Severance payment owing of £55,000
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Wed, 27 Jul at 07:31
The University of Greenwich
at Natural Resources Institute
Dear Sir/Madam
I worked at the Natural Resources Institute for 18 years mostly as a Civil Servant until the Institute was taken over under privatisation by the University of Greenwich.
I was subjected to a Disciplinary Hearing to consider the charge of being blameworthy of gross misconduct in the workplace but due to the fact that the University would not wait for my medical records that the Psychiatrist was formulating, I was summarily dismissed from service. The latest medical report is attached 23 years since that event: ToMEGANCIC(Referralfrom Community Mental Health Team)14 May 2022.docx; MedCertDrMwanche29Nov.9df; FrMicahelQuarm(CMHT_MDT_9May2022received13May2022.docx; FrMiachelQuarm(CMHTBrittonHouse)9May2022received13May2022.docx.
I was diverted to your email address by Dr Andrew Westby who is away on leave.
For years I had asked to be considered to be placed on Medical Retirement, but not only did I not receive my severance payments of medical retirement income from the University of Greenwich, all legal avenues have amounted to no progress in the resolution of the matter.
I would be grateful if the University of Greenwich through the Natural Resources Insitute review the application for Medical Retirement and consider payments to me to be backdated to 20 October 1998 when I was dismissed from service.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
ToMEGANCIC(Referral from Community Mental Health Team)14May2022.docx 13.5kB
MedCertDrMawanche29Nov2021b.pdf 1.4MB
FrMicahelQuarm(CMHT_MDT _9May2022received13May2022 .docx 16.8kB
FrMicahelQuarm(CMHTBrittonHouse)9May2022received13May2022 .docx 22.7kB: