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Your job interview's been cancelled

Your job interview's been cancelled2




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Sainsburys Recruitment,

Mon, 5 Dec at 07:43

Dear Sainsburys

Thank you for your reaction to my email to you yesterday Sun, 4 Dec at 10:06 am as set out below and as attached: FrSainsburys(AboutyouraccplicationRejected)

I have obviously not convinced you of my well meaning intentions to resolve all outstanding issues to the satisfaction of all concerned, and whilst I am disappointed that you will not entertain any further job applications from me (please confirm) I accept your decision, simply because I will not be provoked into overreacting now that I have found the ideal way of truth-accommodation.

Back in my forties when I was raw young man with a bright materialistic outlook on life raring to go and further my career in the scientific world, but which was cut short by the University of Greenwich in my prime with a reputation wrongly found to be blameworthy of gross misconduct in the workplace from my perspective as a Hindu, but not a Hindu nationalist who do not know the meaning of what being a Hindu really means (it is more than putting deepa in front of the steps of Downing Street as the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak should be made aware of), I fought for a decency and to restore my defamed constitution for 25 long years to no avail. I asked for the former Monarch Queen Elizabeth II to be dethroned as a evil wicked green witch responsible for the damages done to me in this country but all through that what kept me going was to be loyal to the State of the United Kingdom who had fed me and my family for almost 50 years and had given me the very best of British education that I will always remain eternally grateful for as this is what has made me a human being today at the age of nearly 66 years.

You should continue with your present course as I am not minded to change anyone to my way of thinking and I will not be destitute in this country that I love warts and all, for I always celebrate English language, English culture of personal decency and celebrate United Kingdom and its constituent countries in the sporting arena as when last night England beat Senegal 3-0 to reach the quarter finals of the Qatar World Cup in football.

As to my personal future, I await the decision of the State authorities until 10 am today that the Medway County Court or the Central London County Court or the Attorney General have to issue verdict on whether I deserve £5 million in damages and compensation from the UK Treasury for the 25 years of victimisation, persecution, terrorism, and defrauding me of financial rights, and if no such verdict comes, I will plod along in this country and no other awaiting my State pension from August 2023 to add to my occupational pension to eke out a living.

I hope that this is acceptable to you.

Thank you for your patience in this matter.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

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On Sunday, 4 December 2022 at 20:58:04 GMT, Sainsburys Recruitment <> wrote:

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Your interview has been cancelled

Hi Shantanu,

We wanted to let you know that your interview for our Trading Assistant role has been cancelled.

Date and Time: 11.12.2022 21:00 Europe/London

Interview Type: In Person

Interviewer: Deb Keeling-Haynes, Kev Smith, Teresa Allchin

If you'd like to discuss this with us, please contact the location you have applied to or your recruiter.

All the best,

Sainsbury's Recruitment Team


FrSainsburys(About your applicationRejected)5Dec2022.docx 210.9kB:

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