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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

Your Road Traffic Matter

Your Road Traffic Matter3




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Tue, 3 Jan at 18:16

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From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

To: Stephanie Steele <>

Sent: Tuesday, 3 January 2023 at 18:13:37 GMT

Subject: Re: Your Road Traffic Matter

Hello Stephanie

1. Today, my mobile Phone rang from Stephanie at Patterson Law. I was outside the house so could not answer, but read the Voicemeail and returned the Call. I got put through to Karen who confirmed that I had sent her emails and that she was a Legal Assistant with Dominic being the lawyer. I separated out the Claim E35YM660 at the Central London County Court which had a dubious Hearing date of 20 January 2023 with an uncertain agenda and a wrong date of Application and when this was pointed out the Judiciary at the Court it did not reply correcting the anomaly. So I terminated the proceedings from the Claimants point of view with the matter settled with the defendants. This was pointed out to the Court citing evidence that I had received my Certificate of Membership of the Conservative Party and was today able to submit my New Ideas in the Conservative Party Forum (as attached) I told Karen that that civil matter was different to the matter of Speeding with Kent Police and related to events of many years ago. I will have nothing to do with the County Court of Central Loindon from this point onwards.

2. Then Karen asked the details of the Speeding matter, asking first what speed was I going at. I said 60 mph in a 50 mph dual carriageway, adding that I immediately opted for the Speed Awareness Course and booked it in accordance with procedures for 11 January 2023, paying £92 Course Fee. But when I wanted to delay the date of the Course still within the period that the liability was discharged (March 2023), the Course providers cancelled the booking and suddenly Kent Police sent me a Conditional Fixed Penalty Notice document. I could not login to the Kent Drivers Education website to find out why but wrote to Kent Police that I did not wish to agree to ‘this’ Conditional Fixed Penalty while there was still time for me to take the Speed Awareness Course. Kent Police then wrote that the File for the Speeding Offence had been sent to the Single Point of Justice Procedure. Lucy at Kent Police clarified that it was entirely my choice as to which option I took. Karen asked me if I had taken a Speed Awareness Course in the last three years. I told her No I had not and this was clearly spelt out from the first Notice of Intended Prosecution document that I sent back. Since than (4-5 weeks ago) I had repeatedly asked Kent Police on what had been decided on whether I should do the Speed Awareness Course or pay the Fine. Since the £92 pounds that Kent Driver Education was not refunded to me as they had written I offered to pay an additional £8 to make it up to £100 Fine but without 3 points on my licence. When there was no response to this I offered to have the 3 points on my licence as well.

3. Karen said that I could write to the Course providers and ask if they will let me do the Speed Awareness Course. I told her that No I wanted to wait for Kent Police or the relevant Court to make the next move otherwise it would show weakness in my case in front of a Judge. I told Karen that Kent Police had been engaged in a Hate Crime against me and I wished to use the evidence as mitigating circumstances on why the liability has still not been discharged. I asked Karen whether she thought that I should write once again to the Course organisers. She replied that she was not a legal expert and could not advise: it was entirely up to me. She said that she will let Dominic know. I asked her if she understood what I had said. She confirmed Yes. She said wait for two weeks and then contact Patterson Law or Patterson Law will once again contact me to find out what the situation was. I said OK, I will be in touch once I know what Kent Police has done. The Call ended.

4. I then sent the attached email to Kent Driver Education copied to Driver Diversion Kent Police to which the day went by and no reply was received by me.

5. If I hear anything or if Patterson Law hears anything about the 20 January 2023 Hearing or the Speeding Offence, please let me know.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

On Tuesday, 3 January 2023 at 11:11:24 GMT, Stephanie Steele <> wrote:

Dear Shantanu,

Apologies that I missed you when I called a moment ago.

Further to our advice in respect of your road traffic matter, could you please contact me on the telephone number provided below.

If you have any queries and would however prefer to email me, then please do and I shall respond in due course.

Kind Regards

Stephanie Steele

Assistant to Dominic Smith & Hannah Penny

Patterson Law

01626 359800

PL_Motor AW

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Download all attachments as a zip file

ConservativesMembershipCertificate.pdf 1.4MB

Conservative Policy Forum New Ideas (Environment).docx 13.8kB

ToKentDriverEducationccDriverDiversionKentPolice(My speed Awareness Course of 11 January 2023)3Jan2023 .docx 16.7kB:

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