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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

Running Commentary 11.55 am (UK-Time) 16 May 2022 Medical Status Update

I contacted Turning Point on Friday evening and the call was returned. I was told that the lady who I spoke to will telephone me on Monday and arrange for a counselling session at their Chatham premises to help me give up cigarettes and alchohol.

I also contacted Megan as set out also in the Britton House letter following the 4 May 2022 appointment, as follows:

Referral from Community Mental Health Team, Britton House, Gillingham




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Sat, 14 May at 09:45



Your Voice in Mental Health

Address: Under:1 roof, 5A New Road Avenue


Kent, ME4 6BB

Tel: 01634 402077

Mobile: 07891 573474/ 07583 249887



Dear Megan

I have been a mental patient for 20 odd years and most recently have been cared for under secondary Care by nurses and psychiatrists at Britton House.

My most recent appointment was on 4 May 2022 and its outcome is as attached: FrMichaelQuarm(CMHTBrittonHouse)9May2022received13May2022.docx; FrMichaelQuarm(CMHT_MDT_9May2022received13May2022.docx.

I am following through with Britton House's recommendations and have contacted Turning Point who will telephone me on Monday for help and support to try and give up smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.

I am still trying hard to rehabilitate myself in employment and have a job interview sith Sainsburys on 20 May 2022 at 09.45 am in Sevenoaks Kent. I have also applied for a job with BP at Holborough, Snodland Kent and I am waiting to hear from the company.

Please enrol me into your counselling and therapy sessions as you consider would benefit my mental health most. I have been sectioned twice into mental hospital (2004 and 2008) but have managed to stay in the Community with the support of my wife as Carer and our daughter who is good to me.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619


FrMicahelQuarm(CMHTBrittonHouse)9May2022received13May2022.docx 22.7kB

FrMicahelQuarm(CMHT_MDT _9May2022received13May2022.docx 16.8kB:

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