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Dear Shantanu Panigrahi,
Your Information Request 00002238
Thank you for your information requests of 10 May 2024 in which you have asked for information held by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO). As your request relates to information held on your complaint case file it has been processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA).
‘Please supply me with the information on all of my emailed interactions with the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman during the past 10 years.’
Please find attached information relevant to your request taken from your complaint case files C-2114484, C-2125039, C-2093076 and C-2087329.
Please note we do not hold a copy of the email logs on your complaint case files that go back 10 years. This is because information that is more than two years old, it is no longer held by PHSO and has been destroyed in line with our retention schedule.
For more information about how we handle your information please see our privacy policy:
We hope you have found this letter helpful. If you believe we have made an error in the way we have processed your information request, you have the option to complain directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Details of how to do this can be found on their website
Should you have any further enquiries about your information rights request, please reply to this message or contact the Information Rights Team at
Information Access & Assurance Team
Office of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
47-51 Mosley Street
M2 3HQ
Attachments in pdf stored in 1Jun2024 File USBMemoryDisk