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Samaritans stike again to manipulate developments

Re: [filtered] Fw: Distressed and suicidal





Thu, 13 Oct at 18:41

Dear Shantanu

I'm sorry to hear that you remain frustrated with your situation.

As previously mentioned, Samaritans is here to support you with your emotional needs and cannot comment on medical treatments or diagnosis.

Hopefully following your appointment on 24th October this may give you some comfort and answer some of your concerns



You can call Samaritans free on 116 123 day or night, 365 days a year, from any phone in the UK or Republic of Ireland. A trained volunteer will answer the phone as soon as they can.

When you email us, we aim to respond within 24 hours. This means it will usually be several hours before someone reads your email. If you need urgent support, we can respond more quickly if you call.

You can find more information about Samaritans, including other ways to contact, online self-help and more about the email service at Our privacy statement is here:

Samaritans registered Charity Number 219432 (England & Wales) and SC040604 in Scotland.


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