Re: [filtered] Re: POISONED CHALICE2
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Fri, 13 Jan at 14:00
Hello Jo
Since you wish to me to focus on one thing as to what worries me at this moment in time, for as you already know the next moment things are different, such is the nature of Reality, it worries me that I would remain a misunderstood person trying to destabilise the boat of not just the United Kingdom, but of the whole of humanity worldwide from the work that I have been engaged in not just in the past 25 years since I lost my scientific work but even prior to that. I would always like to be remembered as a truth-seeker and nothing more than that. The path of truth that I have pursued has evolved over these past 25 years from the time that I used to be very ambitious and intent on material welfare such as building a reputation as a scientist in the area of specialism that fate had selected me for. The shock to the system was obviously the sudden loss of prestige that came from what I viewed was character assassination by the University of Greenwich in stating that I had applied for project funds under false pretences.
That was a turning point as I had a very strong feeling that God had engineered this crisis for me to move on to higher things from the noddy work of poultry farming, and this is what I strongly believe to be true today. The feeling that I had for the 25 years went through phases of paranoid schizophrenia and persistent delusions as well as depression and mood swings as I would not be deterred from the path of seeking the truth about God and what He does, what He is capable of and what the mechanisms are for one to relate to God for a human being.
So people have been investigating me through trolling both official and unofficial trolling (even a visit from the Police to our house as happened this morning was trolling) to find out what makes me tick and what my motivations have been and now are.
So to cut it short, to not be heard and understood is a source of worry now and hopefully the Hearing at the Central London County Court on the 20th of January 2023 will be the day when I will at last clear my conscience and express the nature of my experiences in the United Kingdom since I came here as a dependant of 15 years of age but with an education at a English medium school in India where I learnt English language that makes me articulate such that I was destined to come here and destined to truth-seek.
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On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 12:03:19 GMT, <> wrote:
Hello Shantanu
Thank you for your email. There seems to be so much going on for you at the moment and I can see what an articulate person you are and how well you are documenting things. Unfortunately we cannot view attachments.
We are here to talk to you about your feelings. Of everything you have shared with us, it might be helpful to focus on one thing. What is worrying you the most?
We are here to listen to you while you are coping with so much.
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