Kent Police's intention to settle this Claim out of Court
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Enquiries Kent
Enquiries Medway County
Sun, 15 May at 08:18
The Chief Constable of Kent Police, Hugh Pughesley
Kent Police
Dear Sir
I am anticipating considerable upheavals for all parties involved in this dispute that the Chief Constable has been served Notice of Issue on as attached: Document_2022-05-13_152026.pdf, with its amendment n1-eng KentPolice UpdateMay2022.pdf so before the Notice of Issue is officially deemed to have been served on Kent Police that will entail follow-up actions for both the Claimant and Defendant, I am hereby enquiring whether Kent Police will be amenable to a Meeting to discuss this matter out of court with a view to settlement out of court.
I have never ever been truly interested in damages and compensation, just what is lawfully mine, and in this regard the £55,000 severance payment due to me by the University of Greenwich for what I consider grossly unfair disciplinary procedures causing me defamation stands out, together with the issue of the return of our IT property taken away by Kent Police on 24 November 2021 for forensic examination. I do understand that the Police have a job to do, but I have protested my innocence emphatically unless Kent Police can produce to me new evidence that I do not currently have access to.
If I do not receive a reply from Kent Police before 10.00 am tomorrow 16 May 2022, I will await your decision as to whether Kent Police is going to issue an Acknowledgement of Service with will extend the period of time for your provide your reply in defence to the Court, or whether the Chief Constable will directly submit Kent Police's final reply before 30 May 2022 that is required by the Notice of Issue.
If no response whatsoever is received by me by 30 May 2022 to this email, I will apply for Judgment on 1 June 2022, In case of this eventuality, I am hereby requesting Medway County Court to inform me of the further Court Fee I would have to pay for Judgment to be entered.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
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Document_2022-05-13_152026.pdf 5.9MB
n1-eng KentPolice UpdateMay2022.pdf 200.6kB: