The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited deposits
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 10 Mar 2023, 07:36
subject: Fwd: The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited deposits
Circuit Judge
Central London County Court
Your Honour
With respect to the adjournment of Claim E35YM660 at the Central London County Court I am not making any progress in the proceedings at the medical and legal level, as this correspondence shows: ToAllen&JillJesson(The 77 Vitali-Chi Secrets)9 March 2023.docx; MEMOIRS OF
What seems to be happening is that people and institutions are setting up traps for me to fall into so that they can issue proceedings to disrupt the work of the Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited, which is a philanthropic mission of mine that I have worked hard on for the past 25 years.
Please let me know if the proceedings adjourned will lead to a Hearing in the Court of Central London County Court.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 at 14:41
Subject: The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited deposits
To: Legal-Deposit-Books <>
Cc: Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries <>
Dear Sir
My 104 eBooks are now finalised ready for uploading on to your website, but when I logged in I got the following message:
Sorry, this site hasn't been shared with you.
Please rectify this issue.
This also applies to the Scottish libraries who contacted me last week so I am copying them this email for advice.
Thank you
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
Director, The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
• Scanned by Gmail
ToAllen&JillJesson(The 77 Vitali-Chi Secrets)9 March 2023.docx
MEMOIRS OF (as above)
​ - The 77 Vitali-Chi Secrets - The Telling Secret2
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Vitali-Chi Ltd.
Thu, 9 Mar at 06:01
Hello Allen
Thank you for sharing this important tip that helps socialistic interactions as well as being good for individuals, their friends and the service providers. I will recommend Jill Jesson to anyone needing psychotherapy in a holistic manner, for it is a very important service in our modern times. It is good to have friends like I have you and her to cope with living in a highly sophisticated State-run Establishment that has its own ways of running the country.
There is only a limited amount that an individual can do to try and accommodate within the State, one needs advice and encouragement as for example knowing what to do next - please refer to the attached:
In connection with this, I have been let down by Britton House yet again in that it has not responded to my need for psychiatric review of my mental health, the only thing I have been verbally told is that there is to be an appointment for me to see a Consultant Psychiatrist on 26 May 2023 at 10.00 am but no word yet on the Complaint that I registered. Britton House may send me a letter confirming this appointment nearer the time.
I would like to have another Session of psychotherapeutic consultation with Jell Jesson in light of what I face in terms of the continued injustices to reorder my attitude towards those who have terrorised, persecuted, victimised, defamed, and defrauded me as well as humiliated me on behalf of the State of the United Kingdom. Is this possible in the circumstances, if so I will go to Jill Jessons website and do the necessary booking for the appointment, now that she has all the details.
I look forward to your reply as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
Hide original message
On Wednesday, 8 March 2023 at 23:46:41 GMT, Vitali-Chi Ltd. <> wrote:
Welcome again to the 77 Secrets. Here's today's secret:
***Tell A Friend***
It is estimated that if you experience poor service, in a restaurant for example, then you will tell, on average, around 12 other people. It is also estimated that if you receive good or excellent service, you will tell on average only 3 people. Yes, the bad news is that bad news travels faster and further than good news. That's why you need an incentive in place to encourage 'positive word spreading' about your product, function or service.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to have a "£5 off for your friend and £5 for you" sort of offer, where you encourage your satisfied customers to tell their friends about you. What's in it for them?
£5 for every new customer they introduce. What's in it for their friends? £5 off your normal prices.
The introducer also scores some 'friendship points', assuming that their friend has a happy experience. By the way, the £5 is obviously an arbitrary figure and will vary from business to business. It needs to be enough to entice action. You also need to make it as easy as possible for the 'word spreader' and this would probably include some sort of printed voucher. If you're online you can get pretty sophisticated and if you need more on that, please let me know.
Of course, you can also just ask people to spread the word, without an incentive. This also works
(that's why there's another plea for help in your inbox), but in my experience, not as well as when there is a carrot involved. For example, the reason Hotmail really spread was the offer of a free e-mail account.
Finally, one of the most powerful ways you can encourage people (not just customers) to spread the word is to start an affiliate scheme. Simply put, you offer a percentage of the sale price to the 'introducer'. Online I have known this to be as high as 75% for information products and even as high as 100% (where the 'seller' is trying to build a list of 'buyers'). This is how Amazon really got started.
They offered and still offer a percentage to their affiliates. This starts at 4% for books and can be as
high as 15%.
You see, you need an incentive to spread the positive word.
Do your customers have one?
I'll have more for you tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed this secret, please let me know. Just hit 'Reply' and it should find me.
All the very best,
Allen Jesson
Energy For Life
ps: Please check out workshops
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