Warning to potential employers re Mr Shantanu Panigrahi
Dr Sivaji Panesar <panesar@gmail.com>
erteam1@bp.com, hrssorg@asda.co.uk, hradv.eradmin@sainsburys.co.uk, resourcingteam@tesco.com, shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com
Mon, 3 Oct at 05:03
Dear Companies,
You are here put on notice that a repeat job applicant to your company, Mr. Shantanu Panigrahi, whose details appear below, has been under investigation by various law enforcement and justice
agencies for harassment, blackmail, stalking, publishing racially-exacerbated threats some including violence, lying to police, instituting malicious prosecutions, terrorism-related offences.
He is soon to be declared a vexatious litigant and is under suspicion for complex attempts to pervert the course of justice.
He will lodge innumerable complaints alleging he is the victim, all with litigation against his unfortunate employers in mind.
He has been detained twice for long periods under the Mental Health Act 1983, and a third incarceration is only a matter of time now he is erecting a billboard celebrating the painful
demise of Her Majesty the Queen.
He will publish false accounts of how he has been treated by his employers and fellow-employees, causing embarrassment and reputational and financial loss to the employer, AND RENDERING
THE EMPLOYER LIABLE TO significant employment-related "failure to safe- guard" claims lodged by his former colleagues whom he attacked or defamed. This has happened several times.
He too will try to sue you on multiple grounds, as he has done in most of his previous employments.
You would be well-advised to direct your H.R. team to conduct a thorough search-engine driven assessment of this candidate, and then retain that record on file. You should already have this,
with auto-rejection of all his applications; better safe than sorry, though. All that we stated above will be easily verified.
I was a professional colleague of his 24 years ago when his conduct was absolutely unacceptable and 100% of his colleagues signed a secret memorandum demanding he be fired for gross misconduct, which then happened despite many shenanigans by him. His condition, and evildoing, since have deteriorated, crossing all acceptable bounds since then.
Name: Mr. Shantanu Panigrahi
Address: 3 Hoath Lane, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0SL
National Insurance No. YZ330724D
UK Passport No. 522465108 (naturalised April Fools Day 1984)
Emails: shanpanigrahi(at)yahoo.co.uk,
shanpanigrahi3000(at)gmail.com, shantanupanigrahi(at)aol.com,
shantanupanigrahi(at)yahoo.com, panigrahi(at)gmail.com,
shanpanigrah5000(at)outlook.com, vopa(at)mail.com,
aateurope2(at)gmail.com, catlovers(at)hotmail.co.uk, etc.
Phone Nos.: 07967 789619, 07854 984538, 01634 379604, 07720
094986, 07868 810556, 07517 147427
Dates of Birth: January 15 and August 8 1957, used interchangeably
by him in his attempts to commit benefits fraud and court fee
Thank your for taking this seriously. I must remain anonymous because he is vindictive, litigation-happy and has a wide-ranging knowledge of biological poisons.
Warning to potential employers re Mr Shantanu Panigrahi
Dr Sivaji Panesar <panesar@gmail.com>
erteam1@bp.com, hrssorg@asda.co.uk, hradv.eradmin@sainsburys.co.uk, resourcingteam@tesco.com, shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com
Mon, 3 Oct at 09:45
Dear Companies,
You are here put on notice that a repeat job applicant to your company, Mr. Shantanu Panigrahi, whose details appear below, has been under investigation by various law enforcement and justice
agencies for harassment, blackmail, stalking, publishing racially-exacerbated threats some including violence, lying to police, instituting malicious prosecutions, terrorism-related offences. He is soon to be declared a vexatious litigant and is under suspicion for complex attempts to pervert the course of justice.
He will lodge innumerable complaints alleging he is the victim, all with litigation against his unfortunate employers in mind.
He has been detained twice for long periods under the Mental Health Act 1983, and a third incarceration is only a matter of time now he is erecting a billboard celebrating the painful
demise of Her Majesty the Queen.
He sued four Prime Ministers and numerous government agencies and departments attempting to extort up to £ 50 million from them. All his "proceedings" have been dismissed with prejudice
by various Courts, but he perseveres in the hope that he may get lucky.
He will publish false accounts of how he has been treated by his employers and fellow-employees, causing embarrassment and reputational and financial loss to the employer, AND RENDERING
THE EMPLOYER LIABLE TO significant employment-related "failure to safe- guard" claims lodged by his former colleagues whom he attacked or defamed. This has happened several times.
He too will try to sue you on multiple grounds, as he has done in most of his previous employments.
You would be well-advised to direct your H.R. team to conduct a thorough search-engine driven assessment of this candidate, and then retain that record on file. You should already have this,
with auto-rejection of all his applications; better safe than sorry, though. All that we stated above will be easily verified.
I was a professional colleague of his 24 years ago when his conduct was absolutely unacceptable and 100% of his colleagues signed a secret memorandum demanding he be fired for gross misconduct, which then happened despite many shenanigans by him.
His condition, and evildoing, since have deteriorated, crossing all acceptable bounds since then.
Name: Mr. Shantanu Panigrahi
Address: 3 Hoath Lane, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0SL
National Insurance No. YZ330724D
UK Passport No. 522465108 (naturalised April Fools Day 1984)
Emails: shanpanigrahi(at)yahoo.co.uk,
shanpanigrahi3000(at)gmail.com, shantanupanigrahi(at)aol.com,
shantanupanigrahi(at)yahoo.com, panigrahi(at)gmail.com,
shanpanigrah5000(at)outlook.com, vopa(at)mail.com,
aateurope2(at)gmail.com, catlovers(at)hotmail.co.uk, etc.
Phone Nos.: 07967 789619, 07854 984538, 01634 379604, 07720
094986, 07868 810556, 07517 147427
Dates of Birth: January 15 and August 8 1957, used interchangeably by him in his attempts to commit benefits fraud and court fee evasion
Thank your for taking this seriously. I must remain anonymous because he is vindictive, litigation-happy and has a wide-ranging knowledge of biological poisons.
He is copied into this email so he can provide his absurd and untruthful justifications and explanations for his dastardly deeds.
AT 9.57 am the Mobile phone rang, which I did not take out of the pocket as I was having breakfast, but later saw that it was Kent Police from 01622 690690 that the call came from. There seemed to be a Voicemail message left, but when I dialled the 22204 number to listen to what was left, the line was dead. I dialled 4 times in all then gave up.