Injunction and Money Claims Application: J00ME572
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Civil Appeals - Registry <>
date: 7 Apr 2023, 10:11
subject: Injunction and Money Claims Application: J00ME572
Court Manager
Medway County Court
For the District Judge's Directions
Dear Sir/Madam
In connection with the scheduling of a Hearing on 27 October 2022 at 10.00 am in relation to attached Notice of Issue and the re-scheduling of a Hearing: Document_2022-05-13_152026.pdf; Notice of Directions Hearing.docx, kindly note that the Claimant's value of the Money Claim against the Defendant now stands at £7 million..
Should the jurisdiction of the Medway County Court to Hear the Case be challenged or has been challenged in the past, I am appealing against such a decision at Medway County Court or to a higher Court (Court of Appeal).
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
• Scanned by Gmail
Notice of Directions Hearing.docx
Notice of Issue
(non-money claim)
In the County Court at Medway
Claim Number J00ME572
Claimant: Shantanu Panigrahi
Defendant: Hugh Pughesley
Issue Fee: £332
Your Claim was issued on 29 April 2022
The court sent it to the defendant by first class post on 12/05/22 and it will be deemed served on
16/05/22. The defendant has until 30/05/22 to reply.
Notes for guidance
*The claim form and the particulars of claim, if served separately, must be served on the defendant
within 4 months of the date of issue (6 months if you are serving outside England and Wales). You
may be able to apply to extend the time for serving the claim form but the application must
generally be made before the 4 month or 6 month period expires.
* You must inform the court immediately if your claim is settled or discontinued.
The defendant may
• Admit the truth of the whole or any part of your claim. The cout will send you a copy of the
defendant’s admission and tell you what to do next.
• File an acknowledge of service. This will allow the defendant 28 days from the date of
service of your particulars of claim to file a defence or contest the court’s jurisdiction.
• Dispute the whole claim. The court will send you a copy of the defence.
• Not reply at all. You may make an application to the court for judgment. A fee may be
The Court Office at the County Court at Medway, Medway Civil and Family Court, The Court House,
The Brook, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4JZ. When corresponding with the court, please address forms or
letters to the Court Manager and quote the claim number. Tel: 01634 887900 Fax: 0870 324 0175.
Check if you can issue your claim online. It will save you time and money. Go to to find out more.
N205C Notice of Issue (non money claim)
Produced by: Joana Apetri
(Page 2 of 5):
n16a-engInjuctionagainstKentPolice.pdf 432.4kB
Application for Injunction
(General Form)
Name of court Claim No. Medway County Court J00ME572
Claimant's Name and Ref. Shantanu Panigrahi
Defendant's Name and Ref. Kent Police
Fee Account no. HWF-9K4-EYL/HQ17X01773
Sealed: The County Court
Notes on completion
Tick which boxes apply and specify the legislation where appropriate
By application in pending proceedings Yes
Under Statutory provision Yes
This application is made under Part 8 of the Civil Procedure Rules Yes
This application raises issues under the Human Rights Act 1998 Yes No Yes
The Claimant(1)
(1) Enter the full name of the person making the application applies to the court for an injunction
order in the following terms: Shantanu Panigrahi
The Defendant(2)
(2) Enter the full name of the person the injunction is to be directed to: Chief Constable of Kent
Police, Hugh Pughesley must stop investigating the Claimant for any
offences that it has kept secret from the Claimant after 6 months of (assessment without an
explanation to the Claimant
3) Set out any proposed (3) rders requiring acts to
be done. Delete if no mandatory order is sought.
The Defendant be forbidden (whether by himself or by instructing or encouraging or permitting
any other person)(4) The Chief Constable of Kent Police was served due notice by way of an arrest
warrant issued that its harassment and intrusion into the private life of the Claimant constituted a
Hate Crime against him
(4) Set out here the proposed terms of the injunction order (if the defendant is a limited company
delete the wording in brackets and insert 'whether by its servants, agents, officers
or otherwise'). And that(5) The Claimant took out civil proceedings and criminal proceedings again
Kent Police.
(5) Set out here any further terms asked for including provision for costs The grounds of this
application are set out in the written evidence of(6) (6) Enter the names of al
persons who have sworn affidavits or signed statements in support of this application sworn (signed)
on The Defendndant kept secret the full circumstances of the 1500 criminal anonymous emails
received by the Claimant.
This written evidence is served with this application.
This application is to be served upon(7)
(7) Enter the names and addresses of all persons upon whom it is intended to serve this application
This application is filed by(8) Hugh Pughesley, Chief Constable of Kent Police, Sutton Road,
Maidstone, Kent.
(8) Enter the full name and address for service and delete as required
(the Solicitors for) the Claimant (Applicant/Petitioner) Claimant: Dr Shantanu Panigrahi, 3 Hoath
Lane, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0SL. United Kingdom.
whose address for service is Signed Dated 7 April 2022
To* This section to be completed by the court *
Name and address of the person application is directed to of
This application will be heard by the (District) Judge
on the day of 20 at o'clock
If you do not attend at the time shown the court may make an injunction order in your absence
If you do not fully understand this application you should go to a Solicitor, Legal Advice Centre or a
Citizens' Advice Bureau
The court office at
is open between 10am and 4pm Mon - Fri. When corresponding with the court, please address all
forms and letters to the Court Manager and quote the claim number.
N16A General form of application for injunction (05.14) © Crown copyright 2014
(Page 3 of 5):
1. I have never ever sent an email from a Remailer, Austria anonymous email account, or a Nomen Nescio Account, or some other dizum account, or another anonymous email account to anyone whether an official at a government institution, or a private individual.
2. I have received hundreds of emails into my Gmail Phone Account from people like 38 Degrees, Internet Archive, and others which did not appear in my Desktop Gmail Account.
3. I have not sent any emails that has harassed anyone from my
account: hundreds appear to have been sent to people involved with the organisation Victims of Panigrahi Association but clearly my account was highjacked to get me into legal difficulties with the Central London County Court in respect of Claim E35YM660.
4. My was bastardised by trolls and criminals so I could not send out any emails from this Account and had to abandon it a year ago. Any emails sent from this account was done by Victims of Panigrahi Association associated trolls and criminals.
5. All my purposeful emails and I have sent out thousands over the past 20 years were legitimate court-associated legal proceedings in relation to ME010463, ME002953, HQ17X01773, and E35YM660.
6. Whenever a particular recipient of an email from me asked me not to send them any emails, I complied with the request unless court proceedings became prejudiced from my inaction.
7. Since I started my E35YM660 Claim against the Prime Minister and Victims of Panigrahi Association for its criminal anonymous emails to me notably from Sivaji Panesar, Marty Caine, Nitin Bhardwaj, Fritz Wueler, Cherie, Egregious_C, and others like Ed Mulhouse and Monneka Tahir, there was a systematic attempt to have me booted out of this country to places like Pakistan, because I was bringing Kent Police in a £5 million pound damages and compensation Claim in the High Court Queens Bench Division and brought the Crown Prosecution Service to East Kent Magistrates Court on a criminal charge of perverting the course of justice and obstructing justice. That is why I considered that the UK State through its Security Services had wanted to frame charges against me of forensic or criminal nature to have me incarcerated in a mental hospital for a third time or worse to get me committed to a Trial that the County Court in Central London arranged in a Pre-Trial Hearing, but I was exonerated. I told my Consultant Psychiatrist that come what may I will never
leave the United Kingdom, and this is the reason that Kent Police is charging me with a concocted summons for Harassment that is not specified to leave the State room for elaboration later. This is done to protect the Central London County Court from having to pass judgment or Order to my Appeal Application which the Court would have to justify that the University of Greenwich was lawful in withholding my £55,000 severance payment.
5.28 pm 15 Sep 2021
(Page 4 of 5):
Claim Form
In the
Claim No J00ME572
Issue Date: 29/04/22/
Sealed The County Court
Claimant’s Name and address including postcode:
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Defendant’s Name and Address including postcode:
Kent Police
Grugeon House,
Police Headquarters,
Sutton Road,
Kent ME15 9BZ
Brief details of claim:
This Claim is for compensation and damages suffered by me as the Claimant as a result of Kent
Police’s inaction and actions that has caused me much suffering since 2004.
£100,000 up to £5 million
Preferred County Court Hearing Centre:
Defendants Name and address for service including postcode:
Kent Police
Grugeon House,
Police Headquarters,
Sutton Road,
Kent ME15 9BZ
Amount Claimed: £100, 000.00
Court Fee: £4,500.00
Total amount: £104,500.00
(Page 5 0f 5):
Does this Claim have any issues of interest in the Human Rights Act: Yes
Particulars of Claim: (attached/to follow):
This Claim is brought to the High Court against Kent Police and co-conspirators (officials in Her
Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service, Lawyers, the Legal Ombudsman and the Independent Police
Complaints Commission) against the following chargesheet against this Police Force:
(a) protecting criminals on my submission of Internet Complaint hate crime;
(b) protecting criminals on the Shell Tribunal matter;
(c) protecting criminals in the UKIP proceedings matter;
(d) protecting criminals in the Greenwich Legalities matter;
(e) protecting criminals in the National Health Service directed crimes against me;
(f) protecting criminals in the AuthorhouseUK book publication matter;
(g) protecting the Legal Ombudsman from criminal activities against me with regard to several
lawyers that I complained about;
(h) Dover capture by Kent Police in 2004 to incarcerate me in a mental hospital without due reason.
(i) capturing me at home and under handcuffs returning me to the mental hospital from where I had
lawfully absconded;
(j) pointless prosecution of speeding offence that I was collecting money to discharge in January
(k) protecting court officials who gave me an unjustified criminal record with the processing of the
speeding offence at Medway Magistrates Court;
(l) protecting the Labour Party in its hate crime of denying me my membership rights to submit
Motions, and Questions to the Prime Minister.
Statement of Truth:
I believe that the facts stated in these particulars of claim are true
Full Name: Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
Notice of Directions Hearing
In the County Court at Medway
Claim Number J00ME572
Date: 21 July 2022
Sealed: The County Court
Take Notice that the Directions Hearing will take place on
27 October 2022 at 10.00 AM
At the County Court at Medway, Sitting At, The Holiday Inn, Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent, ME5 9SF
When you should attend.
90 minutes has been allowed for the Directions Hearing
Please note: Thjs Case may be may be released to another Judge, possibly at a different Court.
You case involves some or all of the parties attending court.
You must not attend our building if you have:
. Coronavirus symptoms
‘ Tested positive or awaiting a result.
. Been told to self-isolate
You will need to send the Judge an electronic bundle 3 days before the hearing via the court office. The Claimant in civil cases will need to bring a hard copy witness bundle to court with them. Parties in family cases will need to provide a hard copy bundle for the witness in accordance with PD27A.
Any requests for special measures should be put in writing to the court 7 days in advance so we can make appropriate arrangements wherever possible.
Please note that the court’s listing policy provides that the number of cases listed for hearing may exceed the actual judicial time available on the day. This is to ensure best use of Judicial time and also to offer users the earliest possible date for hearing.
Therefore, please note:
(A) The case may be moved to a different hearing venue or stood out at short notice. HMCTS will contact you by 2 pm, the working day prior to the hearing if this is the case.
(B) The case may not be called on at the time stated and there may be a delay.
____________________________________________________________________The court office at county court at Medway, Medway Civil and Family Court, The Court House, The Brook, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4JZ. When corresponding with the Court, please address forms or letters to the Court Manager, and quote the Claim Number. Tel 01634 887900; Fax 0870 324 0175. Check if you can issue you claim online. It will save you time and money. Go to to find out more.
N24 Notice of PTR/Adjud/Restored/Hrg/Management Conference
Produed by N. Hazeldene MED
The Court and HM Courts and Tribunals Service will not be responsible for any costs incurred subject to changes made in accordance with the policy at (A) and (B) above.
If this Case settles or the time required for the hearing of the case changes the please inform the court at the earliest opportunity.
Please ensure that the Court has a telephone number on which you may be contacted during court hours.
Technology – please note that if any party wishes to submit material at a hearing that is going to require technology to use it, eg police interviews on disc or CCTV, then it is the party’s responsibility and not the courts’ to provide such equipment for it to be viewed/listened on.
If you have been ordered to file statements with the court or you are providing a bundle for the hearing, please send them to the court in which your case is due to be heard at 7 days before your hearing.
If your case is due to be heard at any of the following venues:
. Medway Civil and Family Court
.Sevenoaks Magistrates Court
. Maidstone County Court
. Medway County Court sitting at the Holiday In or sitting at the Hotel Orida, Maidstone
Paperwork should be emailed to Medway Civil and Family Court –
Automatic reply: Injunction and Money Claims Application: J00ME572
from: Medway County, Enquiries <>
to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 7 Apr 2023, 10:12
subject: Automatic reply: Injunction and Money Claims Application: J00ME572
Signed by:
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We are unable to respond to email chasing Orders or hearing dates. We are working hard in the court office to deal with relisting hearings and urgent matters. We are achieving this by focusing all of our available resources on these tasks rather than responding to follow up correspondence. We thank you for your patience, at this time. Unless your matter is considered urgent, there may be a delay in dealing with it, however, please be assured that we are dedicated to get everything dealt with as quickly as possible.
If you are waiting for a hearing notice, it will be sent to you either by post, email or via DX. This will depend on the type of the case as well as the contact information that we hold on the file. Please do not request a duplicate copy if you haven’t received a copy of your hearing notice.
We are dealing with a high volume of emails. To be able to provide as many of our customers with a response as possible, we kindly ask that you please limit your correspondence to urgent matters only or documents for hearings. We cannot at this time deal with general correspondence and would request that you do not copy the court into correspondence between parties. All incoming emailed correspondence will be reviewed; however we are only able to answer the most urgent queries at this time.
Most general queries can be answered by checking the .gov website.
Family injunction applications will be actioned as soon as possible. If you have immediate concerns for your safety, then you should phone 999.
Thank you for your email. This Automated Response confirms that we have received it.
If you are getting in touch about an upcoming hearing date or something urgent, we will reply as soon as we can. If you’ve not done so already, please supply us with your contact details so we can get back to you easily.
If it is about something else, we will try to reply to your email within 10 working days. We may take longer to reply to you.
Please ensure you inform the Court of any changes to your contact details.
Q. I have to attend a hearing but I have developed COVID symptoms what should I do?
1. You must not attend our building if you have:
Coronavirus symptoms
tested positive or awaiting a result
been told to self-isolate
Even if you have emailed us and not heard back from us yet.
2. You must make contact with the court / tribunal as soon as possible. A Judge will decide how to proceed.
3. We’ll send you an email letting you know what that decision is and what to do next. The email will confirm if:
your hearing will be by video or phone. We’ll send instructions on how to join
you’ve been given a new hearing date.
Please be patient while we do this and avoid making contact if you can.
You can find up to date information on our response to coronavirus (COVID-19) at:
To find information about your local court / building, use the link below:
For court forms and leaflets (including the court fees leaflet), please go to:
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