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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

Proceedings on Injunction Claim and Money Claims Application under J00ME572

Proceedings on Injunction Claim and Money Claims Application under J00ME572




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Medway County, Enquiries

Cc:, Central London DJSKEL

Wed, 10 Aug at 12:25



Medway County Court

Dear Sir/Madam

I just telephoned Kent Police at its Control Room following my call two days ago and gave all my information as reference in terms of the interrogation and arrest last autumn and said that I had spoken to a lady two days ago and she had told me that she was sending an email to its internal officer in charge who would telephone me back. So, I was phoning again as no such phone call was received from Kent Police by me. I had started by giving all my details of name and addresses so she knew who was calling when I said that our computer and associated devices were confiscated from us nearly coming on to a year ago and we needed to know whether to purchase a new one because originally, they had said to my wife that these items would be returned in 3 months only. I further said that it has been 11 months since this matter started and I need to know if I will be charged with an offence or given a clean bill of health. The lady said interrupting me that the officer has been contacted and you will hear from him or her as soon as possible. Are such delays for stalking and harassing crime normal, I wondered.

Be that as it may the second point is that the Solicitors Regulation Authority is not telling me the precise date on which it will complete its investigation into the professional ethics of Orla Scanlan/BLM Law/Clyde Law, despite a reminder that I sent it half an hour ago. It requires between 35-45 days unless it finds a reason to do the investigation sooner from what I understand.

In light of this evidence of conspiracy against me I feel very disheartened that the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom has not thus far overruled Medway County Court's decision to discontinue with Claim J00ME572, and with it the Claim E35YM660 of the Central London County Court.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

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On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 10:39:07 BST, Medway County, Enquiries <> wrote:

Good Morning,

The claim remains marked as discontinued.

Kind Regards,


Civil Section - Medway County Court


Medway County and Family Court, 9-11 The Brook, Chatham, ME4 4JZ

Phone:01634 887900


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From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: 10 August 2022 09:02

To: Medway County, Enquiries <>

Cc: Orla Scanlan <>; Enquiries Kent <>

Subject: Proceedings on Injunction Claim and Money Claims Application under J00ME572


The Court Manager

Medway County Court

Dear Sir/Madam

I refer to my earlier communications giving in-depth accounts of the victimisation of me that I have suffered at the hands of Kent Police led by the Chief Constable of Kent Police Mr Alan Pughesley as the person in charge at this Police Force.

I emphasise that I never ever harassed or stalked anyone that I am alleged to have done, such as Katrina Sale of the Conservative and Unionist Party, BP, and BLM Law itself, and any such matter alleged or pursued in a criminal court against me would itself be a Hate Crime extended.

While I know that I have alleged conspiracy against me by persons impersonating me to send out malicious emails that was organised by M15, that is just by the way and the person solely responsible to have investigated these counter allegations of mine is the Chief Constable of Kent Police. He has failed to do so as things stand.

I am therefore seeking settlement by Order of the Court's District Judge, unless the Court's deems it that the Claim continues to be discontinued on my Application submitted under duress because of lack of effective communication returned from the Court in regard to the proceedings, a matter that was taken up to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom which has not replied to me.

If it is marked as discontinued, I need to know this now, instead of seeing the proceedings in a stalemate.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

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Central London DJSKEL <>


Shantanu Panigrahi

Wed, 10 Aug at 12:25

Thank You for your email message which is now in the judicial email inbox. This inbox is only viewed by judiciary and court staffs do not have access to this account. This auto response confirms that the message has arrived and will be dealt with in due course.

Thank You

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