Update on the progress of the Conservative Libertarian Society
It would be nearly a year this November that the Conservative Libertarian Society was formed by yours truly having examined the serious consequences of human activities on this planet that had its aetiology in Religious and Capitalist modes through which different States operate in the 21 Century. We have had the coronavirus pandemic to mess things up, and scientists have been at work grappling with the causes and cures for Covid-19 disease that have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people across the world. Vaccines have been developed and this has halted the severe consequences of infection from the virus but there are huge challenges ahead. There is also the matter of the economy of different countries and whilst the Conservative Libertarian Society is monitoring how different countries are negotiating the challenges brought on by the virus, with travel restrictions being the main factor retarding global progress, we are certain that the virus has to be tolerated and natural immunity allowed to take place which means less reliance on vaccines which have side-effects and cannot be considered a long-term solution. Whilst there remain concerns on the maintenance of hospital services for those afflicted by the virus, it is in no-one's interest to spend vast amounts of money and manpower resources in waging a war against the coronavirus. Herd immunity is the only way that a reasonable residual world population of human beings will remain and beat the danger from the virus. Fortunately, most countries are slowly opening up their economies within their States although the reliance on imported food and other essentials puts a halt to the rampant globalisation that was the hallmark of the previous 25 years before the pandemic took hold.
The Conservative Libertarian Party remains committed to channel its efforts in evaluating the pandemic and form a consensus with the different countries of the world on the way forward. During the past year we have formed the basis of our philosophy which has been published under the Hindu conception of Reality that we need to contend with and this is known as Vishista-advaita Vedanta. Under the formula we truth-accommodate to the Reality that God exists and can be a Personal God for individuals who seek His guidance as a Sadhguru in Hindu parlance, but at the end of the day we as a Society know that He has no advice for us human beings on how we should regulate our world in economic and cultural dimensions. It is left for us alone to work it all out for ourselves, and today we renew our vigour to play a leading role in bringing the world together as a global unit under the philosophical basis of our existence as a Global Foundation that will eradicate religious convictions that use the fear of God to dominate societies and peoples where in fact no one need fear God from my personal interactions with the Almighty. Philosophy has to be sound that the soundness of the philosophy of Vishista-advaita has been proven in that it counters all the evils of the world in our operation at the centre of the sphere of reality that rolls on with time. The pinpointed centre balances all aspects of life and harmonises the environment in pin-point accuracy for the rajasic elevation of the mind to the atman and thence to the mahatman state acquires awareness beyond compare and from that the sanatan dharma implicit in the actions we undertake gives us a holistic view of living our lives.
There were two Parties that I as the Founder of the Society estabished, namely, The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom (https://theconservativelibertarianpartyoftheunitedkingdom.com) and The Conservative Libertarian Party of the USA (https://the-conservative-libertarian-party-of-usa.odoo.com/ ) and while we as a Society have had some fleeting expressions of interest in what we are all about and what we wish to achieve, the political parties have not yet gained any membership or significant numbers of subscribers to the websites including https://www.thelibertariandemocrats.com/ and https://knowledgeforworldconservation.com. Perhaps visitors find the views expressed too outlandish and not in the mould of the old guard which is how traditionally democracies have evolved with no room for the special place that the Society champions. It may take time but I am optimistic that progress will be maintained and I for my part have come out of Samadhi (retirement from proactive karma) to take this work forward, having closed my legal and medical proceedings in the United Kingdom with the approval at 12.00 noon this morning of the Central London County Court in respect of my Claim against the Ruling government of our times, the Conservative and Unionist Party led by Mrs Theresa May and then Mr Boris Johnson. I had evidently failed to convince the Court that we had a superior way of running the country than the present democracy allows, and I was content that I had left no stones unturned in getting my views expressed to the judicial and law enforcement authorities of the United Kingdom. I am grateful to Her Majesty the Queen for overseeing these developments and thereby allowing me to develop the Party under a new banner of a constitution which will not campaign for replacement of the monarch after 15 years through a referendum if his or her Majesty is seen by the electorate as being incompetent and failed to organise the democracy in a socially-cohesive manner that is also environmentally sound.
With that said, what actions can I take now. I am discharged from the Community Mental Health Services of the State of the United Kingdom into primary care and would need to discuss my next plans with my General Practitioner at an early opportunity to see how I can spend my time productively given that the Consultant Psychiatrist supervising me was made aware of my Founding of the Conservative Libertarian Society as a pet project that I had embarked upon a year ago.
For my followers and other viewers, it will be remiss of me not to draw your attention to my Books on the 24 years of deliberations and activities that led to the endorsement today that we need to move undeterred in developing the Society further with its publications attached to the Society, named The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited. The books may be examined and downloaded here:
Internet Archive:
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
The Conservative Libertarian Society
__________________________________________________________________________________PPosted in the Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom website https://theconservativelibertarianpartyoftheunitedkingdom.com: Posted just now
I as the General Secretary of the Party wish to invite all UK residents to check out the modified Constitution of the Party to take account of implicit reservations from legal proceedings here: https://www.theconservativelibertariansociety.com/about-1
and hope that some of you would agree with me that the country is in a dire need of change and we can provide that if we pull ourselves together and join up in a common cause. Let us be frank and openly discuss these issues.
Shantanu Panigrahi