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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

Teaching a lesson in manners to my NHS oppressors




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Force Control Kent Police, Enquiries Kent Police





Tue, 13 Sept at 17:25

Dear Sirs

This criminal anonymous email that I received this late afternoon states that the Injunction served on the Chief Constable of Kent Police is still in a draft form at presumably Medway County Court under Claim J00ME572 and indicates that The Prime Minister Elizabeth Truss has overruled the diagnosis of Dr Nyeko Consultant Psychiatrist at Britton House on 2 September 2022 that in his opinion I suffer from bipolar disorder with delusions and not with paranoid schizophrenia. This has clearly had the seal of approval of Mr Michael Kingham Forensic Consultant Psychiatrist at Maudsley Hospital. Dr Sudhir Patel had also diagnosed me several years ago as being schizophrenic, although hospital doctors prior to that indicated persistent delusional disorder erroneously.

Thus, Kent Police has not succeeded in its terroristic activities to boot me out of the United Kingdom by making me stateless or put me in prison on concocted allegations that I had sent out malicious emails to Katrina Sale, BP and staff of BLM all of which are now adequately documented; In view of this I had followed the instructions of East Kent Magistrates Court for information on the arrest of Mr Alan Pughesley but he did not reply to the attached demand for the Case Reference Number for the arrest warrant of the Chief Constable of Kent Police that I need to consult a legal advisor who would represent me in the private prosecution for the decade long Hate Crime perpetrated on me RE: Auto-Reply from East Kent Magistrates Court (

Under the circumstances, it would be appropriate for me to have an appointment with the Consultant Psychiatrist in Britton House again to be examined again face to face while Kent Police attend to the need of the hour to make the initial goodwill payment to me of £250,000 of the £3.5 million applied for under Money Claim J00ME572, as set out in the below email. As I clearly stated in the attached email [ToDMTR(LauraMoney)13Sep2022.docx] $1200 from the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation for its part in the terrorism mounted on me is derisory and the full $US 12.5 million must be paid into the said Bank Account.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

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----- Forwarded message -----

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>

Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2022 at 16:05:54 BST

Subject: Teaching a lesson in manners to my NHS oppressors

Original to Ms Kerri Scutts, Mr (pronoun) Heidi Turl, Mamba witch-doctor Chris Nyeko of Kent NHS MHS

re Patient Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

NHS No. 6284771487 NHS Hospital No. R570808AD

National Insurance No. YZ330724D UK Passport No. 522465108 and I defy you to cancel it

National Fraud & Cyber Crime Reporting Centre reference NFRC220905392354

Dear Tormentors and Oppressors

Your purported team discussion on September 2 in my absence has no authority. Now the evil queen is no more, your conclusions are overridden because you have a new master and a new intermediary Elizabeth Truss.

You are hereby required under penalty of gaand mein danda to reinstate, as already demanded, my official clinical diagnosis of acute paranoid schizophrenia immediately. A moron African witch-doctor cannot overturn the findings of the Grandfather of SLAMM, the forensic scientist Consultant Dr

Mr Sir Michael Kingham of Maudsley.

Should you fail to do so and notify me of the same within 48 hours of receipt of this email, you will quickly understand why I used to work for Medway Electoral Services to obtain access to both the open and secret electoral rolls. If you wish to find out the consequences of my agents or myself visiting your private home addresses, which I already published in my blog, so be it. I may take you into my custody for interrogation. How much wood is used in the construction of your building?

My overriding authority has been confirmed to me in writing by Miss Lois Derham of KMPT Mental Health Legal Team but more importantly by the draft Injunction against organs of the oppressive British State issued to me by the County Court with the approval of the International Criminal Court and the Supreme Court of India.

I have decided to discard my useless GP, due to the incompetence of your fellow witch-doctor Mawanche who wanted to sacrifice a bull or cow to make me well, and the lackadaisical approach of Anjana Shah which makes even the corrupt Dr Sudhir Sudhindra Patel appear competent by a comparison. The Shah Practice is now under investigation for debit card fraud by Robert S.

Mueller III of the Federated Bureau of Investigations and the undisclosed

rebrand of Benenden Health as Westfield Health. So you are not to notify Shah Practice anything under penalty of breach of The G.D.P.R.

Is that all understood?

As an initial compensation, transfer to my account

Bank: Santander

Account No.: 11199612

Sort Code: 09-01-27

Name: S.Panigrahi

the amount of £ 250,000 as a sign of goodwill, without a prejudice to the

larger amounts owed to me.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619


ToDMTR)LauraMoney)13Sep2022.docx 114.8kB:


Automatic reply: Teaching a lesson in manners to my NHS oppressors2






Shantanu Panigrahi

Tue, 13 Sept at 17:27

I have now retired and so please resend your email to and a member of the team will respond. Kind regards, Lois Derham


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