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Running Commentary on Legalities (J00ME572) 08.36 am (UK-Time) 26 May 2022

Updated: Jun 24, 2022

Your Ref: CO/00529/222




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Enquiries Medway County Court, Orla Scanlan,, PSD Complaints Kent, Contactcentre

Thu, 26 May at 08:15

Dear Sirs

I am not sure how this correspondence impacts upon Claim J00ME372 but I thought it best to bring it immediately to your attention, I am not clear on who is representing Kent Police/Chief Constable of Kent Police this morning as I continue to receive mixed messages. On the face of it PSD Kent Police to revive an old complaint after it kept silent for some number of months seems to be based on an assumption that the Injunction that I am seeking has failed to materialise. It could also be a delaying tactics employed by Kent Police to kick the Inunction Claim into the long grass. If so, what about the Money Claim Form itself, when will this be heard in Court?

I hope to receive some clarification today from the Court.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

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----- Forwarded message -----

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

To: <>

Cc: <>

Sent: Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 21:38:29 BST

Subject: Your Ref: CO/00529/22


Operational Complaints Manager

Professional Standards Department

Kent Police

Thank you for your email today Wed, 25 May at 12:07 pm with its attachment Panigrahi -Start of Process letter.pdf

Unfortunately, it was lodged in my Spam folder and I did not see it until around 6.45 pm. I then telephoned 101 for Kent Police and spoke to Ben in the Control Room explaining the letter and that I agreed with what is proposed except for greater clarity on what needs to be investigated. The error in the letter is that I was given a Duty Solicitor named Hyda on 16 September 2021 at tje Police Station who advised me of my rights and said to me that she would accompany me to the Court if it got the matter got that far, that is if I was prosecuted by the Crown Prosecution Service. After I left the Police Station Hyda never once contacted me and I was told that she could not be contacted through the Control Room facilities of Kent Police. Further she did not attend the second arrest custody meeting on 24 November 2021 when PC Nichols knew only too well that she was my Duty Solicitor to advise me and accompany me to the Court to defend myself of the allegation of Harassment and/or Stalking. The specific events of 24 November were sent to PC Nichols for comments and correction as attached Events of 24 November 2021.docx, but PC Nichols never replied to what I had recalled of the day in North Kent Police Station. Please contact Hyda immediately and request her to get in touch with me.

Further PC Nichols knew that I am a mental patient diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and persistent delusional disorders as he mentionid it to the Duty Sargent at North Kent Police Station and I believe I had sent Kent Police proof of this as attached: MedCertDrMwanche29Nov2021b.pdf. Any reasonable person should have consulted my GP before arresting me as my wife had told PCNichols on 15 September 2021 that I was a mental patient so do not know what I am doing and how it affects the recipients of my emails. But my DEFENCE DOCUMENT of 15 September 2021 makes it clear that I never ever sent out malicious emails to Katrina Sale so when I wrote to her as attached ToKatrinaSale(Conservatives)2Dec2021, that is soon after my arrest. PCNicholls indicated that |I had done womething wrong. Please clarify how I was wrong on this. Please note that my mental health disorder has been reviewed recently as unchanged: FrMichaelQuarm(CMHTBrittonHouse)8May2022received13May2022,docx

Ben in the Control Room said to me that DS 11285 Seamark was unavailable and that he would send him an email that I had telephoned so I expect to receive a call from him tomorrow.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel 07967789619

Download all attachments as a zip file

Panigrahi - Start of Process Letter PSD Kent Police.pdf 445.2kB

Events of 24 November 2021.docx 16kB

MedCertDrMawanche29Nov2021b.pdf 1.4MB

ToKatrinaSale(Conservatives)2Dec2021.docx 14kB

FrMicahelQuarm(CMHTBrittonHouse)9May2022received13May2022.docx 22.7kB:

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