Telephone call from WcField of Kent Police at 12.50 pm today
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Force Control Kent Police
Tue, 2 May at 17:00
Kent Police
At 12.50 pm today my Mobile Phone rang and it was WCField from Kent Police. She said that Kent Police has received a further two malicious communications from my email account sent to Katrina Sale of the Conservatives that she has been investigating for the past year or longer. I said to her that I did not send these emails either and that as before they were sent by trolls in Cyber Warfare. She asked me if I was willing to come voluntarily for an interview at the Police Station. At first I said Yes, and she then asked me 'what about Friday?' I said to her that on Friday I have to take my daughter somewhere. She asked if I need a Solicitor. I said No to that. She then asked What about Tuesday next week. At this point I said that I had been arrested five times since 15 September 2021 with as many interviews so this time Kent Police would have to come to the house and arrest me as I am on Bail and have to appear in Medway Police Station on 18 June 2023.She then said that she would speak to the Officer in charge and give me a ring. The call ended as I agreed to this.
She has not telephoned me back.
I have yet to receive anything in writing from Olives Solicitors to the attached correspondence: FrOlivesSolicitors19April2023; ToOlivesSolicitors(Criminal Law Matter)1May2023, so you may enquire from them as to whether they are acting for me for the Bail conditions and appearance on 18 June 2023, 5.00 pm; following the lack of a reply from the Legal Ombudsman and the Solicitors Regulation Authority to the attached complaint: ToLegalOmbudsmanSolicitorsRegulationAuthority(COMPLAINT AGAINST OLIVES SOLICITORS)1May2023.
As to whether the correspondence with the Moldova State Security and the Moldovan Government matters, if their rogue elements did wage Cyber Warfare on me over the past 67 months as seems likely from the lack of reply from their Embassy in London and Tuckers Solicitors as attached ToEmbassyofMoldovaccTuckersSolicitors(Info)2May2023.docx, then the Government of Moldova should pay the £7 million in compensation to me not the UK-Treasury unless they are correct with their insinuations that the Courts and Police were fully aware of the Cyber Warfare against me that I have been victimised and persecuted with over this time.
I am available to visit Medway Police Station to discuss these matters with WC Field next Tuesday after she has consulted PC Corbishley.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
FrOlives Solicitorsletter19April2023.docx 24.5kB
ToOlivesSolicitors(Criminal Law Matter)1May2023.docx 13.9kB
ToEmbassyofMoldovaccTuckersSolicitors(Info)2May2023.docx 16.1kB
ToLegalOmbudsmanSolicitorsRegulationAuthority)COMPLAINT AGAINST OLIVES SOLICITORS1May2023.docx 13.4kB:
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Contactcentre Solicitors Regulation Authority, Enquiries Legal Ombudsman
Mon, 1 May at 09:21
The Legal Ombudsman
Solicitors Regulation Authority
Dear Sirs
I received the attached letter on the 21st of April out of the blue from Olives Solicitors because I had never instructed them to act on my behalf but since Solicitors are difficult for me to obtain, I cooperated with 6-7 emails sent to Ravina without a response, even though I complied fully with the requirements by updating the Firm.
It was highly suspicious for me that the 19 April 2023 letter from Olives Solicitors would be sent to me after three weeks of my arrest of 28 March 2023, and reaching me a day after I was re-arrested by Kent Police on 20 April 2023 on further assessment of malicious communications and blogs that I had published, so that Phillippa Beswick did not attend the interview in the custody on this arrest to supervise the proceedings. Another Duty Solicitor was engaged by Kent Police. I asked Kent Police to give me the name and contact details of the latest Duty Solicitor who would be familiar with the background to the Case so that duplication is avoided, but Kent Police did not respond.
It is quite apparent to me that Olives Solicitors were harnessed by Kent Police to pervert the course of justice in this matter, and so I wish to complain to the Legal Ombudsman and or the Solicitors Regulation Authority given that I had fired Olives Solicitors a few days ago that it did not reply to so to probe them further this morning I requested the Firm for an update by email
This is just to register the fact that I have now formally dismissed Olives Solicitors from having anything to do with my Case pending your deliberations on the criminality that it has been engaged in with me as a Hate Crime in complicity with Kent Police.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
FrOlives Solicitorsletter19April2023.docx 23.7kB