please note we can't guarantee an outcome.): the police to learn from the incident, the individual officers or staff involved to learn from the incident, the force to apologise/acknowledge something went wrong, an explanation from the police, to return property, removal of information from police systems, a review of policy/procedure




Do you consider yourself to have a disability?: No


What is your ethnic group?: Asian or Asian British


Which one best describes your Asian or Asian British background?: Indian


Which best describes your gender?: Male


Is your gender now different from when you were born?: No


Do you follow a religion or belief?: Hindu


What is your sexual orientation?: Heterosexual or straight


What is your legal marital or registered civil partnership status?: Married

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