Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sun, 22 Jan at 17:06
Dear Jo
Thank you for your comforting words of reassurance concerning the legal proceedings and our family life: I have every confidence that justice will prevail in the end for there is a proverb that truth prevails and in HIndu parlance Satyamev Jayate. Truth and dharma are interlinked in that the pursuit of truth is dharma (duties and righteous actions): We go through ups and downs in life such is Brahma-Nature and its interactions that go to make up the universe as we humans and all life forms experience it, but the one thing that holds it all together in place is dharma, so the motto of the Supreme Court of India is 'jatha dharma, tatha jaya'; in other words where there is dharma there is victory. It takes a long time of exploration of Reality to get to the knowledge and understanding of these ancient Hindu words of wisdom and I am personally nearing that point that it will be put to the test. Equally profound is the shloka from the Mahabharatta epic that 'Dharma Rakshati Rakshita' being the eternal law of the universe, which says that the person who upholds dharma will be protected by Dharma; the very act that he is performing relentlessly.
I have accordingly submitted to the Court of Central London this morning the following submission as linked here: Running Commentary on Legal Proceedings (Claim E35YM660) 22 January 2023 (
Running Commentary on Legal Proceedings (Claim E35YM660) 22 January 2023
Fwd: Defendant's Copy re jessica-da-costa Linkedin Inbox Shantanu Panigrahi Attachments21 Jan 2023, 08:48 (23 ho...
I had unfinished business in this regard with Jill Jesson so engaged with her with the following conversation on WhatsApp this morning: You see Jo, Jill Jesson was a dangerous loose end that needed to be tied up, So at 10.26 am I sent her a WhatsApp text:’'Jill, I am sorry that you received criminal anonymous emails from the trolls out to destroy our psychotherapy and aborted our Sixth session on Friday. I did tell you to beware. Could we not complete the first batch of 6 sessions before making a final decision on where I go to next for therapy?’
Jill replied: ‘ I will work with you if you accept that there are no trolls and that it was your split mind that wrote them. It is from your email address Shantanu and what you wrote is very dangerous and offensive and unacceptable. Please confirm that you wrote that email to me’.
I texted: We can discuss it at our Sixth Session of the forces that have tried through emailing methods to get me into legal difficulties because I am a practicing Hindu trying to adapt to life in the United Kingdom. I only send good and professional emails and texts’.
Jill texted: I won’t be doing that, it needs to be that you recognise it was you and your split mind that wrote it and others like it. I also won’t be used as a diagnosis for you for court’.
I replied: ‘How much of my money will you refund?’
She replied: ‘None. You booked me then cancelled and then rebooked me and then cancelled so I lost out with other customers who could have had that space’.
I replied: ‘ You cancelled last Friday 11.30 Session though your email. Further you said to me that you do not write to clients by emails so why did you send me that email if you insist that you are not State-manipulated? Then again why did you send me a WhatsApp text asking me to check that email, if it was not to prompt me to reply? You knew very well that I had a Hearing during the day at the Central London County Court on my litigation alleging State-organised persecution for being a practicing Hindu so that once you decided that you could not see me at 11.30 am it became a court matter and I had to observe what was going to happen to me. So it was your decision to write copied to Bark that you then tried to back-track on. You should refund not just one session money but two sessions. I have repeatedly been asking for refund, first £205.
Jill replied: ‘ There are no refunds. As I said for a 6th session you would need to admit it was your split mind that wrote the emails and not trolls as I do not want anymore abusive communication from you.
I replied: ‘OK if you say it was due to my split mind that you received my emails. I am no analyst. When will it be convenient to arrange the sixth session?
Jill replied: ‘Confirm not recorded for court Then it could be 10.30 tomorrow morning.
I texted back: ‘ Not recorded by me for court proceedings, I confirm’.
Jill texted: ‘Ok, allen wil send you a zoom link’.
I texted back: ‘Ok’.
The exchange ended at 13.22 pm.
Tomorrow Monday Jo another weekday will begin: I have survived thus far with my family life in tact. Who knows the future? - we live and learn. Will I hear from Jill Jesson or the Court of Central London or Kent Police, who first if I do? It all remains to be seen.
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On Sunday, 22 January 2023 at 13:50:23 GMT, <> wrote:
Hello Shantanu,
Your religion and philosophy sound so comforting and it looks as though it has contributed towards the close relationship you have with your wife. It sounds like quite a comfort .
You appear to be progressing with the court procedure and I'm sure your persistence will eventually pay off.
Take care
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