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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

Overturning Bail Conditions from Kent Police

Updated: Sep 2, 2023

Overturning Bail Conditions from Kent Police

from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to: Northkent <>

date: 1 Sept 2023, 06:50

subject: Overturning Bail Conditions from Kent Police



North Kent Magistrates Court

sitting at Medway Magistrates Court

Your Honour

Kent Police wrote to me yesterday setting out its position that my opinion that the bail conditions imposed on me at the Medway Police Station were and are unjust and intolerable, and they say that no further action will be taken on this particular complaint - see attached L-310823 NFA Letter to complainant(1)PSDKentPolice,pdf.

Firstly, I stressed that this specific complaint although vital in relation to proving my innocence of the offences of stalking and malicious communications is not the entirety of the complaint and in fact by raising it at this point is designed to cover up the totality of my complaint set out as attached: ToPSDKentPolice(nosubject)OneReportNeeded19Aug2023.docx.

Notwithstanding there was an Appeal process on the challenge to the Bail conditions to the Police and Crime Commissioner and I made this application as outlined in the attached: ToPSDKentPolice(AppealtoPolice&CrimeCommissioner on ComplaintBail)31Aug2023.docx. No acknowledgement has been received and this morning I am still subjected to the same Bail conditions which are unjust and intolerable as it restricts me from the wider investigations that I need to conduct to obtain the evidence from Katrina Sale, bp, staff of BLM Law, educational establishments, Barclays Bank, Santander Bank, PayPal Bank and numerous other institutions on the Subject Access Requests process should Kent Police decide to charge and prosecute me for malicious communications and stalking offences, the Defence on which will take me at least a year to assemble as I am unrepresented in Court.

Therefore would the Magistrates kindly consider making these Bail conditions null and void, summarily this morning, or organise a Hearing of the matter as soon as practicable?

In the meantime I received an email on my complaint to the Charity Commission against the Samaritans which responded with a reply that I felt was timed so as to interfere with the legal process pending as attached: FrJoSamaritans(Shitbags)31Aug2023.docx. Nevertheless I thought to give it one last attempt to make our relationship better with the attached email: ToSamaritans(DepressionKickingin)31Aug2023.docx. There has been no response from the Samaritans overnight, so I am back to where I started.

Finally, in the lack of clarification from the Court as to the date of Trial Hearing specific to the Speeding Charge, I will attend Court on the original Listing of 10 November 2023, 2 pm, unless I hear from the Court to some other time and summons.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619



• Scanned by Gmail

L-310823 NFA Letter to complainant(1)PSDKentPolice,pdf


ToPSDKentPolice(AppealtoPolice&CrimeCommissioner on ComplaintBail)31Aug2023.docx



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