Police have held an exonerating confession for months!
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
to: aglondon@fas.usda.gov
date: 27 Aug 2022, 12:18
subject: Fwd: Police have held an exonerating confession for months!
mailed-by: gmail.com
Counselor for Agricultural Affairs
Cynthia Guven
U.S. Embassy London
33 Nine Elms Lane
London, SW11 7US
United Kingdom
Phone: [44] (0)20 7499-9000
Dear Madam
I am an agriculturalist by profession and was looking for opportunities in the United States of America, in accordance with my Curriculum Vitae as attached:
SHANTANU PANIGRAHI CURRICULUM VITAIE.doc, and the attached representation to the United Kingdom State authorities to clear my passage to the United States for productive activities at a University or an Agricultural Institute: ToCourtsCivil&CriminalJurisdictions27Aug2022.docx.
However just now I received the below email which seems to indicate that the United States may be applying for an Extradition Warrant on me for unknown offences that I assume that I might have committed to the State of the United States of America over the past 24 years of my 49 years residence in the United Kingdom.
Could you please let me know if this is just a rumour or whether it has any substance. If there is some substance to the proceedings, kindly let me know immediately for there is no need for an Extradition Warrant to be processed in a Court of the United Kingdom because I will travel to your country voluntarily if my visas are approved by the London Embassy.
Thank you for your kind reply.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Cherie <fritz@spamexpire-202208.rodent.frell.theremailer.net>
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2022 at 02:26
Subject: Police have held an exonerating confession for months!
To: <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>, <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
Dear Shan
There is a new sense of purpose in the AFP group.
I hope these trolls have not worn you down. They have for a year been trolling me also, sending you unhelpful or dangerous messages above my pen-name.
All this confusion is your fault. You published our secret sign-off.
For many months I'm unable to read your blogs.
The reason Clyde Co were instructed not to pursue costs in your J00 case, which you abandoned for no good reason, is because the Police knew for sure since April 20 if not earlier that you are innocent.
On that date, they conducted an informal interview, not under caution because of his or her location, of the real offender, whose identity they hdetermined with certainty using technical means which I do not understand. The interview was voluntary and it was conducted either by telephone or videolink. The number of the officer involved is not one you had mentioned before.
While they kept the offender's ID confidential, your file has not yet been marked 'NFA'. This may be because there is some way they can press charges or apply for extradition under the terms of the US-UK bilateral treaty. Several of my colleagues at MC are familiar with this area of law. I am not. But I do not think they will pursue any thing. He or she freely confessed or admitted, "He deserved it." And I guess the enforcement personnel agree.
I do not have any more information about this logged incident.
When I try to contact you via the Austrian and Paranoid services, they reply to me that you complained and opted to block access. You are indeed your own worst enemy, Shan.
Sending out those sex messages to the admin clerk Ardiana at HMCTS, calling her 'Erotic Adriana' and making her practice with petroleum jelly at one end and with jaw pressure plates at the other was the most foolish thing you could have done, just when it is mainly going your way. I would not be surprised if they start a new investigation on you over this, because there is no way you can explain this new forensic data away, however masterful is your escapology.
In AFP appear many lies. I don't know if their claim of having been
successful in innocuously approaching your daughter while at work is
based on reality or aspiration. She should be on guard.
Does the name 'Tumseela' hold any meaning for you? 'Mahesh'?
2 Attachments