Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Central London DJSKEL Court
Tue, 10 Jan at 19:24
For urgent transmission to Britton House, Community Mental Health Team
(1) KMPT
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to clarify a number of points before tomorrow's appointment with Jill Jesson on psychotherapeutic treatment that she has said is predicated on the Psychiatric reports on me over the years that began with 1998's diagnosis of 'Severe depression with psychotic features', then in the Mental Hospitals under sectioning of persistent delusional disorder (2004-2016) and subsequently with paranoid schizophrenia, mood swings and depression that I am still receiving treatment for with risperidone (4 mg daily) sertraline (150 mg daily) and Depakote (1000 mg daily), but having been discharged from Secondary care two years ago so no current diagnosis has been done.
In order to get myself back to Britton House for a Psychiatric assessment that was long overdue, I took the step of saying that my mental health had deteriorated to such an extent that I had suicidal tendencies. There was no other way to have the assessment done for repeated requests to the GP Surgery over those two years led to no action being taken by Britton House, but they kept putting the ball in the GP Surgery's court in order to justify the need for a fresh new psychiatric assessment.
To put the record straight and I have said this many times to the GP Surgery and anyone who would listen to me, I do not consider myself as having any kind of psychiatric disorder of the brain and never have done. It is all to do with how my mind has been working to withstand injustices since the appalling conduct of proceedings at the University of Greenwich in 1998 in dismissing me from employment to cover up the truth of how I had been subjected to workplace harassment for a year and 4 months. I was defamed by the University of Greenwich and my devotion to truth at all costs led me to get my GP Sudhir Patel to refer me to Dr Rao at BUPA who had made the initial diagnosis. I wanted to go on sick leave as a strategy to secure time to gather the evidence that I needed to bring the perpetrators of injustices as co-conspirators to be held to account.
I was then persecuted by the powers that be for daring to pursue justice in trying to shrug off the Defamation and was then promptly sectioned and put in Mental hospitals in 2004 and 2008 for yet more injustices inflicted on me and yet more Defamation. I reacted by issuing proceedings in the High Court against Kent Police (CLAIM HQ17x01773) who I had clear evidence had obstructed justice, for which more victimisation was to follow, especially when I filed a Claim against the National Health Service and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for not taking their responsibilities in authority seriously (Claim E35YM660). This led to even more intensive victimisation on me from the powers that be in that I and my associates were trolled continuously for over 5 years to disrupt my and my family's life in the United Kingdom with a view to trying to make me stateless, or having me sent to a mental hospital again, and worse of all, to subject me to criminal investigations by Kent Police for concocted malicious communications that I was allegedly responsible for having sent that would get the courts to send me to prison. This took the form of having me arrested and held in Custody for 5 hours and seizing our family's computer and phone devices (still not returned after 14 months). I took out an injunction against Kent Police (J00ME572) to stop this Hate Crime for I always followed the due process of the Law, so sane I was. Kent Police reacted with arresting me a second time on 23 November 2022 for further alleged malicious communications by me, but no evidence has been forthcoming from these two incidents. Then Kent Police perverted the Course of justice against me by not letting me discharge my liability for a Speeding Offence by attending a booked Speed Awareness Course on 11 January 2023.
I survived these 25 years of victimisation, terrorism, persecution and defrauding me of my financial rights (£55,000 still owed to me as redundancy payment by the University of Greenwich; and was unjustly fined £4170 as costs to the Defendant, the Prime Minister. I fought on to try and restore my reputation that had been systematically called into question, and there is a Court Hearing of E35YM660 on 20 January 2023, which I will not attend because it is going to be the same old victimisation concocted Hearing.
I give this background ahead of the appointment of the next two days having the sanity to have organised a psychotherapist and the Assessment Hearing at Britton House for I would like to prove what I say that I am not only the sanest person in the world today, but the sanest who has ever lived, for I understand Reality and know how to accommodate the imminent Reality, which is all that a person can concern himself with such is the transient nature of the Absolute Reality.
I attach my skeleton arguments/bundle and Judgment sought for your consideration: SKELETON ARGUMENTS AND BUNDLE FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE(E35YM660)-HEARING 20JANUARY 2023.pdf; ToCentLonCtyCrt(Application for Judgment or Order)7Jan2023.docx.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
ToCentLonCountyCourt(ApplicationforJudgmentorOrder)7Jan2023.docx 15.
___________________________________________________________________Central London DJSKEL <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Tue, 10 Jan at 19:25
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