RE: EXTERNAL - Termination of Police Ivestigation on Stalking Harassment by Dr Shantanu Panigrahi and Apology
Cameron Crockett PC 46014773 <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Fri, 26 Aug at 18:15
Good Evening,
I understand that you wish to protest your innocence however if I was to look into an investigation which I have no involvement in or reason to look into, I could get into trouble myself for a data breach. I have to have a legitimate reason to do so hence why I say the original investigating officers would have to. Unfortunately the only thing I could suggest is to contact our control, preferably online, and request an update from them for that specific incident. By what you’ve mentioned, I assume you’ve already tried that but that is the only way to do so.
I sorry I cannot be of any further help.
Kind Regards,
PC Crockett
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sent: 25 August 2022 07:55
To: Cameron Crockett PC 46014773 <>
Cc: Marty Caine <>; Nitin Bhardwaj <>; Sivaji Panesar <>;; Enquiries Medway County <>; Orla Scanlan <>; PSD Complaints Kent <>; Enquiries <>; Enquiries Kent <>; People Relations UK <>;; Northkent <>; Central London DJSKEL <>; Eastkentmc <>;; Human Resources (Sainsburys) <>;;; Civil Appeals - Registry <>;; Ray Coker <>; QB Judges Listing Office <>;;
Subject: EXTERNAL - Termination of Police Ivestigation on Stalking Harassment by Dr Shantanu Panigrahi asnd Apology
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Caneron Crockett PC 46014773
Dear PC Crokett
Thank you for your email as attached: FrCameronCrockettPCKentPolice23Apr2022.
I am glad that you have decided to file the complaint because I an bit responsible for sending any threateniing emails to anyone, and never ever have done so except to Mr Marty Caine of Victims of Panigrahi Association (VOPA) who have terrorised me since 2017 for issuing proceedings against Kent Police in the High Court and subsequently taking out an Injunction against the Chief Constable of Kent Police at Medway County Court under Claim J00ME572.
You say that that the investigation relating to the wider aspects of my queiries is not something you have anything to do with and it is up to the investigatiing OIfficer to talk about. Various investigating Police Officers were involved in investigating the matter starting with PC Nichols, WC Fileld, PC Evans and DI Seamark none of whom are available to talk to me about the incidents despite numerous requests by me to make themselves available. The Chief Constable of Kent Police appointed BLM Law and there Ms Orla Scanlan was dealing with the Defence of Kent Police on the linked procededings: Progress of Injunction Claim and Money Claim J00ME572 (
Progress of Injunction Claim and Money Claim J00ME572
PROGRESS OF INJUNCTION CLAM AND MONEY CLAIM NO J00ME572 Yahoo / Sent Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo...
I am writing to you that I am protesting my innocence on all matters that have ever been undertaken by Kent Police for investigation and consider the proceedings closed, with no reputations maligned, so that I can go about my normal work in society without the looming threat of being pursued by unknown criminals to disrupt my way of life here in the United Kingdom.
I must have an apology from Kent Police for its misdemeanours against me that constitutes a Hate Crime as issued to Medway County Court under the Injunction that I have applied for and until this is received the Money Claims remains in force for £3.5 million in damages and compensation for the 24 years of suffering victimisation and persecution that has been organised nationally and internationally by a syndicate of criminals against me.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
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