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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

Holidaying in Turkey

Holidaying in Turkey


from: <>

reply-to: "" <>


"" <>,

"" <>

date: 20 Sept 2023, 14:04

subject: Re: Holidaying in Turkey


Hello Jo

The two Bails of Kent Police were unlawful for they were not clarified to me by North Kent Magistrates today in light of the inadmissible evidence brought to bear on the proceedings, so I reject that I have any bail appointments that you are referring to.

If Kent Police considers that my non attendance at Medway Police Station on

28 September 2023 1600 hours and on 10 October 2023 1600 hours is an offence in itself, I must be charged with this offence for I will not have anything to do with the legal and medical proceedings as a State-organised Criminal Hate crime on me. The Trial of 10 November 2033 is part of this Criminal conspiracy so that all relevant parties can bugger off.

Is that understood?

Shantanu Panigrahi

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Tue, 19 Sept 2023 at 16:00,i

<> wrote:

Hello Shantanu

I'm sorry for the late reply to your emails and thank you for the latest updates. How have you found your time in Turkey and managing everything from there?

It sounds like you've been quite proactive whilst away and that lots has been going on, how are you feeling about coming back and attending your bail appointment?

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